Two years

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2 years later

Mitch picked up the small boy, he was only 5 months old and he was the cutest boy ever. He twirls the little boy in his arms, an open smile on his face and baby noises erupting from his mouth.

Scott smiled at the sight. Mitch looked to be amazing with kids. Scott had wanted kids of his own, but didn't think Mitch would be ready. Scott was only 21, Mitch only 20. Scott walks over to Mitch and pecks his cheek.

"He is so cute." Mitch whispers to Scott. "You have yourself a great momma, Bryce." Mitch says, returning his focus back to the small child in his hands. Scott just watches with a smile as Kirstie wanders over.

"Mitch, hand my baby over to Scott and come with me. I need girl talk." Kirstie says, tears brewing in her eyes. Mitch nods and hands the baby to Scott, following Kirstie into her dressing room. She sits in a chair, her head falling into her hands. She looked stunning in her wedding dress, her makeup was done to perfection, and her haired was pinned in all the right spots. The only things that was off was her frowning face and stressed tone.

"What is wrong, babe?" Mitch asks, putting his arms around her. She sighs.

"I'm so nervous." She says. "I shouldn't be having second thoughts, Mitch. If I'm having them, maybe I shouldn't get married to Avi, right?" She asks, a tear slipping. Mitch wipes it away before it could ruin her makeup.

"No, Kirstie. Everyone has wedding day jitters. You are in love with him and he is in love with you. Everything will be okay. Think of your beautiful baby boy." She smiles when hearing the words.

"My baby boy." She repeats. "You're right. Everything will be okay. I know it will, it has to be!" She says. Mitch smiles and hugs her. The door opens and Kirstie's mother walks in.

"I'll leave you two. Talk this out." Mitch says and disappears back into the alter. He find his way back to Scott who was now baby-less.

Scott wraps his arms around Mitch's waist and kisses him gently. "Hey, baby." Scott greets. Mitch smiles and kisses him again.

"Did you lose the baby?" Mitch jokes with a soft tone.

"Yep. I lost him in Avi's mom." The boys chuckle, looking over to see his mother swooning over the baby. "You look to be good with kids-"

"Stop." Mitch says. "No baby talk unless it's about Kirstie's baby."

"I just said you looked good with him." Scott says. "Is that your way of saying that you don't want kids?" Scott wanted him to say no, that he did want kids.

"I want to actually marry you before having this talk." He says. "I'm not a kid person."

"Mitch, we've been engaged for two years. I think we are perfectly fine to talk about kids. I want to have kids and a family with you." Mitch shakes his head.

"Stop talking. We aren't having this conversation at Kirstie's wedding. It isn't happening right now so just stop while I'm still in a good mood." Scott scoffs before making his way to find Avi. Mitch shakes his head, watching as Kevin makes his way over to him. Mitch hugs him

"Hey, Munch." Kevin greets while still hugging Mitch. "How's life?"

"It would be great if fiancé boy over there-" Mitch points at Scott. "-wouldn't talk about our future at Kirstie's wedding." Kevin tilts his head to the side. "He wants kids and I'm just not ready for that. We aren't even married yet."

"Have you ever wondered if Scott likes how long you two have been engaged?" Mitch shakes his head, he really hadn't. "I think he really wants to marry you already."

"We both agreed on waiting until we were older, though. I'm can't even drink yet."

"You agreed on that when you guys were 18. Two years ago, Mitchy. I think it's been awhile."

"This isn't a talk that we should have today regardless. It's Kirstie and Avi's day, not mine. Let them have the spotlight." Mitch says before finding his seat.

The ceremony started shortly afterwards. Avi stood at the front with tears in his eyes at the sight of his beautiful fiancé walking down the aisle and meeting him at the end.

"Shit." He says, causing everyone to laugh, even Kirstie. "You're gorgeous." He whispers to her, but enough for people to still hear and swoon over. Everyone's eyes shift to Avi's mother. She walks down the aisle with baby Bryce in her hands. Everyone could see two small rings in the babies hand.

The baby tosses one of the rings onto the floor causing the room to laugh. The person closest to it picks it up and hands it to Avi's mom with a chuckle. Mitch leans over to Scott.

"I knew it was a bad idea to give the baby the rings." He jokes, but Scott just continued to have his eyes on the ceremony rather than his fiancé. Mitch shook his head but focused as well.

The pastor goes through all of the necessary wedding thing, going through each of their vows and making the crowd cry and 'aww!'

"Do you, Kirstin Maldonado, take Avi to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and cherish for all time?" He asks. Kirstie smiles.

"I do." She says.

"Do you, Avi Kaplan, take Kirstin to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and cherish for all time?"

"Of course I do." He says with a bright smile.

"You may kiss th-" Avi had her in his arms before he could even finish, their lips together. Mitch wipes some of his tears away, proud of his best friends.

"That's us soon." Mitch says to Scott. "Sooner than you think, babe." Scott nods. "I love you."

"I love you too." Even when Scott was upset, he couldn't keep himself from telling this boy that he loved him.

"Who wants alcohol!" Kirstie yells, causing the room to cheer. Everyone except Mitch. Being the young one had him on baby duty while everyone else got drunk, but having the amazing fiancé he had, Scott sat out with him.

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