Chapter Thirty Four

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(A/N) This one is also going to be pretty short I know it is, so I am appologising in advance. It's probably going to a bad chapter too. I am so sorry guys! :'(

Sophia xx

Louis POV:


That's all I could think of the whole time during that kiss and after it actually. The kiss was so meaningful and needy. I got lost in the moment of it. It's as though the cage of butterflies in my stomach had just been let opened and they were then fluttering freely around in there. That sounds so clichè, but so true at the same time. I deepened the kiss, making it more passionate, as I didn't want it to end. It was perfect. It's like every time that we kiss I want more and all the feelings that I have towards her are stronger then ever.

When she pulled away, I had probably the biggest and most cheesy smile on my face ever. I'm not even joking. I have been waiting for thag for so long now. As I came back down to earth I noticed that Courtney wasn't as happy about the loss as I was, as she had a shocked expression written all over her face, which was scaring me slightly.

Did she not want to kiss me? Does she regret kissing me? Did i do something wrong?

The smile on my face slowly dropped to be shortly replaced by a frown. My eyebrows furrowed together in deep confusion. Her eyes only showing fear and worry. Clearly as well. As I continued to look into them, I saw that her eyes were looking straight past me and over my shoulder.

I slowly turn my head and then body around and noticed exactly who she was staring at. The last person I had hoped it to be.... Harry!

Harry's POV:

Multiple things are running through my head right now. So many thoughts and feelings. Everything is just getting mixed up and I have no idea what I have just seen. Anger just rushes over me and that temper I had only moments ago is now back. It's just rage and strength. I seem to have loads of strength.

Were those two really just kissing? In front of me? Did I actually just witness that? Louis my best friend, he wouldn't do that to me. He wouldn't go behind my back and secretly be seeing my cousin. They didn't!

Everything isn't make any sense to me right now. I am so confused. What's just happened?

I swear that better of only been a dream. No, a nightmare! Louis best not of just kissed Courtney, and in front of me. I pinch myself on the arm just to make sure I'm not dreaming. Ouch... I'm not.

My gaze is fixated straight on those two, no matter how hard I try, I can't pry my eyes away from them both. It's like they're no longer a part of me, they're someone else's. They have a mind of their own.

Courtney is just stood there, staring at me, whilst I stare back at them. She's hardly blinking or even moving. She obviously has realised what she has done. What they have done.

After a few seconds of looking at the back if him, Louis has the guts to finally turn around and face me.

I continue to stand there and stare at them both for a few more seconds, before deciding to actually do something about it. My feet begin to carry me closer to them both before I have the chance to fully process whats happening. I start to feel my body fill up with anger and hurt.

I'm hurt at the fact that Louis compete ignored what I had told him after he admitted to his supposed feelings. I'm also hurt at the fact that this was all just a big secret. They both kept it hidden from me... My best friend and my cousin. Who else knows about them? Is it just me that doesn't know?

"What the hell!?!" I yell as I get a few steps away from them. I stop on that spot, not wanting to get any closer for the time being.

"Haz mate. List-" Louis began stuttering, trying to 'explain' this to me.

I cut him off. "Me Listen? Me?" I pointed to myself, a little shocked at him trying to tell me to listen. "You need to listen. You don't listen do you. I told you the day you apparently thought that you had feelings for her and shared it with the rest of us to stay away from her, but yet here you are. So don't you dare try and tell me to listen." I breathed heavily, trying to catch my breath back from all the shouting.

"Harry. I didn't listen to you because you don't get it. You don't understand." Louis said surprisingly calmly.

"What don't I understand? That you think it's acceptable to be seeing my cousin behind my back, after I told you to stay away!" My temper not getting any lighter at all.

I kept looking between Courtney and Louis, waiting for the one of them to speak next.

"No!" Louis started to shout as well now. "No, you don't understand, Harry. You don't understand that I like Courtney and yes! I do want to be with her and just because she's your cousin, doesn't mean that it changes anything." Louis started going red in the face as he took a step closer towards me. I didn't bother to take a step back, instead I took a step forward, closing the gap.

"Stop it! Stop it both of you!" Courtney yelled from the side of us, gaining both of our attention.

In unison we turned our heads to face a very scared and upset Courtney. Tears were staining her cheeks as she just let them fall, making me feel upset myself. However, right now I'm not in the mood to feel sympathetic in any way whatsoever. This has gotten my beyond annoyed and angry.

"Hey." He cooed. "Hey Courtney it's alright. Don't cry." Louis tried to comfort her.

He stepped away from me and began to walk towards Courtney. As he reached her, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest. He winced at the pain he received from doing that action, but kept her close to his chest.

"Leave her alone!" I yelled at Louis, taking large strides towards them both.

I grabbed Courtneys by her wrist and began to drag her away from Louis. I started pulling her down her fathers drive way. I hardly even remember the previous fight with her father and his friend. Louis was on my side then. Now look.

"Don't treat her like that." Louis shouted and walked up to me.

Louis decided feeling brave and shoved me back a bit, making me stumble on my own feet. As I tried to re-balance myself I dropped my grasp on Courtneys wrist.

"Or what?" I challenged him, my eyes gleaming with evil. I didn't bother to shove him back or make any physical contact with him. I know that I would soon end up doing something that I would regret greatly. Also my hand is swallon from having to beat those to monsters. My knuckles are red and cut.

He took another step closer to me. Once again we were only centimeters away from one another. Nothing else was said. It was complete silence, apart from the faint whimpers coming from Courtney and the passing cars on the road below. Everything else was oblivious to me, as I was to them. The air grew thick rapidly and the tension was high. Neither of us dared to move a muscle because we both know it would show that one of us is weaker. Neither of is wanted to show fear.

(A/N) And I am appologising again for how bad this chapter actually is and how short it is. Omg it was so terrible. I don't have a clue why I did this chapter like this.

I will try to update again soon to make up for this rubbish chapter. It will be up as soon as I can because I am now back at school again. Oh :(

Thanks anyway guys and if you liked this chapter then please vote.

Sophia xx

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