My Dear Akshay

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Literally dragging myself I walked through the hallways with a stethoscope in my neck swaying left to right. It was night already but being a doctor I didn't have any right on it
because here I was heading for my 5th night shift of the week. It's been a year and a half since I've started working in this hospital but I still haven't got the hang of it.

Although yesterday was quite good. I got to meet Mr.Singh after such a long time.

Also according to Mr. Singh, his nephew, who was a psychologist and had done his internship in Australia, was coming back to India tomorrow. Mr. Singh wanted me to show his nephew around this hospital as he trusted me and thought that the psychologist could work with me on some cases.

I, of course, had agreed to him. Though only a few minutes ago I realized that I didn't even ask him the name of his nephew or his appearance. I literally had no idea how that person looked like so how was I supposed to show him around that too to someone who has spent years living in Australia.

I don't want him to compare Indian Hospitals with Australian ones. I don't think so that I'm going to like that person very much. I've a feeling that I'm going to hate that person.

Anyways, having a night shift sometime is so tiring.

But still when you know that to the surrounding place you are the only hospital staff, they could end upon, you feel yourself motivated and energetic.

Being a psychiatrist I didn't have to work 24 hours like other physicians or so.

Thank God

Sometimes even the doctors took counselling from me because of the stress caused by surgeries. Those surgeons had to see a person die, how their soul escaped this world leaving a motionless piece of flesh behind it.

This isn't a normal activity. It isn't easy to see someone die and sometimes this hits those doctors so hard that they aren't able to move for a few seconds. Especially the interns, who are new. And so I feel nothing but blessed if I am able to help them in any way.

Right now though, I'm going to meet Akshay and I can't be more relieved .

Within a few seconds I reached his room and knocked on the door 3 times. I then entered and saw Akshay. A smile immediately made its way to my face.

There sat Akshay, wearing a hospital gown with a drip attached to his hand. His fringe covering his forehead while a smile covering his face.

"So, sir, may I ask you about how you are doing?" I said teasingly and went near him.

"Really Doctor? I'm just 12. Don't call me Sir. I ain't that big." he grumbled.

"Oh, so you don't want to be called sir?" I asked innocently to which he shook his head.

"Ok, so how are you, mam?" I asked controlling my laugh and he immediately groaned though a small smile was clearly evident.

"Argh! Doctor I hate you. I need to write a letter to Mr. Singh so that he could change my doctor."
He said crossing arms on his chest making an angry face. But the twitch of his lips always betrayed him.

"That's too bad my lovely lady. I'm not leaving you this soon. I love my Akshay too much to leave him alone." I said and ruffled his hair and I could swear  I heard a small "I love you too" erupting from his mouth.

I smiled to myself and sat on his bed closing my eyes for a few seconds.

Whenever I get too tired, I always come here in this room. An, unbelievable peace surrounds me here relaxing my mind and all my worries.

I was rubbing my forehead with the heels of palm when a soft weight tucked itself beside me. I opened my eyes and saw Akshay curled beside me with a sad frown on his face.

I immediately sat a little  straighter and pulled him back with me so that his head was resting on my shoulder while my hand caressed his head.

"What happened sweetheart?"I asked him softly and he shook his head.

"Akshay, bub, you have to tell me what's bothering you. I told you know, that if anything disturbs you, you tell me immediately?" I asked quietly and he nodded his head.

"So tell me... "

"I miss my parents." He mumbled inaudibly and I tightened my grip on him.

No, his parents hadn't die. They were fully alive but they just never came to meet Akshay. He had been in this hospital since past 4-5 months. And no this wasn't a mental hospital, neither was his condition that bad. Thankfully, he had recovered 70 percent from his disorder that is of severe panic attacks.

But he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents were wealthy and so was his house,more like a mansion. But inside those walls there was no one who could take care of this boy and leaving him alone would only result in reoccurrence of his problem.

"I know Akshay. But you know na, that they work all the time. And they work only for you, so that you get everything you want." I answered weakly trying to convince him.

"Plus I'm always here right? Don't you want to stay with me, meet me, Play games with me?" I added and he immediately looked up to me, his eyes pooling with tears.

"Ye-Yes, I w-want to stay with you di." he said and sobbed silently.

It was his habit. Whenever he would become too emotional, he would address me as 'Di" and God knows I loved this little brother of mine so much.

He reminded me of my own brother who went away a little too soon.

I protectively took him in my arms and kissed the top of his head, careful enough to not put any strain on his drip.

"Now sleep baby. It's already 10, I'll come check on you within a few hours. Ok?" I asked and he mumbled a small and faded yes. I figured that he was already half asleep. I carefully laid him down on the bed and detached the drip from his hand. Once he was fully covered with the blanket I caressed his head one last time and saw him drifting into deep sleep. I switched off the lights to his room and made my way out into in the hallway.

Checking some more patients I headed towards my cabin, yawning the whole way.

I was so tired and the continuous thought of helping Mr.Singh's arrogant and snobbish nephew wasn't helping me either.

Let's see what happens tomorrow.

Jai Sri Radhekrishn <3

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