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Mitch was in the airport with Rod, waiting for their plane to be ready to be boarded. He takes sips from his iced latte from Starbucks, looking down at his phone every few seconds and hoping for a text from Scott. Kirstie had seen him when Rod picked him up, but he hadn't seen Scott since, well, since Mitch left him heartbroken at his own house.

He felt awful for that. It really showed how much Scott loved him. It showed how he would do anything just to show Mitch that he loved him. It also showed how Mitch wouldn't. How Mitch sat their and stayed still, actually leaving without doing the same that Scott had done. He felt horrible.

"Thanks for going through with this, Mitch. This means a lot to the company and too me. You're future is looking good from here, my boy." Rod says to him, slipping his arm over Mitch's shoulders. Mitch shyly smiles at him.

Mitch finishes his Starbucks, frowning when the sweet substance was completely gone and in his stomach. Mitch hops up and throws the cup away.

He sits back down, looking down at his hands and starts fidgeting with his thumbs. Mitch was still not sure about his decision to actually go, but there was no turning back now. He checks the time: 2:39. The plane boards at 3:00. He sighs.

"You won't regret this, Mitch. I promise you." Rod reassures. Mitch nods. He just didn't know if he still believed him. He wanted to believe him. He really, really did. His mind was telling him to go. That this job would be the best thing that would happen to his future. But his heart was saying stay, that the best thing has already happened. That Scott was his future. Sadly, he went by his mind rather than his heart.

Mitch tells Rod that he needs to go to the bathroom while they wait. He hops up and goes to the men's room. He just needed to splash his face with water, tell himself that everything would work out perfectly. He sighs.

He really wanted this. He just also really wanted Scott. If he stayed, he'd have the same stupid job that barely payed him. He would payed so much at this new job, but wouldn't really have anything to spend it on other the normal necessities to live.

When Mitch walks back out, he sees a figure speaking to Rod. He knew the person all to well.

"Superman." He says when he walks over. Scott sighs, stopping his conversion with Rod and pulling Mitch aside. Before Scott could speak, Mitch throws his arms around him. "I you were n-not coming." Mitch whispers into Scott's chest.

"I couldn't let you leave like that. Mitch, I can't let you leave at all. It's your turn. Show me you love me and come home. To your real home in Los Angeles. Please." Scott begs, his hands on Mitch's waist.

"Can't." Mitch says and looks down. Scott sighs.

"You have to." Scott says. "I need you. Kirstie needs you. What about Zip? He can't visit you if you're in South Carolina. Mitchy, please. I'm begging you to not get on that plane." Scott was completely begging and was almost to the point of crying. "Please." He whispers.

Mitch held him close, trying to take in his touch for the last time.

"Remember me." Mitch's whispers into his cheek. Scott shakes his head.

"I can't forget you if you live with me." Scott reminds him, hoping that his words would have an impact on this decision.

"I don't with you."

"Move in with me." Mitch looks around and shakes his head. They both know how awful that went last time. Everything made a turn for the worse when Scott lived with them.

"Flight 406 to Columbia, South Carolina is now boarding." An intercom says. Mitch looks at Scott, then back to Rod who was motioning for him to leave. Mitch steps back from Scott and slowly walls backwards.

"Mitch, please don't. If you really loved me you won't do this to me."

"Forget me." Mitch says quietly. "Please.

"I can never forget you." Mitch shakes his head before turning and walking away completely. Scott came all of this way to watch the boy he was in love with leave him. He thought he could for sure change his mind.

But now he watches Mitch and Rod grab their carry-ons and wait in line to board the plane. He couldn't take his eyes away from Mitch. He wanted nothing more than to run over and convince Mitch to leave, but he knew nothing could change his mind.

Mitch is about to board. But before he can, Scott runs up and grabs his hand, preventing him from moving forward.

"Mitch, you can't do this to me." Scott says as Mitch's lip begins to tremble, tears slipping from his eyes. "Mitch, please." Mitch shakes his head.

"Got to go." Mitch says, looking back at the plane. Scott thinks for a moment before mentally saying: Fuck it.

"I want to live with you. I want to spend my whole life with you. You are the only thing in this world that I love and want. You, Mitch. I want to grow old with you by my side. Spend my whole life with your wonderful presence."
Mitch couldn't stop his tears. "I'll move to South Carolina if that is what you want! I'll do anything on this world to have you by my side until the day I drop dead."

"Not even b-boy..friends." Mitch whispers.

"Fuck it, Mitch. It didn't work out last time we were boyfriends. I don't think it will if we try again. So let's just skip that part." Scott was so nervous, butterflies flying in his stomach. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. He slowly drops to one knee and grabs Mitch's hands in his. Mitch's hand flies to cover his mouth, tears uncontrollably falling. Gasps were heard from all around them.

"You look dumb." Mitch says, tears still falling.

"I'll look dumb if it means I get you in my life. Mitch, will you marry me?" Mitch couldn't believe it, and honestly, Scott couldn't either. He was sweating from the nervousness. He didn't know what Mitch would say, but was very scared when Mitch stayed quiet. Mitch just pulls him back up.

"You're an id..iot." He whispers, placing his lips on Scott's and wrapping his arms around his neck. Scott kisses him.

"You never answered the question." Scott says against his lips. "Will you?"



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