Lalita Happened

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Lalita's POV:

"Radhika, stop whining for God sake." I said to Radhika but she just groaned and turned her head on my lap. "Don't take his name" She said sternly.

"But I didn't even sat his name." I argued but she shrugged.

"You did....sort of" She explained and I turned her face up so that she was looking at me from my lap.

"Tell me one thing Radhika, why I shouldn't take his name when you say 'I love you' to him 10 times in an hour and he says it probably 10 times in 10 minutes." I asked teasingly and she just huffed.

"Now this is pure exaggeration.
When did that happen? I obviously don't say him those words that many times and well I don't know about him, he probably does say it, because let's be real, everyone how loveable I am." She said in an obvious joking manner and chuckled but I smiled because this would be the first time she complimented herself rather than getting insecure.

Only a moment later though, she continued and my smile fell.

"-I mean I obviously know that I'm not lovable at all. I was just kidding" She said and chuckled to herself with an underlying tone of self pity and I frowned, sadly.

"No Radhika, you are very lovely People can't help but fall in love with you. And he, he is just as gone for you." I tried to say convincingly but she just shrugged, her face visibly sad.
"Anyways what were you telling me? What did he do wrong?why are you angry at him?" I asked successfully changing the topic and the glint traveled back in her eyes.

"Hm. Good question. So this started a week ago when we walked out of Mr.Singh's cabin, losing our jobs, well me losing and he resigning. That day everybody in the hospital heard this news and everybody, most definitely included Dr.Pooja and Dr. Rahul. Now I couldn't really give a damn about how Dr.Rahul felt or anything and therefore Dk shouldn't also care about now Dr.Pooja felt. But that...that idiot. Anyways, so the next day most of the doctors came to me and told me that they are signing a petition about how they don't want me and Dk to leave this hospital. I tried to tell them that they don't have to do anything like that because Mr.Singh wouldn't budge and I really didn't want to continue working in that hospital after replacing my self respect. So they understood or so I thought,
Because Dr. Pooja just stood there and accused me of how Dk lost his job because of me which was partly true but it was his choice, right? She shouldn't blame everything on me. And then when I told Dk about it, he dismissed the topic saying it was nothing and that he, himself would talk to Dr.Pooja and tell her the truth. I shrugged believing him but then that stupid person somehow arranged a lunch date with her who evidently has a crush on him, he knows it, I know it, the whole hospital kno-"

"But he took you with him right? And that too as a couple so that he could show her that he isn't single" I said intervening Radhika's ranting but she just narrowed her eyes at me. I wanted to laugh because she looked like a angry kitten.

"Well Ms.Lalita, first of all don't defend him and secondly, let me complete what I was saying." She said sassily and I giggled.

"So I was saying that whole hospital knows it and he is an idiot. There, done. Now you can talk." Radhika said and this time I laughed. "What? Why are you laughing? He is stupid and that's the truth. Don't dare take his side. You have to be on my side ok?" She said and pouted and I pinched her cheeks to which she groaned first but then smiled.

"Yes I'm always on your side." I assured her and within a few minutes she fell asleep with a small smile on her face. I caressed her head and smighed.

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