Chapter Three

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Courtney's POV:

Harry's at work and now i have nothing to do. He usually keeps me entertained by playing basket ball with me in the cort out in the garden or we play pranks on each other.

"I am so bored. Why does he have to go to work today?" i huffed actually speaking to Rachel for once.

There's a surprise. I must be so bored if i am resulting at talking to her.

Rachel sighs. "Yeah, me too. What would you like to do?" She asks looking in my direction.

I think she is trying to connect with me and bond. I'm not too sure. Well if she is trying, i may as well too.

Silence fills the air as we both think about what we could possibly do together. Us two spending time together, well so far she is the only one that has tried to at least make a proper effort with me.

"We could always go shopping together. Thats if you want?" Rachel asks with a pleading look on her face.

I simply not my head in agreement. There's nothing else to do today, i may as well. "Really? You want to go shopping with me?" She asks shocked.

"Sure, why not? There's nothing else to do and i actually like some of the stuff you wear, so you could give me some fashion tips." I state honestly smiling.

I do really like the clothes she wears, well obviously she has a good taste in clothes, after all she is a model.

"Aw thank you sweetie." A massive smile spread across her face. I clearly said something that really complimented her.

There you go Courtney, you are making an effort.

"I'll just grab my jacket and then we can go." Rachel stood up and walk into the kitchen to collect her jacket. "Ready?" She called walking back into the living room.

"Ready!" I chirped standing myself and heading towards the front door. "Lets go." I summoned her towards the door.

I wonder how this shopping trip is going to go? There's two possible ways i can think of, either really good and we get on like a house on fire or terrible and i wish i was sat at home bored out my mind.


We lug our bays of clothes down the high street with us as we wonder around the shopping centre.

"Starbucks?" I ask Rachel as we approach the cafe.

I love Starbucks. Empathises on the word love there. It is the best place in the world. The drink i always get is a coffee based caramel frappacino. You should try it some time. Amazing. Well who doesn't like Starbucks i mean, if you've never been there before then you've never lived.

"Omg yes, i love Starbucks." Rachel squeals to show her excitement for the cafe.

There you go, another thing we have in common, we both love Starbucks. I mock Louis in my mind.

Not a surprise to be honest, the place is amazing. "Lets go in." She ushers me in and follows behind.

It's pretty quiet in here as it's still only around 1'O clock. No body comes in here till around 3'O clock usually. A couple were sat at the back in the corner kissing. To me they was a bit too much PDA going on, so i turned my attention to the other side of the room and found an empty table near the window and an old lady sat there by herself.

"I'll have a coffee based caramel frappacino please." I say to Rachel as i take my seat by the window.

Rachel struts over to the counter and orders our drinks.

A few minutes later she arrives with a cup in either hand. "Thanks." I mutter, giving her a quick smile before drinking my coffee.

We sit in Starbucks for a while just chatting away, letting the time pass.

A few fans of Rachel's come in and ask her for a photo and an autograph every now and then, but that's about it.

Another 5 minutes pass before we realise that we had been sitting there for around an hour as it was nearing 2'O clock.

"Rachel, look at the time. We've been sat here for over an hour now." I exaggerate.

It's only really been just under an hour, but oh well.

"Yeah, you're right, we better get going." Rachel replies in agreement.

Today wasn't so bad after all, i managed to get some nice new clothes out of it and i actually bonded with Rachel, i bet this will make Harry so happy. We collect our bags off the floor and leave the cafe.

Home time.


The car pulls up into the drive way and Rachel and i get out and walk to the house.

She puts the key in the whole and unlocks the door. Then the boredom hits me again. I would rather go back to Starbucks and sit in there for the rest of the day with Rachel. Wow, did i just really say that? She's not that bad actually. I miss-judged her. Well done Courtney, jumping to conclusions as per usual.

I place my bags down on the floor by the chair. "Now what?" I huff, flopping back onto the sofa, hoping Rachel will come up with another idea.

"Erm, i'm not sure." Rachel replies shuffling onto the sofa next to me.

There was a pause, filled with a very awkward and uncomfortable silence.

"I have an idea." I shout out suddenly, making Rachel jump a bit waking her from her daydream. "We should pull a prank on all the boys."

"And how might we do that then?" Rachel asks half worried and half excited.

"We could sneak into the boys sound check session and change their mics sounds to something else." I smirk.

This is a great idea. Rachel's eyes lit up, i could just tell by the way she is looking at me that she is hyped for this prank.

"Okay, thats a great idea, lets do it." Rachel nods her head in agreement.


Rachel and i arrive at the arena and sneak round the back of it to try and get in through one of the side doors. The front ones would be too obvious. Now the tricky part, how are we gonna get passed all the security?

"I didnt think this through properly." I sigh in disappointment.

Rachel looks at me confused. "What do you mean? Its a great prank."

"Well, how are we going to make it past all this security?" I ask impatiently.

"Paul." Rachel simply replies with.

I give her a look hinting for her to elaborate on to that. She gets the idea and continues. "Paul is the boys main bodyguard, i know him. He will let us in. Trust me." That's all i can do at this point. It's the only way we can get in.

Here goes noting. I mentally sigh.

Following Rachel we creep around the back of the arena and find Paul standing at the door, He notices Rachel and greets her hello and allows her to wander straight in and i continue to follow her lead.

We approach backstage and discover off of Josh that the boys are on a break in the changing rooms, so we the perfect time to change the mics and get the hell out of here before they see us.

"Quick, let's do it before there break ends." I half whisper, half shout to Rachel.

She just nods and walks over to the table of mics, where i am currently standing. "Swap them." I hiss.

She quickly takes the mics out from my back - pack and replaces them with their original mics. Their faces are gonna be priceless when they start singing and their voices sound strange.

(A/N) Hey, sorry if you have read the first two chapters and i've changed it a bit due to the age differences. It all makes more sense now, sorry. Is everyone excited for the 7 hour livestream on the 23rd of November? I am, it's going to be so good. Thank you guys for reading my book so far. Please keep reading it :)

Sophia xx

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