Chapter Eleven

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Courtneys POV:

Music blared from the speakers sat on the creme coloured shelf in the living room, which was pinned against the back wall. The sound of the bass echoed throughout the whole entire house, leaving no room to be silent.

The music was even so loud that you could be able to hear it from outside the house and round the corner.

Okay, maybe i am exzaggerating a little now, but it is super loud. It will probably give me a headache before the alcohol does. That is not me being extreme that is the honest truth.

People stood around drinking and chatting to one another. I stepped out into the garden and a lot of second hand smoke it me as the air was filled with ciggerette smoke. At least it was only out here, not in the whole house.

I have to find Donna now. She was with me a few momemts ago. She isn't out here, i moaned in my head, turned around and walked back into the house.

As I spun my head around to begin to walk up the stairs, my eyes met the place Louis was at. I managed to avoid him so well this evening. Hopefully he never saw me.

Just keep your head down, don't make eye contact and go up the stairs.

"Hey, Courtney!" I heard that one oh-so familiar voice.

Stopping, I closed my eyes took a deep breath and turned around to face him.

"Hi" I reply. I thought he wouldn't spot me, but he did.

His smile grew as he continued to speak to me. "How have you been."

There still seemed to be a little hint of nerves in his voice. I don't blame Louis really, I am just as nervous.

"Eh, fine thanks." I paused for a moment to try and steady my breathing before Louis noticed. "How about you?"

His eyebrows furrowed together. "Are you sure?" His tone now a little more serious. "You're shaking and you seem to breathing funny."

Oh great, he did notice. What am I going to say to him? I can't tell him that I am still on edge about us two. This is just great.


I can use Donna as an excuse. I mean I was originally finding her anyway until Louis decided to make me hyperventillate.

"Eh, yeah I am fine. I am just wondering where Donna is. I'm getting worried because I haven't seen her in a while, and I have been looking for her. Have you seen her?" The words exited my mouth in a rush, before I could think about what I was saying.

Why did I have to ask him a question? I'm trying to get away from him. Right now I don't want to be speaking to him. I need more time to adjust to what he said.

"Sorry, no I haven't." He bowed his head down and scratched the back of his neck.

It's so cute when he does that. He does it a lot and its just something that always makes me think.

Stop! You can't be falling for him, you're just friends. Nothing more.

'But you can be.' My concscience chirped in my head.

This is all so confusing. Just leave him now and go find Donna.

"Thanks anyway." I managed to say, before turning and walking away.

"Congratulations by the way." Louis called from behind me. "For your job." The final three words were slightly mumbled as I continued to stroll away in search of Donna.


"There you are!" I announced as I entered the front garden. "Where have you been?"

She was perched on the small brick wall just outside the front of the house. She wasn't alone, there was a pretty short, curly brown haired girl sat next to her. The girl looked familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen her before.

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