Big Opportunity

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"If you come down to the great SC, my boy, your whole flight will be free." Rod explains to Mitch. "We will pay for any apartment or house fees for the first month. Even get you a brand new car along with it. We need you, Mitch." Mitch nods, brushing the hair away from his eyes. "First of all, you're art is outstanding. You're a money maker. And your face. Place some foundation and photoshop over that scar-" he points to the bullet wound. "-and you're also the new face of CAI. That could double your regular amount of pay if you could be the model for our product, and produce some of it. You've got a bright future ahead of you if you go through with this, kid." It was unbelievable how much they were offering Mitch.

It was too much to handle. If Mitch went, what would happen to Scott and Kirstie? Kirstie wouldn't be okay alone. Someone would have to stay with her and that someone would have to be Scott. Unless they both came, but they didn't have any type of money to be flying around again. Mitch was positive they wouldn't pay for three plane tickets, two apartments, and two cars. He could deny the offer for one, he couldn't drive.

"What do you say?" Rod asks, a bright smile that was very persuasive sitting on his lips. He pushes a pen and paper to Mitch.

When are you going back?

"A week." Mitch bit the inside of his lip, he was stressed.

Can I have more time to think. Talk it over with my boyfriend?

"Let me know in about three days. I can't buy plane tickets on the spot." Mitch nods. "Thank you for having this talk with me. Hopefully I'll see you a week from tomorrow." He winks before letting Mitch out. He sighs, Scott wouldn't be okay with this.


Mitch slowly knocked on Scott's apartment door, looking down when it opened up a few minutes later. It was almost 2:00 in the morning. Mitch wasn't planning on talking to Scott so soon, but he felt bad and had to get it over with.

"What are you doing here, Mitch? Did you walk?" He asks. Mitch nods slowly, letting himself wrap into Scott's arms when he offers it. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry." Mitch whispers. Scott pulls back a little, only enough to look Mitch in the eyes.

"For what?" He asks, a nervous look sprawling across his face. Mitch reluctantly holds the business card up, information about CAI written all over it. Scott pulls back completely, leaving a good four feet apart. "You're going?"

Mitch slowly nods, a tear dripping down his face. Scott sighs.

"Then I guess I'm going." He says, stressfully placing his hand over his forehead.

"No." Mitch says. "You aren't." Scott looks up, eyes wide.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks, sorrow and hurt written into his all but perfect face. Mitch felt awful. He opens his notebook, he knew he'd need it.

Kirstie can't deal with being alone. She needs you. She needs someone to help her.

"No, Mitch, she needs you. Not me, you. And I need you! How the fuck am I supposed to help Kirstie when I won't be able to help myself?" Mitch could feel the tears coming.

You don't need me. I slow your life down. Everything will work out.

"Did you really just fucking say that? I don't need you? Are fucking serious!" He was yelling now, probably waking up neighbors. Mitch shut the door just in case. "I cant believe you right now. What the hell is going through your head?! I thought friends and love came before jobs."

It's too big of an opportunity not to take. They are paying for everything when I get there! Apartment, plane ticket, even a car if I could drive. And they are doubling my average salary. South Carolina is just a better place for someone like me be.

"Mitch, do you love me?" Scott asks, his voice suddenly calming itself. "If you love me, you will hug me. Right now. You will apologize and and tell me to forget and that you'll stay with me."

And if you love me, you'll hug me and say, 'take this chance. I'll watch Kirstie. Fulfill your dream. This is an amazing opportunity for you, my love'.

When neither of the boys move to do anything, they are left in silence. As Mitch turns to leave, his arm is grabbed and he is pulled into his arms.

"Take this chance. I'll watch Kirstie. Fulfill your dream. This is an amazing opportunity for you, my love." Mitch felt himself break in Scott's arms. And then Scott pushes himself away, leaving Mitch standing alone and crying. "I guess I love you a bit more than you love me. Goodnight, Mitch." Scott shuts the door, leaving Mitch on the ground and in tears.

But just on the other side of the door, Scott was doing exactly the same.


Kirstie was mad at Mitch, Scott was heart broken, Mitch was depressed. Packing was the hardest thing, watching Kirstie's eyes bore into him as he took his belongings and shoved them into a few suitcases. Mitch was leaving in two days, had already told Rod that he was going. The only thing left out was a pair of clothes and his bed spread. Everything else was packed away.


"Don't you dare say anything to me." Kirstie threats. "I'm not fucking okay with this." Mitch nods, keeping eye contact away from Kirstie tear and anger filled eyes.

"I luh him." Mitch says. "And you." She nods. "Please t-tell" She reluctantly nods again, looking.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Kirstie says, walking closer to Mitch. "And you can't leave like this. Look me in the eyes before you leave. I won't be able live knowing you couldn't even make eye contact with me when you leave." So Mitch looks up, straight into her eyes. And he wishes he didn't, because they both broke out into tears.

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