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Not a chapter!

Sorry, this is not a chapter! It's just an Authors Note about the book, so please could you read it and respond. It would mean a lot. Thank you all!!

Heyy guys.... Can you all please read this A/N!!! :)

Guess what...???

So, we are now just over around half way in the story now. (I hope). Yay!

I am predicting it to be around 50 chapters overall, but it may exceed that. Actually I know that it definitely will exceed that because it has been going slow-ish paced and there's so much more left to be done to this story.

I don't want it to be too long, because then it will probably lose its effectiveness and I don't want that to happen. I will probably end up writing on about pointless stuff, that will end up being diverted from the story line.

The filler chapters in this book are really easy to write and I get a little carried away when writing them sometimes, so that's why the story has been so slow and it's already about half way through. That may sound weird because I know a lot of people get stuck with filler chapters, but personally I am way better at them, then I am the big chapters. Like the ones where all the stuff happens in them. Filler chapters are sometimes hard to write and thats why it takes a little longer for the update, or that I have been too carried away with it and it's become so long.

As it has been quite a slow story so far, I know that and I am so sorry for it being like that. Honestly! A lot has happened in it though, but a lot lot more will soon, just wait :)

Also, and for me to get it to be about 50 chapters long (Or longer) i am going to speed a lot of the chapters up. A lot more is going to have to happen in the next lot of chapters, for this to happen.

So, a lot of things will be happening in the next few chapters from now on, starting with the very next one I update. It will end on a cliff hanger as well. Just saying ;) That's a clue... ish

I have thought about the whole story line in depth now and have been considering even doing a sequel to this story, even though i haven't even completed this one yet.

The whole idea of doing a sequel for the story has also been planned (because I am that happy with where this one is going) and I already know what will happen in the next one, that's if I do a second one for this. I have planned the whole thing for a while now.

This is my most read and successful story that I have done so far, so out of all of them, I believe that this would be the one to do another book for, as in a follow up. You guys also deserve a second one!

It's not completely up to me if I do a second one for this book, it is also up to you guys, because I don't know if I will be wasting my time or not doing a sequel, when I could be starting a whole new fan fiction altogether. I don't want to write something and then realise that I wasted my time doing it. That would just be annoying, trust me. Also it would save a lot of my time, so that I can focus on my other fanfictions that I am also currently writing. They would have more attention and I would be able to improve on them and possibly even make then as successful as this one is.

So, could you all please comment and tell me if I would be wasting my time writing a second one, or if you would all actually read it. I really need to know that!

It would mean so much if you do comment and tell me and please be honest. Honesty is the best policy after all!

Yeah, that's it, so if you could please comment if I should do a sequel or not. Also vote and follow me.

Follow me on Twitter too, @Tomlinlashton :) You can ask me any questions about this fanfic or any of my others... always open to talk

Sorry again if you thought that this was a chapter. I will update as soon as I can, hopefully tonight. I promise you all that because I know that I haven't updated in a little while. I haven't even got a good enough excuse as to why I haven't updated in so long, as I have managed to update my other two fan fictions a couple of times.

Also, if you have any requests to be in either this book, I can still add you or if you want to be in one of my others, or even possibly the sequel to this, if I do it, then just ask. I will try.

One more thing guys. Sorry! I would love you so much if you could possibly do me a cover for my Union J fan fiction, as I need one and the picture I have now is not good. It would mean a lot to me. (Any offers)

Thanks :)

If I need to say anything else ever during this fan fiction, then it would be at the bottom or top of a chapter with an '(A/N)' next to it. Or if I suddenly remember something in a minute that I was meant to write in this then I will just add it at the end of the next chapter.

Sophia xx

P.S. I would also just like to say a massive thank you to all of you guys who have been with me all of the way so far while I have been writing the book. (And to the ones who have just started reading it, but are being so supportive of it with all your voting and comments).

It's nice to see so many of you voting for the chapters and commenting as well. It means so much to me to see that you're enjoying it.

All of the comments that have been said about it have been nice, so thank you and I hope you like the rest of the story :) I haven't had one bad comment, (fingers crossed that I don't get one) so thank you all so much for that. You're all so kind and sweet. I love you for that!

I wouldn't of ever thought that I would have more than 1.6k reads and 227 votes on it so far and it just keeps going up and up.... ahhh!

Thank you guys so much, love all of you so so much!!!

Sophia xx

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