It's All Past

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4 yrs Later

"A very good morning Dr. Radhika. All ready for the day?"
A very happy voice greeted me from the other side of the phone.
I just rolled my eyes.

"Really lalita? That's what you'll call me. Dr. Radhika!" I chuckled "How original of you".

"Not my mistake that my best friend has finally become a psychiatrist" she said and chuckled.

"Saying as if you're a lawyer. My dear Dr. Lalita let me remind you, that you yourself are a wonderful psychiatrist though I still despise the fact that you're not in same hospital as me. It's already been a year since I'm working here but I still miss you"

"Don't get me started Radhika. You know that I'll literally do anything to be in the same hospital as you but those fools, I tell you. Let me once be famous , then you and me both will fire all the stupid workers who assigned me a different hospital." She said with such a seriousness that I couldn't stop laughing.

"Whatever you say girlfriend. Now are you ready? I'm reaching your flat in 5 minutes. I've to drop you and then have to meet Akshay. "

"Yes I'm almost ready. I don't want you to be late for meeting Akshay" She said and giggled and I joined her.

"ok, I'm on my way. "

"Yes Dr. Radhika."

"Say that one more time -"


I was on my way to my cabin after a long exhausting day of work looking back and forth between all the rooms in the psychiatry department.

Thankfully there were not many patients here, means, that there were less people suffering from mental health problems.

But by not many, I mean that there were almost a hundred patients which were scheduled with me throughout every month.

Out of those hundred, 20 patients were kept here itself, in the hospital because their metal health had gotten worse. But thankfully most of the patients were much better now.

These were the patients suffering from severe cases of the problem. Like one was suffering from severe panic attacks which ranged from 1 to 5 times a day, other was suffering from depression since number of years , one of them was also suffering from bipolar disorder while some other was suffering from a very severe OCD.

Rest of the 80 patients kept changing. Their problems were not too severe. Mild depression, slight anxiety, anger management issues, mild OCD tendencies etc. These kind of problems were more targetable and took comparatively less amount of time to heal.

For these we had our psychologist who talked to all the patients. And all the severe cases were then sent to me so that I could talk to them some more, prescribe them the medicines or preferably keep them in the hospital for a few weeks or months depending on their condition.

So yes, currently I was walking to my cabin. The day was over.
But I stopped in my tracks when my phone beeped signaling that I was called at the reception.

"Ah! " I sighed nonetheless taking a u turn and going to the reception.

"Yes Sister?" I asked once I reached the reception. The receptionist kept on changing almost every 2 week and so I didn't bother to getting their names instead called them sister.

Simple and effective.

"Hello Dr. Radhika "She greeted with a big and fake smile. I returned it nonetheless.

"Actually, the head of the hospital Mr. Singh has arrived. He said he'd like to meet you." The receptionist informed me in a monotonous voice but I didn't care.

"Thankyou, I must go now. "
I said and immediately made my way to Mr. Singh's office. It was already 10 pm and so all the lights in the corridor were dimmed so that they wouldn't disturb the patients sleeping in the room. Mr Singh's office was situated at the 4 floor and so I hurried to the elevator.

Mr.Singh was one of the directors of this hospital. He was a very respectable man in his late forties who believed in God and was very kind natured. I had completed my internship under his guidance and he was nothing but a very good mentor and an inspiration to me. He had given me his personal number so that I could meet him whenever I missed my father.

I hadn't seen my father in past 7 months and I missed him very much. He still lived in our old house, living on the pension that he got. I promised him that within a few months I'll buy a flat in this city so that we both could live here.

I soon reached his office and knocked on the door. "May I come in Sir?" I asked peeking my head through door to which he chuckled and removed his glasses to take a better look.

"Come in, Come in " He said and smiled and I entered in his office.
He got up from his seat and caressed my head, giving me blessings just like my father did. I smiled brightly at him and he returned it.

"How are you Radhika? I've heard that all the patients love you as their Doctor." He said teasingly.

"I'm very Good sir. You tell me, are you following all the steps I told you to keep your mind stress free? I asked him in return. He really was like a father to me and so I had to take care of his health.

"Yes Doctor, I'm following everything you said to me "He answered and chuckled. "Actually I wanted another favor from you,will you help me? "He asked and I nodded immediately.

"Absolutely sir, I'd be glad to help you."

Jai Sri Radhekrishn 🙌

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