Chapter Seven

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Louis: Hey, do you wanna meet up today? Haven't seen you in ages. xx

Great, Louis is texting me. I thought he never wanted to speak to me again. Why is he bothering now? I don't want to talk to him either anymore. His words hurt me and i hope he knows that and feels bad.

10 minutes pass...

Louis: Are you gonna take me up on the offer about meeting up or are you busy? A simple text back would be fine. xx

No, i don't want to meet up with you and no its not because im busy. Its because you're a huge jerk, who gets his girlfriend to tell me he practically hates me rather than have the guts to do it himself.

Coward! I scream in my mind.

I should reply saying that, but Eleanor said not to bother and she's right. He's not worth my time or credit.

A further 10 minutes pass...

Louis: I get the idea you're ignoring me. You usually text back straight away. Is something wrong? Have i done something to upset you? Please tell me. xx

I bet he was laughing when he typed that, knowing he did something and just wants a reply to know how annoyed i am at him, but thats not happening. Im not as low and pathetic as he is or thinks i am.

Its been a while since he has bothered texting me again. I think he has now received the message that i don't want to talk to him or have anything to do with him anymore.

I slowly drift off to sleep...


"Courtney? Courtney!" Harry yells up the stairs to me.

I stretch and check my phone. Of course four missed calls from Louis and 3 texts. There's no point in reading them, i don't want to know what he has to say. I scroll down my inbox and press delete all.

Harry doesnt know about Louis and i not speaking, sort of thing. I want it to stay that way because i am his cousin, his family and Louis is his best friend, band member. Both of us mean a lot to him. If he knew he would be stuck in the middle and i don't want that for him. Its not his problem and its not mine anymore, i need to suck it up, get over it and move on.

"Coming." I call back down to him.

I cant be in a poor mood with him and Louis, im not usually a sad person. Its Louis i am furious at, not anyone else.

I reach the bottom of the stairs only to see all the boys, and i mean all of them. Including Louis. Whats he doing here? Maybe thats what he texted me, saying he was coming over. I knew i should of read them, i could of avoided him.

My eyes are starting to burn because i am holding back the tears. I don't want to cry in front of these, they will ask whats wrong and i cant be dealing with it. Not now, not ever really. Water just starts filling up my eyes. I cant cry, i don't want to cry.

Avoiding standing there any longer before my tears fall onto my cheeks, i run into the kitchen and wipe them dry with some kitchen roll. Better.

"Court, come here." Harry calls me again.

I sniffle. "One second." My voice sounded like it was breaking then, i am trying to stay strong, but i don't know if i can. Yes i can. I know i can. Louis doesnt deserve my tears.

I dry my eyes again just to make sure that i am defiantly not crying and walk back into the living room.

Louis eyes meet mine for a split second before i turn away. Why is he even here?

"Hi." I mumble as i go and take the only spare seat left next to Harry, which also just happens to be directly opposite from where Louis is sitting.

Just my luck.

A few nods of heads and hellos were exchanged back at me for my poor greeting to them.

"You okay?"  Louis looks at me concerned.

Why would he be though? he was the one who has upset me, no one else. He must really be a great actor.

"Fine." I huff back, not bothering to look in his direction. Not worth my time.

By the sudden movement around the room, i can tell that the others are beginning to sense tension between Louis and i. Harry frowns at me,but i just ignore it. I don't want to start anything because if i do i know i wont be able to prevent everything that comes out my mouth and once its in the open, i cant take it back.

"Are you sure?" His concerned face is also now a frown. "It's just that i was texting you earlier and... well..." He stutters.

"I never texted back? Yeah, i know." I snap back.

Louis looked taken back by the tone i had just used. "Well if you knew i was texting you, why didnt you reply?" He is almost sounding hurt now. His acting skills just keep getting better and better.

"Maybe because it was your idea!" I am yelling now.

Now he is confused, "What are you talking about Courtney?"

"Well yesterday I met up with Eleanor because she needed to speak to me. She told me how you don't want to talk to me anymore and you don't want me talking or texting you and that you hate me. You only started talking to me in the first place because you felt sorry for me, you pitty me. You're a coward, you get your little girlfriend to come and tell me because you haven't got the balls to do it yourself. Do you know how low that made me feel? The fact that one of the few people i thought i could trust actually hates me. It hurts, a lot. Then you start texting me again today and i bet that was only so you could mock me, but im not a stupid as i look or you think i am!" I am now on my feet and i don't remember when i stood during that but i do know that i am glad i said it all.

Tears are just flowing from my eyes and i cant stop them. They are staining my cheeks.

"I never said any of that. Why would i? I don't pitty you and i defiantly don't hate you. Im not like that Courtney and you should know that. I came here to see if you were okay because you weren't answering me. I was getting worried, i thought something was wrong. Really wrong. I never said any of that to Eleanor. None of it and i never would." His voice breaks at the end. Great, now he is crying. "I wanted to meet you to tell you that Eleanor and i have broken up, and..."

"What!" The four boys yell in sync all shocked with their mouths wide open.

"We broke up because of you, Courtney." He finishes looking down at the ground.

I made them break up? "So what your saying is you never said any of that, but you came here just to tell that i ruined your relationship? Anything else while you're at it?"

I think i am going a little too far now but he just blamed his break up on me. How dare he! The anger is just building in me, it feels like i am about to explode.

"No, i don't mean it like that." He sighs. "I broke up with her because... because i have feelings for you." His eyes make contact with mine for the second time tonight and then are diverted directly to the ground as he runs his hand through is fluffy brown hair.

"Its you i want."

(A/N) What did you think of this chapter. It took me a little while to update, so i am sorry,  but i hope the chapter made up for it. I loved writing this chapter, it was just so easy to write. Please comment, vote and follow. Thank you, love you.

Sophia xx

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