Chapter Six - Dude! We're Getting The Band Back Together!

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2012, Present Day

(Pete's Point Of View)

Everyone seems so happy except me. Every thing about my life right now consists of loneliness, thoughts of Patrick, almost dying, more thoughts of Patrick, depression and Patrick. I am a bit obsessed aren't I? I don't care.

Maybe hiatus was a bad idea. I know I'm being selfish, but my life has been six feet under since then. I wonder if they'll be up for getting Fall Out Boy back together.

I sit there at the dining table looking at the light up devil horns that Patrick wore on Halloween deep in thought. I am still hesitant wether or not to call the guys to see if they're up for it. I am scared if they'll disown me, be mad, but what do I have to lose? The least they can do is say no. So, I get off my ass and call Joe.




"Yo! Dude whats up?"

"Don't be mad at me, but," I scratch the back of my head, "I was wondering if you would want to come back? You know Fall Out Boy?"

"Yeah! Sure dude. Wait a second, I'm gunna ask Andy." There was a moment of silence before he spoke again, "Andy said he's up for it. Have you called Patrick yet?"

Fuck, I forgot about Patrick. I don't think I can handle hearing his voice. "Um, no I haven't I will though."

"Okay! We'll see you later bro!"

"Okay bye." I hang up. I sigh deeply looking at Patrick's name hesitating to call him. I cannot hear his voice without crying, but I have to ball up if I want this band. Without any more hesitation I press call.

"Pete!" Patrick answers instantly and I hear a smile on his face.

"Geez Patrick, couldn't you have answered any quicker?"

"No." I hear someone from a distance on his side say something, but I couldn't hear what they said, "It's just Pete! Holy smokes! Anyways, sorry about that."

"It's okay. I was wondering if we can get back together, you know..." He cuts me off.

"Holy smokes! Yes I would love that!" His voice a little to excited.

"You don't know what I was going to say."

"Yes I do. Get the band back together right?"

"Yup. I just couldn't handle being alone all the time."

"Yeah. It didn't go as planned for me either in a way. Hey, maybe we can meet up at my house for a band meeting and I'll start on a few songs. Is that okay?"

"Yes very."

"Okay well maybe we can meet on..." his sentence gets cut short shouting at someone, "Calm the hell down Elisa! Why ca..." He clears his throat, "Pete we'll talk later." He hangs up.

Elisa? Oh yeah that's his wife which he seems very happy with at the moment. Not. I actually feel sad for him, is he miserable with her? I'm not thinking it to be selfish because I want him, but as a friend who cares.

Soon after I get a text message from Patrick saying. We will meet this Saturday at 6:00 P.M. Is that okay with you?

I answer with: Yes it is. Will c u there.

Saturday, why does it feel like there's something on that day? Oh yeah it's Valentine's Day! Wait, why isn't Patrick going to spend the day with Elisa? Did something happen?

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