Kei || [F] Advices

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a/n: i stopped in the middle of drawing Kageyama Tobio just to write this prompt LMAO

this is some random ajin-less au. it's like a modern au or something. idk.

i just thought it'd be super cute if kei is so confused on how to approach a girl.

btw i rearranged these chapters for personal reasons :/ enjoy.


        Kei chews on his bottom lip as he approaches his friend. No, would he even consider Nakano a friend at all? Maybe he was a sort of acquaintance or a fellow he hung around with periodically.. Whatever it was, it seemed like he was the only person he could go to at the current moment for advice. Kei pauses in his tracks.

Why was he going to Kou for advice? Was this stupid?? Kei Nagai, a very smart and tactical person, going to someone else for help.

The brown-haired boy notices Kei's presence and turns around, facing him completely. "Need something, Nagai?"

Well, it was too late to back out since Kou already noticed him. Kei sighs.

"I need your help with something, I guess."

Kou patiently waits for him to continue. Suddenly, Kei feels flustered and instantly regrets coming near Kou, as well as putting himself in this stupid situation.

"I... Like someone. Or rather, have some sort of interest."

Kou stifles a snicker behind his hand, trying not to piss Kei off. Though, it's too late as Kei shoots him a menacing glare. "Is is that chick from your class?"

The black-haired male nods his head as he rubs the back of his neck, thoughts of you started to fill his mind as Kou already knows who Kei is crushing on.

Kei thought it was odd since he never had a crush, or any sort of interest with love, towards anyone. Maybe, just maybe, you were something different to Kei himself since you were the only person who made him feel this way. Yet, you didn't know that.

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Kou offers.

Kei snorts in response. "Don't you think that's a bit odd or something? I don't want to freak her out or come off too strong. I don't really hang out with girls or hang around them."

"Hey, man," Kou begins again,"Just be yourself and if she's interested in the real you, she's a keeper. Though the real you is a bit of an ass wipe. With a hint of sass even."

Kei throws another glare at him and Kou puts his hands up in defense. "I'm being honest! Most girls might find that unattractive. You might wanna clean that act up."

Maybe he's right, Kei thinks to himself. For once...

Then again, Kou is naturally friendly. So advice from him isn't so bad at all. He easily makes everyone feel comfortable and makes them laugh even around his presence. Kei's face turns serious as he narrows his eyes at Kou, envying his ability to be so naturally friendly around all. Kou flinches and sweats nervously.

"C'mon! Oh-- Look, there she is!" he laughs nervously and shoves Kei towards you, who's passing by in the school hallway.

Kei growls under his breath that Kou had the guts to even shove his ass so harshly causing Kei to stumble in front of your path. This catches your attention as you grip onto your textbooks tightly, looking at him wildly.

You have never spoken to Kei Nagai, but seen him around plenty of times during school hours. He was a prodigy student, always studying and actively participating in class. You were nearly jealous of his smart mind.

He notices you staring at him and his cheeks quickly heat up. Sure, he's a couple feet away from you, but he never gotten this close to you enough to smell the sweet scent of vanilla radiating off of you. It was intoxicating, he'd admit, but in his mind, he even told himself that sounded a tad bit creepy.

"M-Morning, Nagai," you greeted after the short silence of staring at each other awkwardly.

Kei bows slowly and greets you back, though you're thrown off slightly when he mentions your last name. You weren't expecting someone like Kei to know your name.

Another short silence rolls after the greetings were exchanged to one another until you speak up again.

"I've been meaning to ask you, uhm.. Ask you about tutoring. If you're okay with tutoring me that is... I've asked everyone else, but they always insist you were a better choice," you shyly chew at your bottom lip. Kei notices you chewing at it, which he finds cute, but he's more concerned as to why all the students had rejected you.

Don't get him wrong, he thanked them for directing to him (the known smartest kid in this school), but you were quite the looker. You had a bubbly personality, you owned a great smile, and you were simply so adorable.

You watch as Kei nods at your question, pulling out a slip of paper and pen. He scribbles to what seemed like his number and his address on the paper then hands it to you. Kei smiles slightly at you causing you to blush heavily. Never before had you seen this student smile, ever and at all. Kei catches himself smiling and looks away, the smile wiping away from his lips yet a blush dusted his cheeks in embarrassment that he even let himself smile in front of you already.

"I'll see you later," he quickly mumbles and rushes off.

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