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"You know what Dk? You are impossible."

Just like your eyes.

"I am sorry Radhe?" He said more like questioned plus Radhe again? Yes he deserves this.

"It's absolutely not okay "I said rather snapped and turned around knowing that whatever I said is so irrelevant and rude but he leaves me with no option.
Just as I was about to walk my wrist felt grip on it and an unwanted shiver ran down my spine.

"Before you go Radhe, I wanna ask something from you. "he politely said which made me forget that I was running late and have almost missed my first class because of him.

"What"? I couldn't help but reply with same polite tone.

"When will you stop calling me DK? "He asked.

Once again I got triggered but tried to calm myself while answering him with no expressions.

" The moment when you'll stop calling me Radhe!"

"Hmm..fair enough ". He said and for once I thought that he's going to listen to me but of course...

"So you mean never? Um.. Ok"! He said and winked to which I groaned and immediately walked away from him while he tried to hide his chuckle.


Universe : (stern) Sir!

Krishna : (whining) Not again.

Universe : ( kind of sad) I'm sorry sir but this is my duty, I have to remind you every time you tend to forget the deal.

Krishna : (frustrated) I've told you many times that you don't have to come between me and Radhe. And I'm not forgetting anything.

Universe: (happy) I know sir. You are capable of taking care of yourself and our queen but I was just saying.

Krishna : (rolling his eyes) then don't.

Universe : ok sir, as for now I'll not remind you anymore.

Krishna : (pleased) Yes, good and don't you think you are conversing more than necessary with me?

Universe : It's unintentional sir but I have to ask something.

Krishna : (groans) ok, ask it fast.

Universe : (worried) Sir you look red, are you angry on me?

Krishna : ( exhales) No, I'm not angry. It's just kind of hot in here. I'm just a little bit hot right now.

Universe : That you are!

Krishna :  .....

Universe: .....

Krishna : (shocked, surprised) did you just flirt with me?

Universe : .....

Krishna : ( shakes his head disapprovingly and facepalms )

As I took my usual seat in the 3rd class I saw an empty chair beside me. Lalita wasn't in this class with me and so I silently prayed that no one should sit here and as I completed my prayer  immediately a person sat there, who was none other than that stupid, idiot with beautiful eyes. DK!

I guess God heard my prayer but reacted oppositely to it, like literally opposite. I sighed.

"Radhe you saved me a seat, Thank you "He said once again initiating the conversation to which I mentally groaned.

"Really?"I exclaimed boringly.

Instead of replying me, he asked a question again!

"So are you ready Radhe? "He grinned.

"For what?" I asked sternly not wanting this conversation to go on.

"For a bike ride Radhe." He said simply as if it was the most obvious thing in this world and left with a smirk plastered on his face and a frown on mine.

"What? You know what for the first time I'm worried for you. You are alright na? I mean your mind is working correctly know?" I replied sarcastically to which he laughed throwing his head back and showing his pearl white teeth. This sight was beautiful. Whatever.

"No Radhe, from the first day we met I've really not been ok. "he said dramatically with his hand on his chest.

"Well then wait for me to psychiatrist". I replied with a smirk.

"I'll wait as long as you want me to. "He answered but I believe that this was directed to something else.

"Whatever" I murmured rolling my eyes.


The day slowly was coming to an end and I had a free period and so as soon as our class got over I moved to the canteen. I went there and saw a big  crowd gathering a pillar or maybe a person. I was not able to see. I tried to push my self into the large crowd and examine what was happening.

And as I got there my curious expression was replaced by shocked one.

On the pillar there was a poster which said "Whosoever will win the lucky draw will get a bike ride with Krishna​ as the reward." My first instinct was to roll my eyes but when I saw another poster on the opposite pillar my eyes almost came out if their socket.

"Winner name : Radhika "

Really? I mean really? When on earth did this draw happen and when did I won it? Between this utter shock and confusion,I could now feel a tense atmosphere around me. Numerous faces with expressions such as anger, jealousy, hatred? surrounded me.

I couldn't even believe that, that DK could do such thing. And then for them first time every he became my priority. I had to find him, interrogate him and tell him to stay aways from me.

"Mr.DK  you are so in trouble today.

A/N : lol

Thankyou for reading.

Radhe Radhe 🙌

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