Made Me Want To Cry

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So once again I was walking through the corridors of the hospital. It was barely 6 in the evening but today the hospital was exceptionally less crowded.
Although this always is a good sign. Less people in hospital means less people suffer from sickness.

I prayed internally and thanked God. My eyes closed and hands joined.

But it wasn't until late, that someone bumped into me.
I opened my eyes but saw no one.

"Excuse me?" I heard a soft voice from behind and my breath hitched.

It couldn't be

"Um, do you by any chance know where is unc- I mean Mr. Singh's office?" He asked but I was too dumbfounded to answer.

"Actually never mind, he called me. And sorry for bumping into you, Rad-"

I shuddered as he went away with slight trace of 'Radhe' in the atmosphere. But it, it couldn't be. It had to be my imagination. But then how could that "Radhe" and this "Radhe" be so similar.

But why would he come back?
H-he left me alone. He wasn't supposed to come back. I wasn't supposed to get my hopes high and then get my heart broken again and again, again and again.

I wasn't supposed to shatter myself one more time.

Unknowingly I let myself reach the day when my soul broke down,when my heart crushed into pieces and my life,stopped.

With a letter on the table he went, God knows where? When will he comeback ,I had no idea? I just laid in that hospital bed, half conscious with the paper tightly clutched in my hand as if it held the jist to my survival which in a way, was true.

His voice continuously echoing in my ears saying,

"I'll love u until I love u again"

A single tear dropped down my eyes while I searched for him through the window of the room.
My heart was already broken but my eyes didn't let down the hope to see him again or maybe just a glimpse of him.

My eyes? Who am I kidding. My eyes long ago, left my team. They didn't like me anymore, for in his eyes they found the peace they wanted , they found the depth they wanted, they found the love they craved.

But look what they got for free.

They got the pain and the grief unwanted. My eyes didn't ask for this bonus. They only asked for love not a heartbreak. These eyes weren't mine now, they just claimed to be.

But as much as they wanted,they searched for him but he never came and I just slipped into the world of illusions and beauty, from where all of this had started, my dreams.

My phone beeped bringing me out of my trance. It was Mr. Singh asking me to come to his cabin after an hour for some important reason. I replied in an affirmative.

I took a deep breath, shook my head and tried to concentrate on what was happening but unfortunately my mind was too occupied thinking about a curly haired, brown eyed, sweet voiced cheater who only knew how to abandon people.


I just had dinner which consisted of a vegetable sandwich and a coffee. It had been two months since I had been eating this dinner regularly. I needed a break. Maybe Lalita and I could go to a restaurant and treat ourselves.

At this idea I immediately dialed her number.


"Hello, lalita, guess what?" I asked excited to which I just got a long sigh.

"What Radhika?" She asked tiredly.

"What happened? Had a busy day?" I asked a bit concerned.

"Yup, and you know I just ate dinner. I'm so sick of the sandwich I eat everyday. I wish we could go somewhere to enjoy ourselves." She said monotonously while I grinned and squealed internally.

"Radhika, what happened?" She asked and I just laughed.

"Telepathy happened lalita, telepathy. You won't believe I was thinking the exact same thing about my exact same dinner with the exact same solution." I said and laughed and she chuckled too.

"Know what Radhika? I'm not even surprised now. We've been friends for so many years. It's a bit obvious that we both know each other's internal thoughts, just like I know who you're thinking about right now." She said softly and my grin faded from my face.

"Don't be sad Radhika" She said as if she was standing in front of me. "Everything happens for a reason Radhika. You won't get anything by shedding tears of course other than some relief. But believe me Radhika, if it will to happen, it will happen right now, right there where you are. It's all about patience Radhika. Also it's high time someone calls you Radhe once again. " She said and I took a shaky breath. "Also we're going to dinner tomorrow. Be ready at 6. We'll go together, bye. "

"Bye" I said under my breath and hung up. I saw the time and immediately made my way to Mr. Singh's office.

Once I reached there I knocked a few times and then entered.

"Radhika, beta come and please have a seat." He said and I made my way inside but a nostalgic scent overpowered my senses.

A scent which made me want to cry.

"So Radhika, you remember, I told you about my nephew?" He asked and I nodded hesitantly. I didn't like in which way this conversation was going on.

"He landed today and directly came to my office although he had some problems finding it. "
Mr. Singh said and laughed.

"Happens" I said and smiled nervously.

"I know. Wait let me just call him. He's out there washing his hands. He tripped on his way here. Such a clumsy guy I tell you."

"I know"

The words left my mouth involuntarily and my eyes widened. "You know?" Mr. Singh asked and I shook my head, disappointed from myself.

"N-no, I meant that I'm clumsy to. I would know. "

"Haha, no beta, you don't know him. In his early college years he used to get in accidents so much. People were tired of him"

Yes, But I wasn't

"You don't know him Radhika, he's something else."

"I know this too "

"Son." Mr. Singh called. I could hear the voice of running water from the background. "Son, come here fast. Dr. Radhika is here." He said and the faint sound of running water stopped immediately.

I closed my eyes simultaneously and took a deep breath. The door creaked and his smell was all I could breathe.

The letter with which he had left years ago had the same words which he said the next second.

"I'll be back."

"I'm back "

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