Chapter Thirty Six

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Louis' POV:

The weight of my body suddenly became too heavy for me to move. I couldn't walk. I just stood there.

I just watched as Harry dragged Courtney down the drive way and away from me. I did nothing, but watch. I watched them as they turned the corner at the bottom and out of sight. My sight.

After a few minutes, I finally gained enough strength back in myself to slowly shuffle down the drive way and to my car at the end.

As I approached my car, I realised that they had gone. Maybe they went home? I should go there. We need to sort this out. I need to tell Harry that it's not up to him if me and Courtney want to be together. He can't control her... or me!

I got in my car, shoved the keys into the ignition and started up the car. Within a couple of seconds, I was already half way down the street and on my way to Harrys house.


What am I going to say? What we will say back? Will he be understanding or will he be mad?

All these numerous thoughts were treading their way through my mind, and I reached out and knocked the door loudly. Possibly a little too loudly.

Moments later and the door before me swung up, revealing and unhappy looking Harry and an extremely upset Courtney.

This is going to be harder than I thought... My thoughts interrupt.

I stood in the door way for a few seconds, just looking between Harry and Courtney. None of us said a word. It's was silent.

Harry looked at me with such, such... distain.

"We need to talk." I announced to Harry, breaking that silence.

I barely take any notice of Courtney, who was stood right behind him at the time.

I know this is to do with her just as much as Harry and I, but I want to try and keep her out of it as much as I can. She doesnt deserve to get the blame. It was my idea afterall. I mean the whole 'let's date' idea.

Harry slowly nodded his head and opened the door wider, allowing me entrance. I quickly stepped through the door way and followed them both down the hall and into the large living room. This time I made sure that I shut the front door on my way in.

"Talk!" Harry instructed as soon as I had walked into the room.

I shifted on the spot of a few seconds, before speaking. "Well..." I have no idea where to begin. "Don't blame Courtney for this. It's not her fault." I practically begged him.

Way to be subtle Louis! My conscience mocks me.

"What?" She interjects. "It's just as much my fault as it is his. Don't just blame him Harry."

Harry looked between the two of us, back and forth. A frown appeared across his forehead as he thought.

"Courtney stay out of it." Harry tells her. He obviously has the same idea as me.

Us two can talk it out, but she doesn't need to be involved. At least out of this whole soon to be argument, that's something we are both agreeing on.

"What? Why?" She seemed taken back by his words.

He shouldn't if spoken to her like that, I don't care if he's family or not, she deserves to be treated better.

"Louis." Harry stepped closer towards me, ignoring Courtneys questions.

I didn't move a muscle. I remained on the exact same spot.

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