Coming Home

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Day 26:
You're coming home, my love. -S

Scott was waiting with open arms. Mitch was getting out of the hospital. This would be the first time they've talked and interacted with each other in 26 days, and Scott couldn't be more excited.

A nurse walks out, walking towards Scott.

"One hour!" She says excitedly. Scott smiles. Kirstie knew to let Scott see him first. She also told him that the nurses wanted him to walk normal. Scott wasn't allowed to walk to him, at least give Mitch a chance to get to him first.

Scott was absolutely okay with that.

The time couldn't seem to go slower. Mitch's parents would be the first to see him, Scott had already talked with them. They haven't seen him for the longest time, so they definitely wanted first dibs and Scott understood.

Kirstie walks over to Scott, wrapping her arms around his chest. He smiles and hugs her back. "I love you." She whispers.

"I love you too." Scott whispers back. "Always."

"When Mitch comes home, do you think it'll be the same?" She asks, looking up at Scott's taller figure.

"I think he will try his hardest for things to be the same. I'm not sure if they will, but I know he is strong and will want it to be." Scott explains. "I think we all underestimate how strong he is." Kirstie nods.

"I think so too."


Scott couldn't keep his jaw from dropping when he saw Mitch exit the hospital room. The boy didn't see him, he was too busy hugging his parents and catching up with them.

Scott took in his beauty, the way that his cuts made him look strong and the scar by his right eye made him look ever stronger.

Then Mitch saw him, but Scott knew he wasn't supposed to move. Mitch moved slow, trying to make his way to Scott as quick as possible. Scott had to hold back so much to not run up and attack him in a hug.

"You can go get him, Scott." A nurse says. Scott ran to him halfway through the sentence. He cautiously wraps his arms around him, but Mitch didn't care about the pain. He jumped into Scott's embrace, squeezing the living day lights out of him.

But Scott sobbed. Not because he was sad, but because he missed the boy so much and seeing him again was the most amazing feeling in the world. He squeezes Mitch tighter, still wary of his cuts. He cries into the side of his neck, scared that if he let go, he'd lose him again.

He could feel Mitch crying as well. Scott sets him down, Mitch holding onto the back of his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.

And Scott most definitely kissed back. He holds onto the small boys waist, not minding the big scene they had caused in the middle of a hospital.

Scott pulls back, and Mitch holds onto him again.

"Welcome home, my love." Scott mumbles. Mitch chuckles into his chest. "I'm never leaving your side again. I shouldn't have in the first place." Mitch nods. "I love you more than anyone could ever begin to imagine." Mitch gently kisses his lips again. He wishes he could talk right now.

"Superman..." He mumbles. Scott sighs in happiness, wiping at his tears.

"You haven't been able to call me that in so long." Scott whispers. "And I haven't been able to call you mine in forever either."

"Lucky." Mitch says, looking up to Scott. "I'm lucky." He kisses Scott's jaw.

"So am I, my love." Scott places a kiss to his lips. "Go see Kirstie." He nods, kissing Scott again before turning back to hug Kirstie. He didn't even know Avi was here, but he gave him a great hug when he saw the guy.

Day 27:
Welcome home, my love. -S

Mitch didn't want to go back into his apartment. He couldn't bare to live there anymore, not after everything that happened. Scott never got his phone back and had to get a new one. Anyone who got it could get his address again and Mitch didn't want to risk it.

So he was moving again, Kirstie agreed as well. They were finding a different apartment. They hoped to find a place closer to Scott.

But the moving could wait until Mitch could bring himself to leave Scott's arms.

"I'm sorry I left you." Scott whispers into Mitch's hair, pulling him closer. Mitch shakes his head and kisses Scott's hand.

"Not y-your fault." Mitch says. Scott nods, but Scott still felt as it was. If he would've just stayed in the apartment, he wouldn't of been at Starbucks that day, or if he would've held his phone a little tighter. He could've prevented the whole situation.

"I love you." Scott says. Mitch smiles and kisses  him gently. He still couldn't figure out how to pronounce "love", but Scott new it already.

"I l-luuh you." Mitch mumbles. Scott pushes his chin up with his finger and presses their lips together, pulling Mitch on top of him.

He runs his hands up and down Mitch's arms, settling on his waist after he situated himself. Mitch's seductively runs his tongue over Scott's bottom lip, then taking it in between his teeth.

Scott moans quietly, making Mitch smile into the kiss. Mitch quickly slides off his shirt and throws it into the floor.

Scott takes a second to look at the boy who was sitting in his lap. He smiles, then kisses a few of the cuts on his chest. Mitch pushes him back, looking at him and shaking his head. Scott felt himself tear up at his reaction to the wounds.

Scott wraps his arms around the boys small chest.

"They're beautiful." He whispers. "Please don't be insecure about them."

"Superman..." Mitch whispers. "I'm n-not y..ours." Scott pushes himself back and looks at him. Mitch wipes his tears, not making eye contact with Scott.

"What?" Mitch crawls off of him, pulling his pants past his hip bone without any words.

Scott looks at two words that were indented into his sensitive skin. The words read: Travis Bush.

"Did he do this to you?" Scott asks. Mitch nods, looking down. Scott crawls over to him and grabs both of his hands. "That means nothing. You had no control over it. That doesn't mean you are Travis's. I promise." Mitch nods. "You will always be mine."

"M-mine." Scott nods and kisses him for a moment.

Day 28:
Goodbye, journal. My love is back. -S

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