Chapter Eight

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So i know right now that this one is going to be pretty short as i am planning it to be, just so you get to know whats going on in a few of the characters POVs. So it will keep switching from character to character just to warn you now. You will be in a few characters POV so you get to know exactly what the characters are feeling towards Louis break up and his explanation of his emotions towards Courtney. The main people i want to focus on during this chapter is mainly Harry, Courtney and Louis. You may not want to read the other boys reaction, however Harry's and Courtneys are really important. Please comment, vote and follow. Thank you :)

Sophia xx


Louis POV

No, i did not just say that out loud. Did i? I wanted her to know, but i wanted to tell her and not yell it at her. It was infront of everyone, and i mean everyone. Including Harry, he's her cousin, theres no way he will let me date her. I really want too. Well, I guess I should get to know her first.

No one wants to find out stuff like that from anyone about anyone. I haven't got a problem with Courtney, I don't see why she thought i would say something like that. I though she knew me. I would never say any of those things, maybe to Eleanor, but not her. She means too much for me just to give her up. There's just something about her that is different and unique. Courtney is herself and thats better than anything. I dont pitty her and i dont hate her, I wouldn't be able to.

Eleanor has really upset me, i knew she was jealous of Courtney,  but not that jealous to go and meet up with her and feed her lies. Lies that I had supposedly said! I am so annoyed at her, i am actually glad i had the guts to break up with her when i did. I am now more than glad i came here today because otherwise Courtney may of never spoken to me again. Thanks to Eleanor she has ruined our friendship and possibly the relationship that I was hoping to develop with her. After a while of course. If Eleanor wants to ruin my life she can go ahead, but I know it wont work and she wont be able to.

I wonder when she said it to her. Was it before or after i broke up with her? I can't ask her because that would mean i want to know and would seem like i did tell Eleanor  to speak to her. She wouldn't tell me anyway. Too soon.

I just want to know her reaction to my words, I accidentally said. I didn't mean to say them, I wanted to say them, I just mean not like that. I wonder what she is thinking. Hopefully she has feelings for me too, but I doubt it. Oh.

Harry's POV

No way!

He is not dating her. I don't care how much he wants, to he isn't. Courtney is my cousin and there is no way Louis is going near her. Friends are fine, but anything more, no.

He is not dating her. I don't want to hear what he has to say about the matter. I can't believe he just said that. Infront of me. I bet Louis knows exactly what I am going to say about this. He will know better than anyone else here. That is one line you do not cross.

I know he will end up just having a 'fling' and then leave her and move on to the next. No way am I letting him allow Courtney to fall for him and then he goes and breaks her heart. We are close, me and him, but I know exactly what he is like. I'm not going to allow for him to hurt Courtney.

They are not dating. Ever.

Courtney's POV

What? What did he just say? He has feelings for me. No he doesn't. Louis can't possibly have feelings for me. No, no he can't. I have to take in so much all at once. Louis and Eleanor have only just broke up. He must still obviously have feelings for her. They were dating for ages, no one can just lose feelings for someone in a day. That's impossible.

I mean, look at me, I'm ugly. Brown matted hair and horrible eyes. No one ever wants me, so why would a member of the biggest boyband in the world want me. It just doesn't add up. Look at him, he can have pretty much any girl in the world, and he is saying this to me.ME!

What about everything that's been said to me over the last 48 hours? I mean, from hearing all of that stuff from Eleanor yesterday to hearing that from him today. This is all too much. How am i supposes to react to this? I just shouted my mouth off about how much I hate him and how he is a jerk and now this. I should of heard him out, or maybe tested back. Why didn't I text back? I could of saved myself from half the mess I am currently in now.

Why is it always me?

This is all too confusing and I am unsure on what to do or say. I don't know how to feel. I need to know exactly how he feels about me. He could of just said that to shut me up or to show more pitty for me.

Louis POV

Harry. Oh god, what's Harry going to say? He would never let me date his cousin. There's this whole no sister rule, not that any of them can date my sisters, they're way too young. Cousins are different from sisters though. They're not as closely related to them. He'll let this slip. For me. I am his best mate after all.

She is younger than me too. I guess 4 years isn't much, but if you think about, she isn't even 18 yet, she is soon though. 21 and 17, nearly 18 isn't too wrong. No, its not wrong at all. It's normal.

It's worth a try to maybe ask her on a date. How bad could it go? The worst she could say is no. Who would say no though? I am one of the members of One Direction.

I can get near enough anyone, but I want to get to know her and spend time with her. There is just something different and I want to know what it is.

How big headed am I sounding? My ego is getting to me. That's something Courtney makes me forget. When I am with her I forget I am even famous and have to be careful with what I do. I just get so caught up in the moment. It's like I never want it to end.

Eleanor is nothing compared to Courtney. I don't know what I was even thinking getting with her. She is too needed and miserable. It's a challenge to have a good time with her. Whereas Courtney you can get lose track of the time.


Courtneys POV

I'm afraid. Not myself, but for his sake. Harry will kill him. They have this weird rule. I just am so confused and have no idea what to do. Help me please.

How am I going to respond? Thanks a lot Louis. How many times do you want to mess with my emotions? Leave me alone. No please don't. Omg, I am so lost.

Harry's POV

I'm going to have to speak to Louis about this. It isn't right, and he knows it. I bet he was only messing aroung and didnt actually mean to say it. God, i really hope not. Even if he did mean it, it was a bad decision blurting it out infront of me. There is no way im letting this slip.

Louis POV

Courtney trusted me! She said she trusted me. I never knew that she actually thought we were close enough for her to trust me with whatever she has to say. That's incredible. This has given me hope. I know she must like me enough to trust me, so it means she likes me enough to say yes to one date with me. Just one. Thats all i am going to ask her.

Hope! I have hope.

(A/N) Heyy, i told you it was going to switch between characters and i am sorry if i repeated myself because i am unsure on whether it sounds as though i have. Also, sorry for the amount of times it jumps from character to characters POV. I have tried to make it clearer for you to know who's POV you are in. Hope you enjoyed it though. Not the best chapter. Thank you, please dont forget to comment, follow and vote. It means so much. Love you :)

Sophia xx

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