Chapter Seventeen

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Courtney's POV:

A weeks worth of work, done. I am so relieved that the week is up. No more work at all this weekend and i don't have to work until the week after next, because the restuarnt it shut for refurbishment. That's lucky, and i am still getting paid for it.

Date with Louis tonight. It's our first official date. I am so nervous, although i have been seeing him for a week now, i still am getting little butterflies in my stomach. This is either going to end amazing or terrible. I obviously hoping that it ends well.

After taking a quick shower, i hobble back down to my room and sit at my desk, to begin to put my make up on. I use a thick black mascara to make sure my eye lashes are looking long and a redish lipstick to show that i am confident, but not too confident. In reality i am so nervous, i honsetly have no clue how this date is going to go. Once i have completed my make up, with a light shade of blush being spread across my cheeks as i do a few touch ups, i smile at my appearance in the small, round mirror infront of me.

Now my hair. I decided to curl it and have half up, half down. I get out my hair dryer and curlers and plug them both in the four-board by my desk and switch on the curlers allowing them to heat up while i dry my hair. My hair does not take long to dry as i left it be while i did my make up. After my hair is finished being dry, i pick up my curlers and begin to wind my hair around them. It takes a good half an hour before i finished all of it and then i pin up the top half and stare at it in approval.

It takes a while for a girl to get ready for her date. It's not just throw your hair up and be done with it. It's not cover your face in make up and act like it's okay. It's not chuck on the first thing you find and accept it. There is a lot more thought taken place during the process of perparing yourself. It's a lot more harder if it's your first date with the other person, because it means you have to look your ultimate best for them.

Hunting through my wardrobe for a nice dress to wear tonight, i desperatly try to see one i like. I look at the same things over and over again, i begin to think that i should have gone shopping before i had work today. I guess i should have thought about that really. I stand there with a towel wrapped around myself, while i just stare at the boring dresses infront of me. The longer i look, the more i regret not going to the shops. I think for a little while longer about what dress to wear tonight and then i remember that i have one. I still have the one that Rachel had given me after she decided that she never wanted to wear it on that red carpet event she got invited to. The only real good thing that came out of her i guess. I smirk at my thoughts and head over to my closet. I open the door and see it hanging there, looking amazing.

Without another thought, i grab the dress, put it on the bed and begin to dry myself off properly. After i had finished drying myself, i gazed back down at the dress and admired the way the gems sparkled as the light bounced off of them. It was wonderful. I quickly, but carefully put it on and began to twirl around infront of the full length mirror, admiring myself in the dress. The bright redness of the gown allowing my facial features to stand out more.The dress is tight, so it shows all of my curves, but not too tight. It is lose enough, so that i am able to move around pretty freely in it still.

The dress is just incredible.

I love it so much! I hope Louis does too.

Slowly and carefully i bend down, so that the dress does not rip and fumble around under my bed in a search to find my heels. I grab them and immediatly pull them out. I lift myself up off the floor and sit on the edge of my bed. I lift my leg up and put my heel on my foot and do the same with the other. I then stand up and once again, fall in love with myself as i stare into the mirror at my reflection.

One step at a time, i make my way down the stairs and into the living room, where i find Harry, Bri, Liam and Niall all sat around chatting to one another. I step in the room and acutomatically feel incredibly uncomfortable and out of place.

"Woah, look at you!" Niall teased staring me up and down.

Although i couldn't see my face, i just know that my cheeks were glowing bright red. Possibly even as bright as the dress itself.

"Eh, thanks." I shrug it off as though it's nothing.

Liam is now giving me a creepy look as i just stand there looking lost, as though it is not my home for the time being. As i keep saying, i am moving out soon enough.

"No, he's right. You do look wow!" Liam exaggerates, also looking me up and down multiple times.

I begin to blush more. This is so embarrassing. I am just praying that Harry doen't ask where i am going dressed like this and who with. For the first time since i have came down the stairs and entered the living room, i make eye contact with Harry and there is a strange expression on his face, which i cannot quite distinguish.

"Ohh, so who are all dressed up for?" Bri had to ask didn't she. I can't be mad at her because i knew one of them would ask.

Great, this means that i now have to lie. Like i said before, i am pretty good at lying now, i have done it so often.

"It's just a friend. That's all." I lie poorly. I can do better than that, i don't know why my mind suddenly went blank.

Harry scoffed. "Well, don't you think you're a little dressed up to meet a friend?"

He can be so irritating sometimes, it's annoying. Why can't he just accept what i say and move on, rather than be caught up on it all the time. It's not even like it's any of his business who i am meeting and why i am dressed like this.

"Aw, Harry it's up to her how she dresses when she meets he friends. Leave her alone." Bri instructed Harry. Bri then turned he attention to me again. "You look amazing, have a nice time tonight." She smiled at me and i smiled back.

"Thank you. Well, i guess i better get going then." I breathe out as though i have been holding it in incase i say something which i know i would regret straight afterwards.

I leave the living room before i do start saying things and check my phone. I have a text from Louis...

*Left mine babe. On my way to pick you up. Be there in 10. Lou xx*

It was sent nine minutes ago. That means he will be here soon and really, that could not be much better timing. I think i need to check my phone more often. Just as i was about to put it in my clutch, but then it vibrated again. I had another text from Louis.

*Outside. I parked round the corner just incase Harry saw. Lou xx*

That was a good idea, i'm glad he never parked in the drive like he does when he drops me home after work. Harry would have clearly been able to see him and that would not have ended well. I just know it.

I decide on texting Louis back just before i leave.

*Just coming now. Court xx*

Yes, the kisses have gone up to two now. It is just because we are getting a lot closer and things aren't as complicated as i first thought it would be.

I walk towards the front door, my heels clanking against the laminate flooring in the hall. I open the door and here a voice call out to me from the living room.

"Have fun Courtney!" Bri yelled to me. She is so kind and sweet. I guess she does sort of owe me because i got her back with Harry.

"Thanks, i will." I call back. I open the door fully and exit the house.

(A/N) Well, this is only the beginning of the date. I knew that i couldn't end it on her going to sleep again and i decided that i thought leaving it on a sort of cliffhanger because it would leave a little suspention. Their date will take place over about three chapters as it is their first one with each other, so i thought i would make it a little special. I hope you all like it and don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you.

Sophia xx

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