Character Six

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Eleanor time.

Why does she want to talk to me all of a sudden? It must be something related to Louis, i cant think of any other reason, beside him.

Anyway, theres nothing to talk about me and Louis either. Is there? I am actually panicking now.

Shuffing off the sofa, i make my way to the hallway, putting my shoes on. I grab my coat from the hook in the hall as i see it is beginning to rain, and throw it over myself.

Opening the front door, i hurried off down the road towards starbuck to meet Eleanor.

Its about a five minute walk from my house, so i'm not in the rain for long. Luckily.

I make it to Starbucks just in time because the rain starts to cascade down tremendously.

I swing open the cafe doors and automatically the sweet smell of coffee diffuses towards my way.

Gazing around i notice that Eleanor had not arrived yet, i thought i was early. However when i checked my watch i discovered i was late. Maybe she has already come and gone? Not possible im only seven minutes late.

Not too bothered about the time, i went to get myself and drink and sat down at a table in the far corner.

Several minutes later, i watch Eleanor stroll into the shop. She must of got a lift here because it was raining cats and dogs out there and she was dry.

Looking around she notices me before signaling that she will be over in a second. I just replied with a simple nod and continued with drinking my drink.

A few seconds later and i was joined by Eleanor as she sat in the chair opposite me. Peering up at her, i notice she is half glaring at me. I think she is trying to hide her emotions, however she is failing, badly.

"So" I break the awkward silence between us.

"Yeah" She murrmered in response. Taking another sip of her coffee.

I gaze around the room before continuing with the beginning of what i hoped would be a small conversation, because i feel really uncomfortable in her presence. I have no idea why because she is a tiny, skinny little girl, who looks like she could snap in half if the wind blows.

"Why did you want to meet me?" I skip straight to the point, trying to avoid staying with her much longer.

She sighed and placed her cup back on the table. "Well the truth is.." She began before huffing and continuing. "You and Louis, my boyfriend, have been spending a lot of time together." She had to add in 'My boyfriend' didnt she? Its like she thinks i dont know that, and the way she said it. So clear.

"Not really, we just hang out if theres nothing else to do." I add into the conversation casually, thinking nothing of it.

Eleanor glared at me. "Lets set things straight then, shall we?" It was more of a statement than a question.

I looked at her with a confused look. She said that so coldly. Who does she think she's talking to?


"I don't want you talking to Louis anymore. He doesn't like you, he wanted me to come and tell you this. He told me to also tell you to back off with the texts, he is only playing along because he feels sorry for you. He used you. You need to leave him alone and it's better if you never mention this conversation to anyone because he doesnt want there to be a big fuss made. Louis is a caring guy and he thinks that it would be a lot better if it was kept between us as he doesn't like to worry others. He loves me." Eleanor stated with a massive grin on her face as she allowed the last few words escape from her lips.

She can't be lying. How did she know about the texts? He obviously told her to tell me this.

I am hurt now. I actually thought we were friends, but aparantly not. I have no idea what i am feeling now. Slightly crushed and used. This is not fair. Why is it always me? I've had bad life so far and now i feel that things are only going to get worse.

I finished processing all that she had just said to me, taking everything into account. I simply nodded, trying to hold back the tears.

"Speak to him again and thats it." The harshness rung in her voice. "Leave him alone. Or else!" She stood up and left the shop, leaving just her words in my mind and her cup on the table infront of me.

I couldn't fight them anymore, the tears just kept pouring from my eyes, staining my cheeks as they rolled down them. I can't stop. Why am I crying over losing a friend. Just a friend. Friend? Am I beginning to see him as more than that? I think I am growing feelings for him.

Oh, great.

Not knowing what to do with myself, I rush home and collapse onto my bed, burying my face into the pillow. My tears being absorbed by my pillow as I continuously creed, until I fell asleep.

(A/N) What did you think of this chapter? I liked writing this one. A bit happened and now we all know that Courtney is beginning to realise she does have feelings for Louis.

Oh, and I have no hate for Eleanor btw. Tell me what you thought please. Would be lovely to hear from you amazing people. Keep reading and if your enjoying it don't forget to vote. Thank youuuss!! :)

Sophia xx

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