Just This One Moment

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I immediately turned around, still, dumbfounded, wide eyed and dried throat.

There was only one thing in my mind.

Cardiac arrest

This feeling was too similar too cardiac arrest. My breathing decreased rapidly while my heart beat did the opposite.

He stood there in his divine personality all tall and beautiful, just like he left.

His face.

His eyes. 

His voice

He, himself.


For a few minutes, everything stopped. My anger and pain faded somewhere, far far away. For a few seconds every inch of me forgot how much he hurt and broke me. In the span of those few seconds I managed to fall in love with him all over again. An involuntary smile made its way to my face and an unknown tear rolled down my cheek.

In front of me was that sight which I had yearned for four years and a few eternities.

Standing there, was my life.

He was my life and all I wanted was to run and embrace him. I wanted to pull and twist his ears, slap him, scold him, tell him that I hate him so much. But I wanted to love him just as much. I wanted to say all those things which I couldn't say before because he -

Because he went away. Because he left me. Because he didn't turn around and looked for me, because he never felt the need to love me anymore. Because he didn't care how his Radhe was.

I immediately wiped my eyes, averted my gaze. I won't give in. He's hurt me too much to be forgiven. Not that he asked for it.

My gaze settled on a pen.

Pen -

"Um, can I have a pen? "


I should've just said no. It was because of that pen, why he talked to me. If I would've said 'no' at that time then maybe my heart would have been in a better condition right now.

"So Radhika,this is my nephew, Krishna. Though it isn't his official name anymore "Mr. Singh stated.

Official name? But his name is Krishna.

"And son, this is Dr.Radhika, our hospital's very precious asset."

"Mine too".

Krishna's POV:

"Mine too" I mumbled involuntarily.

My beautiful, beautiful Radhe was sitting in front of me and all I could do was stare at her. I wanted pick her up and hold her tight. I never wanted to leave from front of her. I wanted to stare at her face for all the eternities.

I knew that all I was doing was hurt her right now, all I did was hurt her back then but all I wanted to do, was love her forever.

"My Radhe " I said under my breath and smiled to myself because my imagination was finally true. My Radhe was sitting right in front of me.

"Son, you said anything?" Uncle asked and I averted my gaze with difficulty and shook my head in a no.

But my gaze once again settled on her face and her's left mine.

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