Chapter Twenty Five

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Courtney's POV:

All week i have been getting a taxi back home and everyday it has been the same familiar eyes that i remember. He picks me up every night. It's the same guy, even though i haven't actually seen his full face, only his eyes, i still know it's him.

Those eyes are stuck in my mind, i know that i have seen them before the other day and every day since them. They are sort of haunting me. I have had a few nightmares because of them and some of them even involved my dad. I don't understand how he became a part of the memory of that mans eyes. It's really starting to creep me out.

"Oh well." I sigh to myself, as i get ready for my final shift this week. I would prefer to work the afternoon shifts, rather than the lates as i am never as tired.

It's only one more day of work until Louis is able to pick me up again. I actually do miss him picking me up as it gives me that little bit of extra time i get to spend with him.

It's always the little things that you should appreciate in life, the stuff that you would often take for granted, i guess.

Not that i have much of a choice really. He basically tells me he is picking me up after work, so that i don't have to walk or get a bus.

He has this weird theory that people who get the bus anywhere is more likely to be taken or murdered. He says that statistics show that his theory is right, so i have to believe what he says.

Well, i obviously I don't believe that and i highly doubt I will be kidnapped or murdered if i get the bus anywhere. Loads of people get the bus places everyday and i doubt that they have all been kidnapped or murdered.


I take my apron off the hook in the staff room and tur it around my waist. I then grab my note book and pencil, tucking it behind my ear, so I don't loose it.

Once I was ready to begin my evening of work, I steppes out of the staff room into the kitchen. I said hello to a few members if staff as I past my way through the busy and very steamy kitchen, to the double doors in front. I walk out through the bug blue door labeled 'out' and stared out ahead.

Today is incredibly busy as it's a Friday and we are not open on weekends for a few weeks. This is the poshest place around here, so we get many snobby people and sometimes we get the odd celebrity.

My boss, Mr Brown usually gives me the tables with the famous people. Especially since he found out that I live with one. I don't understand how he found out, he just does now. Oh well, it doesn't bother me, it's not like i am ashamed to be related to Harry Styles, one of the members of the worlds biggest boy band, One Direction.

I'm not really the type of person who would fan girl over meeting or speaking to a celebrity. I just act as though they are like everybody else I serve because that's what they are pretty much, just with a well known job, that makes them all that different.

Okay, so I'm lying... There are a certain few people I would probably fangirl over if they ever walked in here, but not as much as I probably would of a few months ago. I think Harry and the boys have changes my views on celebrities a bit because I don't find them that amazing anymore. I guess it's because i live with one and i am dating one.

Although i have met all the boys from 5 Seconds of Summer once, i would still get all excited and overwhelmed over meeting them again. Unfortunately, they are going back to Australia for a few months soon, and then to America. The only time i ever did meet them, i may have been slightly drunk, so i don't really remember it well.

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