Hurt Like Hell

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Day 23:
I can't form words when I look at your beauty, my love. -S

Pain, pain, pain.

His head ached extremely when he woke up. He couldn't move, his body wanted to stay still. He could feel the cuts on his body stinging, the bruises feeling sore, and his right eye felt like it had exploded. He didn't remember what happened, except that police showed up. Everything after that was a blur.

He remembers Scott, but not much about him. Waking up in a hospital was very strange to him, he hadn't had any recollection of coming here.

"Hi, Mitch." A young girl says. She looked to be a nurse, not much older than him. "How are you feeling?" If Mitch couldn't talk before, he definitely couldn't talk now. His throat hadn't felt this dry in so long. He signs: water.

"Water?" Mitch was shocked that she knew sign language. He nods and she exits the hospital room.

Mitch wanted to see Scott and Kirstie. He wanted too see all of his friends. But he really wanted to see his parents. He wanted to let them know that he was okay. People were bound to know he was okay, even if he didn't know why he was here in the first place.

A doctor walks in and sits next to Mitch, smiling nicely and looking at his paper work.

"You must be a little confused, Mitch." Mitch nods. "Do you know why you are here?" He shakes his head. "You were shot." Mitch didn't believe him. Where? "A man named Manny Bush had kidnapped you and then shot you in the ear. Luckily, he missed most of your face, only skimmed your skull. A miracle happened to you, my boy. Most people would've been killed by the impact."

Mitch didn't believe it. He was shot in the head? How did he not die? Was it possible? Obviously it was, but he just didn't know how.

"You have no worries, Manny is gone." Mitch wanted to know where, probably to prison. But there was still that chance if leaving that place. "He, um, shot himself after he shot you. He, unlike you, died on the impact before the police could run any type of trial."


That's what he meant by gone. Mitch didn't know he was dead.

Mitch took a look down, noticing that he hadn't had any clothes on except underwear. He was thankful for that, even if he was exposed. The clothes would hurt the multiple cuts.

Damn, Mitch didn't know how awful he looked. There was barely any skin that hadn't been cut or frayed and it looked terrifying to Mitch.

"What hurts, Mitch?" The doctor asks. He points straight to his head, it had a terrible ache, but not bad enough to where it was unbearable.

Then he points to his chest and legs, they sting like crazy, itched as well.

"S-sting." He winces when he speaks. He hasn't said anything for so long.

"That's understandable. The bullet wound should hurt in the moment, but soon it'll just feel like a bad bruise with a headache. You should be good to go in a few days or so." Mitch nods.

Day 24:
The doctor said you get to come home to me, my love. -S

They didn't want Mitch to take any visitors while he was awake. Only when he left the hospital. They wanted to make sure he was clean, every cut was free of infection. They also wanted to make sure that the bullet wound was staying on the minor side of wounds. Once these things were taken care of and they tested Mitch's walking, they'd be sure to let him go. 

His voice wasn't as dry, he drank a lot of water. And he ate, because he knew that he'd be disappointing someone he almost lost if he didn't. How many meals he ate? Three, even if he didn't like it. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Mitch no longer had an IV in his arm and his heart monitor was beeping at a normal pace.

Around the hospital, Mitch was known as the miracle boy. He'd overhead many talking outside of his hospital room. Things like, "that boy is a living miracle", or "miracles do happen, he is an example of one". Eventually, everyone just settled on miracle boy.

"You ready to try walking?" Mitch nods. He was eager to get back on his feet, Manny never let him walk and kept him tied to a chair. The nurse helps him to his feet. "Am I allowed to take a video?" Mitch nods again. "Okay, go ahead and try." She sets a camera down and comes over to Mitch to make sure he didn't fall over or anything.

And with the first few steps, he was a little wobbly, but then he started going by himself. One foot at a time, but he could do it. He was walking again. A wide smile crawls across his face, and he just walked in circles around his hospital room.

"That was the last exam. You should be out by tomorrow." Mitch nods. He was so excited to see Scott. He wanted to be able to run up and jump into his arms, but he couldn't run yet, and jumping would hurt like hell. He would have to settle on a small hug instead.

But anything was enough to just be able to feel himself in his loves arms again. Nothing could beat the feeling of being with the person you are in love with. Nothing at all.

Day 25:
You're coming home, my love. -S

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