Kirstie And Avi

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Continued from last chapter...

But reader of this chapter is scomicheschild because we had a great convo earlier with ThearBear follow them both!

"Guys!" Scott yells when he walks back out to a room full of arguing people. "Everyone shut up and listen to me! Here is what is happening. Kirstie is in her room. Zip is sleeping on the couch. Avi and Kevin are sharing a blow up mattress. Alex is sleeping in Mitch's room, and Mitch and I are in mine. No more arguing about it."

"Why do you get to decide-" Alex starts.

"Because you all showed up unexpected and gave us no time to figure anything out. It's either this plan, or you figure something else out on your own." Alex nods. "Now to clear everything up. My best friend is the boy I'm in love with, and that is obviously not Alex or Avi. Everyone knows who it is." Alex looks down, Avi looked frustrated. "Avi, you are like my big brother. I love you so much and I can come to you for anything because I trust you. Alex, you're my closest friend. My relationship with both of you is so completely different that I can't even compare than. I love you both. And Kirstie. You know I fucking love you. What I told Avi was a misunderstanding."

"I'm sorry we made such an issue of it." Avi says, causing Scott to smile. "I love you too, man. I guess I've just missed you a lot. It's weird being without you."

"Can you get Mitch out of his room if I'm sleeping there? I kind of just want to sleep right now." Alex says. Scott nods, but Mitch was already walking out. He pecks Scott's cheek and skips into his room.

"I'm going to blow up the air mattress." Scott says, and Avi and Kevin follow. Zip takes the couch.

Kirstie pulls Avi's hand and leads him into the kitchen.

"If shit is awkward between us, I will freak out." Kirstie snaps.

"Why would it be awkward?" Avi asks.

"You have said nothing to me since you got here. Come on, Avi. I'm not blind."

"It's just weird being in the same room with you without Jeremy here. He wouldn't be too happy if he knew I was here."

"He gets mad about everything and I'm so over it. I've been put through so much arguing these past weeks and I can't take anymore tension. You and I are the same as we were in our senior year, okay?"


"That wasn't satisfying."

"Kirstie, I don't know what to say."

"Tell me what you're thinking."

"But if I do that, I'll scare you and then you'll tell Jeremy and he'll come beat my ass."

"Just tell me."

"I can't stop thinking about you. I look through my memory box every day and look at the pictures of us. I miss you. And I know I can't have you because Jeremy took you away, but I'm being honest. I still love you." Kirstie shakes her head and wraps her arms around Avi with a sigh.

"Is it bad that I miss you too?"

"Probably." She pulls away slightly, looking into the eyes of the man in front of her. She forget how gorgeous they were.

Soon she found herself pushing towards Avi, getting so close that their lips brushed each other, then she pushed them two together at once.

And they were kissing again, just like it was during their sophomore year. Avi didn't know the feeling anymore, other than the fact that it felt fucking amazing. Kirstie quickly pulls away and pushes out of Avi's grip.

"Fuck." She says. "I just cheated. Holy shit." She starts to run away, but Avi grabs her arm.

"It's okay when you do it to me, but not when you do it to Jeremy?"

"It totally wasn't okay when I did it too you! That's why I broke up with you! You didn't deserve to be hurt because you were so amazing and that's all I do to guys! I hurt them. I didn't want to do that to you, Avi."

"You've been doing that to me since we broke up." Kirstie shakes her head.

"I can't break up with Jeremy."

"Why? You've been arguing with him and he is such a jackass."

"That's your opinion."

"It's a pretty damn good one."

"I can't do this! I can't believe I cheated again! I promised myself I'd never do it! Fuck!" Avi shakes his head.

"I hope you love him like I love you, Kirstie."

"Stop, Avi."

"No. You can't seem to let him go as easily as you left me. He must really mean something to you."

"He's changed. He feels awful about everything he has done. He tells me all the time, I promise you."

"I bet he does."

"He really does."

"I know. But he will never love you as much as I do. Never in his lifetime. I love you after you cheated on me, after you left me for another guy, after two years of torture watching you be with him, and after coming back five months after high school is over to see you in a different state."

"And that is why I'm scared and nervous. Because I love you too and what I feel for Jeremy is so different. I don't know who I love, because I love you both in two completely different ways. I just don't know which one of you I'm in love with."

"Well, find me when you know." Avi turns back and heads to the air mattress. Kevin was already laying down, and Avi took the spot next to him.

Kirstie shakes her head, wiping at the tears on her face before walking back towards her room. Scott stops her, grabbing her arm.

"What's wrong?"

"Why do I fuck up everything, Scott? Everything good I get, I ruin. Ever since I left Avi. I'm a mess."

"What are you talking about? You don't ruin everything? What did you do?"

"I kissed Avi."

"You what?"

"I cheated, Scott. Again! You don't know this, but I dated Avi and I cheated on him with Jeremy, and now I cheated on Jeremy with Avi! I'm a horrible person!" Of course Scott knew about this, but he wouldn't tell her.

"No, Kit, you're not.

"How do I tell Jeremy?"


"I know. I don't."

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