Chapter One - A Fresh Start Sort Of

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Today is the day I audition for this one emerging local band called Fall Out Boy. I was excited and I don't know why, it was just going to be the same old routine. Step One: The band meets me here at my house. Step Two: I play for them. Step Three: I'm in the band. Step Four: After awhile they kick me out. Step Five: Repeat. So it's safe to say I already know them.

I dress in my best clothes I have to make a good first impression. And that was just a blue plaid shirt with black jeans. Before I know it, their's a knock on the door. I grab my glasses and run upstairs practically stumbling up the stairs to the door. "I got it Mom!" I exclaim opening the door to find three guys standing there with pizza.

One looked about early twenties and he is wearing a tight Guns and Roses shirt with really tight skinny jeans, he also had black straightened hair hanging in his face. Has tattoos on just his arms, as far as I can see. Wait, is he wearing eyeliner? Anyways, the other has short yet really curly hair he looked my age maybe older he is the one holding the few boxes of pizza in his right hand. The last guy had long puffy hair hanging in his face and has tattoos everywhere he looked the same age as the guy in the Guns and Roses shirt. Of course I was shorter, not by much though and fatter than all of them. No surprise there.

I step out of the way so they can come in. I introduce myself shaking each of their hands as they walk past. Their names are Pete, Joe and Andy.

"So, where are we suppose to go?" Pete asked.

"Follow me." I said leading them down stairs into the basement which is my room. My face turns red seeing the pig pen. "Sorry, I forgot to-"

Pete cuts me off "It's fine kid. Our rooms are worse than this. Trust me." He gives me a big smile exposing his white teeth.

I sit down behind my drums. "Um, so, are you guys, uh, ready?" I ask shyly.

"Ready when you are." Joe says as he sits down on my bed. Pete and Andy does the same.

I clear my voice then start to sing a song I have wrote. Eventually started to play the beat of the song on the drums. I finish and look at them shyly. "Yeah that sucked I know." I look down at my hands.

The group whispers among each other, but I can't hear them. They turn around and exclaim at the same time. "You're in the band!"


"Yeah, we like your voice. Your voice is fucking awesome. I would have never expected that from you. I thought you said you can't sing?" Pete replies. That was a first, no one commented on my voice before.

"M-my voice? And I can't sing." I stutter out.

"Yeah. You got some range dude." Joe says.

"No one has never complimented on my voice before. I don't have a good voice. Thanks anyways."

"Well you do kid." Pete says getting up walking over to me and hugs me I blush of course. Joe soon follows him only he tackles us yelling, "Group hug!" All I can do is smile. This band truly does seem different than the others I auditioned for.

"You are the only guys that actually seems to care I mean the other bands basically said I was in the band then left. You guys on the other hand..." I just start laughing mid-sentence.

"Yup." Joe agrees and starts tickling me making me laugh my lungs out.

"Joe stop!" I barley manage to get out.

"Aw." He gets up and sits on the bed pouting like a little kid. I just roll my eyes at him. "Fine go ahead."

"Yay!" Joe yet again tackles me and tickles me until he gets interrupted by Pete getting off of the phone.

"Joe stop tickling Patrick, we have to go." He sighs annoyed. "We have to go meet up with Ashley and her friends. See ya kid." Handing me his phone number written on a piece of paper and then goes up the stairs skipping every other one followed by a quiet Andy. Who was Ashley? I'm guessing his girlfriend. I wonder if I'll ever meet her?

"Bye Patrick." Joe said sadly getting up and going up the stairs with his head down like a sad puppy. I just smile because I know from here on out it is going to be great. It's the beginning of the end for me, a fresh start, sort of. I can't wait to start practicing.

(Pete's Point of View)

Kid's got some range, but I can tell he is holding his voice back. I don't think he knows that he has a God damn good voice. He finishes his song and says shyly, "Yeah that sucked I know." He looks down at his hands.

We whisper among each other so he won't hear us, we turn back around facing him, exclaiming at the same time, "You're in the band!"

"Seriously!" He seems shocked almost falling out of his chair.

"Yeah, we like your voice. Your voice is fucking awesome. I would have never expected that from you. I thought you said you can't sing?" I reply.

"M-my voice? And I can't sing." He stutters out.

"Yeah. You got some range dude." Says Joe.

"No one has never complimented on my voice before. I don't have a good voice. Thanks anyways." He says shyly blushing. Another reason of mine why I want you in the band because you are fucking adorable kid I think to myself.

"Well you do kid." I said getting up walking over to him and hug him making him blush more. Damn he blushes easily. Joe soon follows me only he tackles us yelling, "Group hug!" My phone rings in my pocket, I take it out and look at the Caller ID, it says Ashley. Great. I get up pushing Joe off of me who is now tickling Patrick and answer the phone trying my best not to sound annoyed, "Hello hun, what's up?"

"Pete, babe, I need you to come over to my friend's house. Now."

"Now? I'm kind of busy with this audition and all." I look over at Joe who is now pouting on the bed I smile at it shaking my head.

"Yes. It is important. I am pretty sure your new band member isn't that important." She mocks that makes pissed off, but I hide my anger saying as soft as I can, "He is though. He is very talent-"

She cuts me off making me that much more pissed off, "Pete just come over, now. I love you."

"Okay I'm on my way. Love you too." I hang up and turn back to Joe who is tickling Patrick again. "Joe stop tickling Patrick, we have to go." I sigh annoyed. "We have to go meet up with Ashley and her friends. See ya kid." Handing him my phone number on a crumpled piece of paper and then goes up the stairs skipping every other one followed by a quiet Andy.

Andy and I get in the car waiting for awhile before a disappointed Joe joins us. With that we went out of the driveway and drove for Ashley's friend's house. God I hope this really is important, but knowing Ashley she just needs her Pete fix. Which I'm not complaining about. But I didn't even tell Patrick when and where to meet up for practice I feel like an ass now. Oh well he'll be smart enough to call me. I can't wait to hear that adorable voice of his again. See that adorable smile, awkwardness, chubbiness, those blue-green eyes...wait, am I feeling something for this kid? I just met the dude. I can't possibly already be falling for him and I'm not even gay. I just shake the thought out of my head, literally.

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