Alone, Tired, Dead Inside

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We're back! Hey everyone, here is the first chapter to book 2 of Silent. LOVE YOU!

His eyes flutter open, and Scott was so shocked from the suddenness, that he sprung out from his chair. The blonde looks at Scott in horror, and Scott could've sworn he had the same look on his face.

"Alex..." He says, reaching forward to touch his hand. What he didn't expect was for Alex to slap his hand away, leaving an instant sting.

"Scott, don't." Alex spits out. Scott was confused. He had no idea what was going on, or if his mind was playing tricks on him.

A nurse rushes in and pushes Scott out. Scott shakes his head before exiting the building alone, like he usually was.

He didn't have anyone anymore. He was always alone. The time he wasn't spending in Alex's hospital room, he'd spend in the safety of his bed. His parents wanted him to move out, but he didn't have anywhere to go but to go to Los Angeles, and he couldn't bring himself to leave Arlington.

This was his happiness, his safe place. Leaving Arlington would be something that he would never get over.

It had been a few weeks since Kirstie had left to go live with Mitch in Los Angeles. He didn't want to leave, but at the same time, he wanted to be with Kirstie and Mitch.

But he couldn't bring himself to leave. He felt like it was leaving behind a best friend, something Kirstie had no problem doing. Come to think of it, Kirstie really had no problem with leaving Scott behind and heading to Los Angeles. Sure, it was to see Mitch, but she hadn't even tried to convince Scott to come with her.

He shakes his head, unaware of what he wanted anymore. He didn't want to go home, he didn't want to go back to hospital, and he didn't want to go to Los Angeles. He was a mess.

He spent most of his time cramped in his room, too emotionless to speak or do anything with himself. His phone was just another issue on its own, constantly buzzing and beeping. He eventually turned it off, and he hasn't turned it on since.

Scott didn't know where his feet were taking him until he arrived at Avi's front door to his new apartment. His hand brought itself up, knocking on the door without permission.

He didn't know what to say when Avi opened the door, and apparently Avi didn't either. He knew Scott wasn't in a good place, but what he didn't know was how to fix him. He couldn't text him, or come to his house because he wouldn't answer the door. This was the first time Avi had seen him since a few days after graduation, which was four weeks ago. A month since Avi had seen him, and he looked worse than ever.

Scott is pulled through the door, and sat onto Avi's couch. The door shuts behind them and Avi sits next to Scott, unaware of how to approach the situation.

"Hi." Avi mutters. If he would've said anything else, it would've somehow been wrong. Scott shakes his head.

"I'm sorry." Scott says. "I shouldn't of come." Avi pulls him back down when he tries to leave.

"No, I'm glad you did. Please stay. I want to talk to you."

"How could you want to talk to me? I've been a mess since graduation. I haven't talked to you, or anyone, actually."

"Scott, how are you feeling?"

"Alone. Tired. Dead inside." Avi shakes his head. He quickly grabs Scott a pair of pajamas, the clothes he was wearing looked to be sickly, not the mention the fact he smelled simply atrocious.

"Go shower and change into these." Avi hands him the pajamas. "And then come back out. I'll give you dinner, then put on Sponge Bob." Scott nods. "Then I'll call Mitch and tell him to stop freaking out, because you're here. Okay?"

"Okay." Scott makes his way to the bathroom, hopping in it and letting the water run down him.

Meanwhile, Avi called Mitch. It rang a few times before he could hear Mitch's tired and worried voice.

"Hello?" He croaks. Avi could've gagged at how horrible all of his friends had started to sound.

"Hi, Mitch. I found Scott." Avi says, somehow managing to say it clearly.


"He showed up to my apartment. He is here. It's okay. I had him go into the shower. I know what you want to ask, and no, he isn't okay. He is a mess." Avi could hear Mitch sigh through the phone.


"I'm going to talk to him when he is doing better, okay? Then I'll call you again and tell you what's up with him."


"I love you, Munchy. Bye."

"L..l-luh you." He hears. Avi puts down the phone and turns on the TV, making sure Sponge Bob was on and the couch was comfortable enough to be slept on. He puts a few pillows and a large blanket down. He also fills a glass of water and puts it in the table.

Avi had a plan.

Clean him, feed him, let him calm down and sleep, then talk to him in the morning. It sounded good enough, and he knew Scott would end up talking to him. He always did.

Scott walks back out, new clothes on and his old ones in hand. Avi grabs the clothes and throws them aside, making a mental note to wash them for later.

"Go lay down. Sponge Bob is on and I'm making some food for you." He nods, taking up the spot on the couch.

Ten minutes later, Avi had a good amount of food that was ready to be eaten. He places it on the table next to Scott, watching as Scott just looks at the plate.

"Eat?" Scott takes a few pieces and throws it into his mouth. "Have you been eating?"

"Yeah." Scott says, and Avi could tell that he was saying he truth.

"I'm here for you, man. You can come over whenever you need it. Get some sleep, okay."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Can you do me a favor, though?"


"Will you call Mitch tomorrow?"

"I don't know."

"He is so worried."

"Well, so am I."

Love is love. I'm praying for you, Orlando <3.

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