Chapter One

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(A/N) Heyy, this is my first chapter so I hope you enjoy it.

The first couple are in 3rd person. narrative, but the rest isn't. I am sorry about it!! I will change it once I've finished with the story.


"Harry!" Courtney yelled down the stairs. "Harrryyy!" This time it was even louder.

"What's up?" He called back up to her.

"Help me please, my laptops froze and i don't know how to fix it." Courtney asks.

"Okay, i'll be there in a second, hold on."

The tall curly haired man stood at her doorway. His shoulders broad and his legs long. His shadow filled the room. The smell of his aftershave roamed in the air. He slowly strolled into Courtney's room and sat at the foot of the bed behind her.

"Lets have a look then." His voice husky and croaky.

She turned around and handed him the laptop, looking into his deep green eyes with a sympathetic look.

"Hopefully we will be able to get that fixed." He smiled, then looked down at the laptop in his hands.

"Hurry up." Courtney huffs annoyed.

Harry just ignores her. He began to try and fix it, while Courtney sat there patiently waiting for him to fix it. "Done." He chirped at his cousin.

"Thank you. You are the best." She stood up and hugged him.

Then took the laptop off her cousin and continued to write her fan fiction on her cousins opening act of his concert. 5 Second of Summer. She had grown very fond of them ever since she went and watched Harry perform at the O2 arena.

"Harrryyyy!! Honey? I'm home." A voice calls up the stairs. "Where are you?" She calls again.

"Upstairs in Courtney's bedroom," Harry yells back down to her.

Second later a super skinny blonde haired women with bright blue eyes shows up in the doorway Harry was earlier stood in.

"You alright babe?" He asks as he gets up and kisses her lightly on the cheek.

"Yeah, thank you. Just had enough of work." She sighs.

"Why all you do is stand up and pose for a camera, how can that be so hard?" Courtney moans.

"Yes, thank you Courtney." Harry says, turning to face her, giving her a don't-be-mean-look. "Babe why don't you go have a nice relaxing bath and then you can tell me about your day at work." His attention was turned back to the woman stood in the door way.

"That sounds like a plan." Said the blonde woman and with that she strolled out of Courtney's bed room and down the hall.

"Why can't you just get along with her please? For my sake." Harry pleaded Courtney, hoping she would agree.

"Why should i? I don't like her and i never will. Anyway what does it matter soon she will be gone just like the others." Courtney protested.

"No she wont. Rachel is here to stay, i mean it this time."

"You said that last time." Courtney reminded him, turning around and continued to type on her laptop.

"Yes, you're right, but last time did i say i loved her. No i didn't and i think i love Rachel." Harry answers back with.

"Just because she has lasted a little longer than the others, doesn't mean you love her." Courtney snapped back.

"If i don't love her i wouldn't be asking her to move in with me then, would i?" Harry questions, a grin growing across his face.

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