Thick Streams Of Red

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This is graphic a little...

Day 11:
I hear the sound of a life monitor, my love. -S

"He's dead." Cut up his small thigh. "Because of you." A cut on his other thigh. "This is why I don't believe in love." A smaller cut on his calf. "Because it kills people." Cut on his ankle.

Mitch could see the blood oozing from his own body, and it made him want to vomit. The pain was excruciating, making his vision fluffy and fill with water.

"Let me force you to remember him." The man pulls Mitch pants down a little, even his boxers. He reveals his hip bone, carving the words: Travis Bush into his hip. Mitch screams in pain, but stops when he is slapped.

"Now." He starts. "My brother will be a part of you forever. And so will I, every time you take a peak at these hideous scars, you'll think of me." The man starts laughing. Mitch wants to cry.

The small boys whole body was shaking, he was sure that he was losing too much blood. Drops of water continuously leaked from his eyes, along with the blood from his legs.

Thick streaks of red ran out of his body, and honestly, it terrified Mitch. Seeing liquids draining from his body as fast water ran from a faucet. It was very unsettling.

"You can't talk, right?" The man asks. "Let's make it so hearing is an issue too." And the man cuts a small part of Mitch's ear off, the blood already starting to fall. "No need to hear what you can't say." Mitch shakes his head.

"I bet you want to go home." The man says, playing with the top of his knife, looking straight at the metal and sharp edges. "You will when I've finished with you. Make you feel all the pain I've felt ever since my brother fucking killed himself." He snaps. Mitch could feel the spit from his mouth fall on to him as the man spoke.

"Well, think about this. What if something was wrapped around your neck." The man grabs Mitch's neck with both of his hands. "And it just got tighter..." He squeezes a little harder. "And tighter..." Even harder. "And you can't stop it." Mitch was struggling from air. He was gasping and choking, and nothing seemed to even let a little air through. "Because what's done is done. How does it feel? Do you like getting the life literally squeezed out of you?" The man lets go. Mitch gasps for air, breathing heavily and panting.

"I could keep going if I really wanted too, make you feel every part about my little brothers death. He was only nineteen, his poor soul. He didn't deserve it. You see, I'm thirty-four. My life is all but over, my brother was the only one keeping me sane." He says, picking the knife back up.

"Now, I don't really give a shit about my sanity. I can do whatever I want and not really care. Unless, it involves me not getting what I want. Then I get pissed."

Day 12:
My love, I can't figure out how to wake up from this deep pit of slumber. -S

Kirstie didn't want to open her eyes when she felt her clothes being ripped off of her, underwear and bra included in the mess.

"Your bath is ready, gorgeous." The still unidentified man says to Kirstie. She quickly covers herself when he grabs her arm and pulls her into his arms.

She is dropped into a bathtub with a plop, sitting up.

"I can bathe alone." She says, hoping he'd get the clue and leave.

"No, honey, I'm watching you." She wanted to vomit, but it would be easiest for her to just get it over with as quick as possible. 

She quickly washes her body and throws some shampoo into her hair.

"So, is it Avi or Jeremy?" He asks, causing Kirstie to stop what she is doing.

"How do you know about them?" She asks.

"I know a lot more that you think I do, sweet heart." He says with a smirk. "Jeremy is better looking, I bet you loved when he fucked you. But Avi's voice, it could give chills to your pu-"

"Okay! I get it!" She wanted this nightmare to be over. She quickly rinses her hair, standing up and continuing to cover herself. "May I have a towel?" He tosses it to her. Kirstie wraps it tightly around herself, making sure not to let go of it any time soon.

He brings a clean set of clothes for Kirstie, setting it on the bed and playing with a small blade in his hands. Kirstie was positive that this man was insane, and she wanted more than anything to be able to see Mitch and know if he was okay, because this man took them for Mitch, not for her.

She also was concerned about Scott, how he was taking the disappearance of his two best friends. He couldn't of been taking this very well, and Kirstie knew it.

She changes into the new clothes, a little uneasy when no bra was supplied, only a large
t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and underwear. She also never really got to brush her hair, but he didn't seem to care enough. 

Kirstie lays back down on the bed, trying to go back to sleep as it was very late, well early. 4:28 in the morning, but he had to wake her up to take a bath. The only thing Kirstie liked here was sleep, so she could try to forget about everything else for the short amount of time while her eyes stayed shut. She hated having to wake up and do the same thing everyday, and sleep was her only escape from the horrid things happen with her right now.

Day 13:
Wake me up from this horrific nightmare, my love. -S

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