Chapter Twenty Four

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Louis' POV:

I'm not a morning person, and it's eight in the morning. I had to get up at six, so I could have a shower as well.

I decided to wear dark blue skinny jeans and a black and grey shirt, along with my black Vans.

Work is starting early today as we have a sound check and Meet and Greets.

We don't have an actual show tonight, but we do tomorrow. It's better that we get the sound check dine the day before, so if there is something wrong then it can be repaired in time.

I enjoy doing the Meet and Greets because it gives me a chance to see some of the fans, that make my life like this and I am able to thank them. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today and One Direction probably won't even exist. I know the boys all think this too.


I pull my car into the nearest space to the building that I could find and clamber out of it.

As I'm heading towards the back door if the building, so that I don't get mobbed by the fans, I notice Harry's and Liam's cars parked up.

I walk inside and make my way down the narrow corridor to the main changing room. I thought if the boys were going to be anywhere here, that's where they would be, and sure enough I was right.

I push open the door labeled One Direction and see Harry and Liam sat on a couch, just chatting away.

They both look up at me as the door clicks shut behind me, as I step further into the room.

"Hello." Liam smiles, as i take a seat on the couch opposite the two.

"Alright." I nod back to them both, in a greeting way. "Have any of you heard from Niall?" I add onto the end of my greeting, sounding slightly cautious in case he has spoken to Harry.

I swear down if he has done, i will quite literally kill him, that's if Harry doesn't get to me first. I don't think Niall would of said something, he's not like that. Well, if he has done, then i clearly don't know Niall as well as i thought i did.

Liam shook his head side to side in response and Harry didn't even aknowledge my question.

Great! I thought to myself. He must know, he is completely blanking me now, i think. 

"Haz?" I questioned him, getting his attention. Hi head snapped up and faced me. He had a frown on his face. "Have you spoken to Niall since yesterday?"

His frown softens and he slowly shakes his head, his curls flying around in the air.

I quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Niall hasn't told him. Few. The tiny ounce of panick i had when Harry never answered first time, has been washed away with a flood of relief.

"No, should i of?" Harry asked, shaking me from my thoughts.

"No." I say almost instantly. "I mean yes." I quickly change it.

Harry's eyebrows furrowed together once more, and Liam mirrored his actions,  with a slight tilt of his head.

"What is it?" Harry pressed on, with a small smile appearing on his lips as his frown disappeared for the second time in the past five minutes. He was obviously trying to lighten the question up, so that it didn't sound that harsh.

I ran my hand through my hair, before answering. " I was meant to say yes, because he came round yo-" I stopped myself, before i dropped myself in a huge amount of mess.

I nearly gave away that i was at Harry's and i would have had no way at all of getting out of that. I am just lucky i stopped myself, hopefully at the right time.

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