Move On

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Hearing that they were gone was hard. Hearing that they hadn't been found was harder. Hearing that they were found, but Mitch was shot in the head was hardest. Hearing that everything was okay, that he had survived and returned home was fucking amazing.

Kevin couldn't eat, sleep, or really do anything the whole time this was happened. Alyssa tried helping, but didn't know what to do when Kevin wouldn't open the door.

Kevin silently knocks on Alyssa's door, sighing when she opens it. She shakes her head, hugging him and pulling him into her dorm room.

While still hugging him, she opens her mouth and starts speaking.

"Don't ever do that to me again." She whispers into his chest. "I thought you were gone." Kevin shakes his head.

"I'm sorry. It was a lot to deal with." Kevin says.

"Is everything okay now?" Kevin nods. "I'm happy for you, and especially for your friends."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Alyssa pulls away from the hug, shocked at the randomness. "You don't have to say yes, it's just, I like you. You have been there for you me and everything and at church when we met you were so sweet. I thought you were so cute-" she places a finger over his mouth, smiling.

"You don't have to explain yourself." She whispers. "Of course. I'd love to be your girlfriend." Kevin smiles brightly.

"Can I kiss you?" She laughs.

"Duh." She says, a sassy tone behind her voice. Kevin quickly places a hand behind her neck, pulling her in for a kiss. She smiles, pulling back. "So, boyfriend, what shall we do today?"

"Well, girlfriend, I heard a rumor that couples like to go on these things called dates. Maybe we could try one?" She smiles.


After working up the courage to finally come to the apartment, Jeremy reluctantly knocks on the door. It opens slowly, Kirstie peaking her head out. Jeremy covers his mouth, his lip trembling and tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"You-you are here..." Jeremy whispers. "You were gone, Kit. You were gone for so long!" He didn't want to cry in front of Kirstie, but he didn't think he would make it out of this without tears falling.

She shakes her head and pulls Jeremy in, hugging him. He instantly hugs her back, sighing into the girl he loves touch.

"I want to kiss you." Jeremy says. "But I have a feeling I shouldn't."

"You shouldn't." Kirstie finally says. Jeremy sighs. "I can't deal with it right now." She wipes away her tears. "Jeremy, you shouldn't be here. Please go fall in love with someone else. Not me. Anyone but me."

"I can't fall in love with anyone else. It's just you. I love you."

"You can learn. You have to. We won't work, we are too different. My emotions are everywhere after this experience."

"I'll wait for you."

"I don't want you to wait! I want you to move on! Can't you see that? Jeremy, I'm a fucking mess and you constantly being here for me is fucking me up even more! Please, I'm telling you to get over me." Jeremy looks down.

"I know you want me too, but what if I can't? What if I spend my life thinking about you? I already do it, what's different?"

"What's different? There are so many girls out their that are your perfect match. I love you Jeremy, with everything in my heart, but it isn't true love. We both know it, please don't make this harder."

"I know, Kirstie. I thought if I could tell myself you were the one, then it'd be true."

"Is it?"

"No." He whispers it.

"We argue too much, and I see the way you look at that other girl. I don't really know her, but she has been over a few times while I was. Who is she?"

"Her name is Rachel."

"Go see her, babe. Not me." He nods. "It's her, isn't it?" He nods again, and Kirstie smiles.

"And for you? What are you going to do? Have you chosen Avi?" She shakes her head.

"No. I'm going to be single for awhile, until my emotions have calmed themselves."


"Do you like this one?" Scott asks, picking up a different notebook from the shelf. Mitch thinks for a moment, but eventfully shakes his head.

Mitch needed a new notebook, but he needed one that he fell in love with. Last time, he couldn't go anywhere without it. He loved it too much and had a connection with it. Watching it be ripped in half right in front of him had killed him.

"What about this?" Mitch shakes his head again, but smiles whole looking at the blonde boy struggle to find a notebook Mitch would like. As Scott looks, Mitch grabs his arm and pulls him towards him and gently kisses his lips. Scott smiles cheekily down at the boy afterwards. "What was that for?"

"You're c..ute."

"Mitch, you don't even need a notebook anymore. You can practically talk. Mrs. Carmichael is amazing." He smiles, but his thoughts were different. He couldn't say anything even remotely long, only small sentences. More like fragments, sentences were hard.

"But y-you-your name." Scott smiles.

"Superman works for me." Mitch thought it was sweet that Scott didn't even care if Mitch could say his name, as long as he had a way to get his attention. "Just don't call anyone else Superman. That's just me."

"Of c-cou..rse." Scott pecks him again, before turning his gaze back to the notebooks.

"So do you like this?" Mitch shakes his head once again, but continues to smile at the boy who had given his heart to him for nothing in return.

"Lucky." Mitch mumbles through Scott's questions of which notebook he wanted.

"What?" Scott looks back at Mitch who was just smiling at him. He looked a little confused.

"Nothing, Superman." Mitch says, walking over and looking at notebooks.

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