Chapter Five

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Louis' POV:

Me and Eleanor have been having quite a bit of relationship problems lately.

She doesn't trust me anymore. I don't understand where its all coming from. One day we were fine and the next we're arguing. Our relationship has just gone down hill. It's argument after argument after argument. We haven't even sat down to talk or gone out for a meal in a long time.

I just am really unsure if the chemistry's there anymore. If anything i am beginning to wonder why she has randomly had a strange outburst where she is becoming jumpy and insecure. She is probably hiding something from me.

"Louis?" Eleanor shouted down the hall to me.

She had only just arrived home after being at work all day, doing some sort of posing in front of a camera with Rachel. I heard the front door slam shut. She clearly isn't in a very good mood.

Great, just my luck.

I called back to her. "In here babe."

Eleanor came strolling into the kitchen and stood opposite me not saying a word.

"What's up babe?" I ask trying to make a conversation.

I could just feel that there was tension and something was about to kick off. "You seem a bit annoyed about something."

She huffed. "Well what do you think?" I just looked puzzled at her.

I have no idea what she is going on about.

"You and Harry's cousin Chloe have been getting on pretty well recently."

"It's Courtney." I snap back before thinking about what i had just said.


Eleanor took a couple of steps closer towards me, locking eye contact.

"Whatever her name is, i don't really care. All i know is that you and her have been spending a lot of time together." She shuddered at the word 'her'. "You've been with her way more than you've been with me."

I haven't been spending that much time with Courtney, i mean we do have a laugh and i can trust her with everything, but i don't see us more than ever being just friends. She is a great girl, but we are really just mates.

I don't see why Eleanor's getting all paranoid over that for. She just needs to calm down and have a break from all the arguments, i know that i do. Anything she can find, just the tiniest of things she will some how corrupt into this mass produced drama. I'm fed up of it.

"I have no idea what you're on about, we are only friends." I answer back calmly, trying to minimise the chances of a shouting match.

"Sure you are. From now on i don't want you seeing her." With those last few words escaping her lips, she turned around and stormed off out of the room.

Silence filled the air for a short period of time, before it being interrupted by a loud bang, as the front door once again gets slammed shut.

Great, now she doesn't want me seeing my 'friend' Courtney.

Obviously i will though because i go round Harry's all the time and she does kind of live there.


Courtney's POV:

Louis and i have been becoming really close lately. It's been great, i love spending time with him. He is just so normal and chilled. I can actually sit down and have serious conversation, even though just don't think that you would with him, he is an amazing listener.

Also when you're feeling down, he can have a laugh with you and cheer you up. I know that he has a girlfriend, and i really don't mind her, but they have been having a lot of arguments recently. I hope he's alright. He does deserve better than her, because she is the one making everything into a drama. They don't suit at all in my opinion. Louis needs someone like him, someone who doesn't take things to heart, someone who is always up for a joke, someone who is... Well me, i guess.

*Ring, ring. Ring, ring*

My phone began to ring in my pocket, i fished it out and answered it.

"Hello?" I say more of a question than a greeting.

I really should check the caller ID before i answer.

A soft girl voice spoke from the other end of the line. "Hi, it's Eleanor." She paused for a second, before continuing. "Louis' girlfriend."

"Oh, yeah. Hi, how are you?" I asked just in spite of being polite, not because i wanted to know.

I actually didn't.

"I'm fine thanks. I just rang to ask you if you would like to meet up with me in an hour, for a coffee or something?" Eleanor says, quite quietly.

"Sure, i guess i can. An hours time at Starbucks. I'll meet you there." I reply half confused.

"Sounds great. See you then. Bye."

"Bye." I bid before hanging up.

One very random phone call.

Why does she want to meet me all of a sudden? Have i done something wrong?

She never really has bothered with me before, but i didn't mind because that meant that i never had to bother with her. It's a win, win situation at the end of the day.

Is she jealous of me and Louis hanging out?

No that can't be it because she would just of said that rather than offering to meet me for a coffee.

I am super confused now. Really confused.

(A/N) Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry the past couple have been short, it's just because i am trying to move the story on a little faster. I just want to get to all the better parts of it, but unfortunately first i have to go through all the build ups. Within the next couple of chapters the story would of picked up a pace a bit. Please don't be a ghost reader, don't forget to comment, vote and follow. Thank you guys. I love you, best readers ever.  :)

Sophia xx

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