Chapter Thirty One

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(A/N) Happy valentines day guys!! :) Enjoy the chapter...

Courtney's POV:

My room has not changed at all. I mean it's as though no one has come in here since I left. Everything is on the exact same position. My drawers where are my clothes were kept are still there, with most of the handles missing from them. The desk is pushed up against the wall in the right hand corner and my bed is pushed against the left wall, opposite the desk. Theres my pen pot sat on my desk, with my old colouring pens and pencils in it. Remember the days I would just sit on the little stool, which is tucked under the desk.

Walking further into the closet size bedroom, it hits me at how long it has been since I was last on here. The walls now seem as though they are closing in on me and making me feel trapped.

Slowly I brush my hand across the chest of drawers as I walk along the limited amounts of space on the floor towards my desk. I drag out the tiny stool from underneath and sit on carefully so that it doesn't break. I open one of the drawers in the desk and pull out a book. My old colouring book. Flipping through all the coloured pictures, I notice that all of them are pretty much coloured in. I come to one that really stands out for me.

I stare at the multi coloured picture that is sat right in front of me. Before I have realised that my eyes are filling up with tears, I notice a tear drop land on the open pages. Then another fall's... and another. The tears keep flowing as I continue to stare down at this picture inparticular. The memory it brought back to me surrounds the contents of my thoughts.

I was sat there at the desk happily colouring in and making sure I stay within the lines, and then I hear the front door slam shut. There was a lot of shouting coming from down the stairs. After a few more cusses the shouting stopped. The whole house was filled with silence for a few minutes and the I heard heavy foot steps getting louder and louder, meaning that someone was climbing the stairs. A couple of seconds later and my bedroom door swings open, slamming against the wall with a loud bang.The sound made me jump a bit, causing my coloring to go out of the lines.

"What are you doing?!" His deep voice echoed through my tiny room.

He is drunk again. The way he fell against the door as he stepped further into the room told me so. Apart from the strong smell of liquor fumes that were filling the room. He could barely stand up properly on his own. He kept swaying from side ti side in an attempt to keep his balance, but was failing hugely.

"I..I err, I was just..." I stumbled to find the words.

The drunken man tool a few large steps closer to me and the smell of alcohol was so strong and evident as he breathed in my face.

"What? Spit it out!" Harshness was all I could hear through the words he was saying to me.

"I was just colouring." This time I manages to say the sentence, but rushed so that I wouldn't stammer.

I felt the cold sharpness sting across my face. He hit me! He had just slapped me across my face ans for what I believe to be for no reason at all. I began to wimper and then cry... I cried for what felt like ages. There were tears rolling down ny cheeks, my red swollen cheek.

"Don't thin - don't think that... that you can sit up here in your roommm..." He started to slurr on near enough every word as he spoke slowly and barely understandable. "There is soooo much wo - ork to do down the stairs."

The tears just began to fall harder and faster as I listened intently to every word he was, well i can't even exactly say that he was saying because he wasn't. There was hardly any words said right in that whole sentence. Just slurrs and sounds.

"I'm... I'm sorry." I whimpered as I stood up from the stool and began to walk backwards to try to get as far away from him as possible in this situation. I didn't want to be hit again.

"Go!" He shouted, startling the both of us. This body was still swaying side to side and then he fell into the wall.

With a slight hesitation, I hurried past the man I am ashamed to call my father and down the stairs. I ran all the way down and headed straight towards the kitchen.

I stood in the door way of the kitchen for a few moments just listening for sounds from upstairs. There was no sound at all for a little whole, which was worrying me slightly. Then heavy foot steps could be heard and I listened as the wandered across the upstairs landing and into what I know is his bedroom. Seconds later and there was the slam of the bedroom door. He wouldn't be coming back out tonight.

After clearing up the kitchen and making it spotless from the multiple beer cand and bottles that were there, I made my way up to my bedroom. The door was open and I just walked in shuffling my feet a little, whilst trying to be as quite as possible, so that my dad wouldn't come out and say anything.

I slowly made my way over to my previous position on the stool at my desk and looked down at the half coloured picture.

The tears began to form in my eyes and before I had the chance to wipe them away they were flowing freely down my face. I just let them fall as I picked up one if the pens on the side and carried on colouring in the picture is the little girl smiling from ear to ear. That was something I could only wish would happen to me. A smile... I wish that I would be able to smile, are reall smile. Not a forced one.

I wipe away the tears that were staining my cheeks and shove the book back into the draw without another glance at it. That is something that I thought I would never see again in my life. Ever!

That one picture inparticular has always been engraved in my brain. It reminds me of how I wished that I would be able to genuinely smile and now, well I did have a reason to. Louis! He makes me smile.

I miss him...

I muss the way he would br able to make a joke out of anything, and I mean anthing. Especially in awkward or uncomfortable situations. He would always be able to make me laugh and smile. When he is nervous he would run his hand through his hair or scratch the back of his neck. It's just the small and simple things that I miss the most.

"Courtney!" I hear my name begin called, bringing me back to reality.

What does he want? I knew that answer already. He wants me to clean or cook. Nothing has changed and at the first chance I get, I am getting out of this hell hole and as far away as possible.

"Courtney!" There it's is again.

Without keeping him waiting because I know that will just anger him more, I make my way down the stairs to see what lies ahead for me.

"Yes?" I ask, more than say as I approach him and Antony.

"What is this mess?" He spits in my face as he shouts.

"I don't - I dont know?" I move again say more as a question.

He sighed and raised his hand in the air, causing me to flinch as I thought he was going to slap me. What shocked me is that he didn't. Instead his hand made it all the way up to his hair, where he ruffled it up a bit. I actually thought that he was going to hit me.

"Clean it up." He breathesld and walked out the room, shortly followed by his sheep, aka Antony.

I nodded my head, even though I knew he couldn't see me and began to tidy up the front room.

(A/N) Hope you enjoyed this chapter, within the next couple of chapters things are going to start getting better, I just really needed a couple of filler chapters.
Happy Valentines day to you all again... I love you :)

Sophia xx

P.s Oh, because it's Valentine's day, I feel like I need to do a double update :) Yay!! I did for Halloween so I guess its only fair!!

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