You're Sweet

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"Oh Krishna,what is happening? Was that a dream or reality? Please help me Krishna." I prayed silently but was disturbed by the ringing of my phone.

The phone was from an unknown number. I wasn't really a fan of answering these kind of calls but somehow I ended up answering this one.

{3rd person POV}

Radhika: Hello? (Hesitantly)

Person: Hello (teasingly)

Radhika :Who's this? (confused)

Person : Who are you? (smug)

Radhika : What? You called me, you should know. But anyhow I guess you called the wrong number (annoyed)

Person : No, it is anything but a wrong number (smiling?)

Radhika : Well then who are you? (really annoyed)

Person :Your Krishna (definitely smiling)

Only one person..

Radhika : Dk! (pretending to be annoyed)

Dk : Aww, you remembered me Radhe.

Ofcourse she did. You're not someone who could be easily forgotten .

Radhika : From where did you get my number (worried)

Dk : Your friend loves me too much (teasing)

Radhika : Lalita!

Dk: And here we have the genius of the century. (teasing again)

Radhika : Dk! ( annoyed nonetheless smiling)

Dk: So you are coming to college right? (softly)

Radhika : no, not really. I am not feeling well today. (remembering the events from the morning)

Dk: Why are you ill? Radhe are you sick (concerned)

Radhika : No, I'm fine. I just don't feel like coming to college. Don't worry. (Slightly smiling)

Dk: Well do you mind some company then? I actually have to discuss the assignment with you. (obviously lying)

Radhika : Um.. Ok, it's fine. (Hesitant?)

Dk: Deal, I'll be there in 15. S'fine? "

Radhika : ok, but I'll not let you enter my home. (chuckling silently)

Dk: No worries , you just give me two steps to stand and I'll not move till eternity!(Whipped)

Radhika:What? (confused)

Dk: just kidding. I'll be there in a few. Bye.

{3rd person POV over)

So it was Dk who called me at 7 in the morning. And was he going to skip college as well?
What should I do of this boy!

After exact 15 mins the bell rang and thankfully I was able to freshen up and get ready in this small duration of time . I once again looked at myself in the mirror just to see if I was looking decent enough . It wasn't as if I had to get ready for him or anything.


The bell rang once again and I immediately ran down the stairs and opened the door.

But I wasn't prepared for this sight, once again.

"Oh my God, Krishna? What happened? Are.. are you alright?, of course you're not. What am I even speaking? " I rambled, not able to focus on my words because there stood Dk with his wounded self, yet again.

He had a wound on his forehead and a few cuts on his hand. He winced slightly when I grabbed his forearm and brought him inside.

I made him sit on the couch but he winced again and I noticed that his ripped jeans were not actually ripped rather his knee was scraped. I winced too seeing that.

"Hey, hey" he whispered and I looked up to him. He brought his hands towards my face but stopped suddenly and let them fall limp on his side.

"I'm fine Radhe, don't worry". He said calmly. So calmly that it looked like instead of him I was wounded because I had a frown on my face while he had a smile.
How weird can he get?

"No Dk you're not fine."I stated and grabbed the first aid box from the cupboard and sat besides him in order to treat his wounds.

"How did you even manage to get these wounds that too two times in a span of a few weeks. " I said and applied antiseptic to his wounds to which he winced slightly to which even I winced yet again confusing myself to who was actually hurt.

"Answer me Dk, how?" I asked while applying bandage to his head. When he didn't reply I looked at him so as to scold him but once I looked I kind of forgot everything.

For the first time his face was so close to mine. I could literally see the golden particles in his light brown eyes. His eyes captured all my attention and I gazed at them for what felt like eternity not even bothering about how stupid I looked. For once I thought that Dk would embarrass me for staring at him but he was just quiet with a slight smile on his face which seemed to just enhance his beauty.

I drifted my gaze from his eyes which settled on his wound immediately reminding me of the present. I backed of slightly, and resumed with the bandaging.

I remembered that I had asked him a question to which he still hadn't answered. I was once again going to ask him but he cut me off.

"I don't know Radhe, It just kind of... happened." He said with an intense stare and I doubted, if he was talking about his wounds or something else.

He winced as he got up from the couch and started limping towards the entrance.

" Dk" I called and he stopped.


"Where are you going. Come back. You're not well right now ". I said and made my way to him.

"No Radhe, I should go. I don't want to disturb you. And in this state I certainly can't discuss any assignment so yeah I -"

"Nonsense! You're not going anywhere Dk. You'll come with me to my room and rest there while I get you some painkiller."
I stated and put his arm on my shoulder so his knee doesn't has too much weight to carry.

He protested twice but I shushed him to which he actually got shushed and I chuckled quietly.

Once in the room, I helped him to get on the bed and then went to bring some painkillers.

"Hey Radhe " He said from behind and I stopped.

" Yes"

"You're sweet "

          -*-*-*- *-*-*- *-*-*-

Radhe Radhe ❤️

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