Chapter Fourty

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(A/N) I am so sorry. It has been ages since I last updated. I've never taken this long to update before, but I have been so busy. It's been a month! Thank you so much for the 400 votes! I love you all! 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Sophia xx

Louis' POV:

After that phone call from Courtney last night I just couldn't sleep.

Why does she want to talk to me? I bet she regrets it now because I know she was drunk last night, so maybe I should have said no. This is going to end badly. I can feel it.

I guess I should ring her now so that I know what time we're meeting up and where. These would have been good questions to ask last night.

Grabbing my phone off the side, I opened it up and went on my recents, Courtneys number was the top.

I held the phone up to my ear and waited for her to answer.

After what was about three rings, she picked up.

"Louis?" She sounded incredibly tired and hungover.

It's not the first time she's been drunk since I've met her. She can go a little overboard with alcohol sometimes and doesnt know her limits. The following morning she has to pay the price of it though. So, when she answered, I didn't expect anything less from her.

"Uh, yeah... hi." I stuttered, but I don't know why.

"What's up?"

There came some rustling from the other end of the phone. Courtney was doing something.

"Oh, I was just ringing you to see what time and where you want to go this afternoon?" My voice went a little high pitched towards the end of the sentence in a worrying tone.

"About that..." She trailed off.

Great! I knew it. I don't even know why I bother. I'm the one that's giving her another chance, not the other way around. She makes things about herself a lot, I bet shes now going to make it out that it was my fault some how.

"What?" I said easing my voice a bit now.

"I was going to see if you would rather go out later tonight?" Courtney was now going quite, so I had to listen extra carefully to what she was saying.

Her voice became muffled either, because she was nervous, or that her head was hurting after last night.

"What do you mean?" I knew what she meant, well sort of, but I wanted her to tell me exactly what she was saying.

Courtney coughed. "Well, maybe could it be tonight at about ten?" The statement turned into a question.

"Sure." I agreed.

"Oh, and could you come to mine, but try not to get caught please?" She added.

I'm definitely not wanting to get caught by Harry. That's the last thing that I want to happen and ruin this. This may be my only chance to get back with Courtney, so I'm not screwing it up and I'm not letting anyone else screw it up either!

"Trust me I won't." I chuckle, earning a small giggle from her. 

"Thanks... bye."

"Bye." I bidded and hung up the phone.

Courtneys POV:

My head is hurting so much. It feels as though my brain is pounding against my head so much. It feels like it's going to burst though my skull any second now.

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