A Love Story

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It was Lalita's turn now. She looked a bit nervous. I tried to comfort her and gave her a smile. She returned it.

She started-

"In a narrow valley, bit deep
I found a place to weep
Darkness surrounded me
And my heart , just let it be

I was crying when someone came,
Someone who consoled me, who was not the same

She looked up at me.....and I smiled at her because no one but only we knew that this was the story of how we met in this life.

She came to me like a soft breeze.
Melting all my worries ,
giving me ease.

She came like a God to me.
And took me to a bliss filled sea.

She gave me power to fight back
She gave me strength which I lacked.

She fought for me like my shield
She walked with me on every hard field

She loved me more with passing time
I loved her back cause she was mine.

She was my friend, my sister, my mother
She was my God, my father, my brother

She was everthing, a world to me
She was,my best friend, my life to be "

She completed and sat down while everyone applauded. I just hugged the life out of her and she giggled.

I never knew having a best friend would make me want to live this life a little bit longer.


After lalita there were turns of many students. We just kept quiet and listened to each one of them. In the middle of someone's assignment I felt some dizziness.

I rubbed my forehead with my fingers and closed my eyes. But behind my lids, I once again started seeing that drea- my past.

I saw the girls, I saw lalita and my other best friend Vishakha, and of course I saw my Krishna.
I saw my parents, my mom who wasn't there with me in this life, I saw my cousins, my brother who too was taken away from me.

My body started trembling slightly. Seeing those people in my past who were not in my this life was difficult. Very difficult. I didn't know how to deal with this. To be sad or to be happy. I didn't know anything.

My head throbbed badly and my throat dried. Tears rolled down my face and whimpers left my mouth. It looked as if I was going to have a panic attack but then suddenly a hand gripped mine tightly and started stroking my hand with the thumb while a softer hand rubbed my back.

After what felt like forever, I opened my eyes. To my left Dk was gripping my hand while to my right lalita was rubbing my back.

The class now was empty and I  choked on a silent sob which further turned into crying.

I had never felt this sad before as well as this loved . No one had cared so much for me, no one got to care for me. My father always was busy working so that he could satisfy my necessities. He never could spend time with me, my mom was taken away from me, my brother also left me. I had always been unlucky, unloved but something told me that this time that wouldn't be the case.

A pair of arms engulfed me and I found myself in my best friends embrace. She smiled looking down at me, I returned it with my broken one.

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