I Will Be Right Here

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Today I had gone to Lalita's hospital to visit her. It was safe to say that she was damn happy to see me and well, vice versa.
I had just entered my cabin when someone knocked on the door. "Come in" I said and wore my coat in case if it was any senior doctor.

But clearly that wasn't the case.

"Dr.Rahul" I stated, confused.
"Hello Dr. Radhika, long time no see" He said and took a  seat across me.I frowned a little but sat nonetheless.

"Um.. Yeah" I answered. I wasn't a fan of him really. He had asked me out last year, just when I had joined this hospital. I obviously declined him because I wasn't ready for any relationship at that time or any time for that matter.
But he didn't seem to understand that and so he proposed me yet again a few months back. Now I couldn't do anything to stop him or complain about him. It wasn't as if he was harming me in any way. And so I haven't been looking forward to talk to him anytime soon.

"So how are you? " He asked.
"Fine" I answered hurriedly . "I'm sorry though I've to cut this" I gestured my hand between us "short, I have a few sessions scheduled ahead." I said and he raised his eyebrow.

"Really? Well I had checked your schedule before coming here. You were free." He said and I mentally facepalmed. "You see...my appointment is scheduled with a doctor not a patients. So it wouldn't be in the register. Also there is absolutely no need for you to check on my schedule. Now if you'll excuse me." I said and gestured him to leave but he didn't budge.

"But Radh-"

"Radhe" A voice came from the door successfully cutting Dr.Rahul mid sentence. I sighed in relief when I saw Dk standing at the door with his one hand sprawled on the door while the other clutching his coat.

He had a frown on his face while his eyebrows were furrowed. His gaze went from Dr. Rahul to me and back at him and within a second his gaze hardened. He was proper glaring at Dr. Rahul who hesitantly cleared his throat and finally got up.

"Um looks like you really are busy" he said and I fake smiled giving him a look saying 'told you'. He walked out of the room while Dk came inside and closed the door behind him.

His frown instantly vanished somewhere and he smiled at me.
"Good morning Radhe" he chirped and I smiled seeing him so excited. "What got you so energetic this morning? " I asked and he shyly took a seat.

"You know there is this girl. She's really beautiful and sweet and I was really looking forward to meet her. That's it." He said while looking at me and my cheeks immediately flushed.
"Flirting is not allowed in this hospital" I said and bit back a smile.

He just laughed.

"I've never been one to follow the rules." He said and winked while I rolled my eyes.

Old Dk was back.

"Whatever Dk. Go treat some patients and let me treat mine." I said teasingly but he seriously stood up from his chair. My smile faltered. With a great difficulty I concentrated back on my work.

But at once I stopped signing the papers when I felt his presence behind me. I looked behind and my breath hitched seeing him so close. The next thing I knew was a cool metal touching my neck. I looked down to see a beautiful pendant dangling there while his finger brushed lightly at the back of my neck. Once he clipped the hook, he bent slightly to be at my level.

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