Chapter Fifty One - Truth Or Dare

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(Patrick's Point Of View)

I guess we are at my house to celebrate the first show even though we have to be on the road. Mona fell asleep on the way home, now she's snoring loudly in her room. Thank God because I don't want her to wake up as long as we are still awake. Yeah it's a non-alcoholic celebration, but still. The only one to not come over is Spencer, he didn't say why.

Surprisingly I'm not sweating anymore nor my red and black tux soaked anymore. It dried completely for some unknown reason. Then again, it's silk. Just thought I should let you know even though you don't care.

"So..." I say trying to break the weird silence.

"I dunno." Andy shrugs.

"Oh I know! Let's play Truth or Dare!" Dallon suggests.

"Yes we should!" Everyone exclaims except me.

"How about let's not say we did." I say.

"Oh come on Patrick! Don't be a party pooper!" Pete whines kissing me in the process.

"Okay, fine! I'll do it for you babe."

"Thank you!"

"Okay, the rules go like this. You have three chickens for dares you don't wish to do. If you use up all your chickens, you have to do the dare or else you will get your head held into the toilet while it gets flushed. Understood?" Dallon explains. We nod in approval.

"So, Patrick? Truth or dare? Brendon asks.

"Uh, dare?" I answer.

"I dare you to drink out of the toilet!"

"Yeah, no. Chicken."

"Okay then." Brendon smirks.

From there for the next ten minutes we give each other dares and/or confess things or whatever it's called. Pete got the same dare as me, only he actually did it. Andy had to eat meat. Dallon confested that he punched an old lady for candy on Halloween once. Joe just confessed random things the entire time. Brendon twerked for a whole minute while drinking a whole glass of raw eggs.

I, on the other hand, did nothing, but I did use my last two chickens. So, I am worried for the next dare and the only reason I'm not doing truths because the guys already know all of them so, yeah. It wouldn't be fun if I did truths.

"Okay Patrick, truth or dare?" Dallon asks turning to face me.

"Uh, dare."

"You do realize that you have to do this one because you used all your chickens?"

"Yes I am aware of that."

"Or would you rather take a swirly or whatever the hell it's called?"

"I will take the dare no matter what it is."

"Okay," A smirk forms across his lips, "I dare you to beat off in front of us."

"Okay, I choose the swirly!"

"To late, you already agreed on the dare."

"Damn it!" I glance at the door then, I run for it, but get held back by Andy and Joe. They sit me back down on the couch and they sit back down themselves. "You guys are serious about this aren't you?"

"Yup," Joe says.

"Well, I'm not doing it!" I cross my arms.

"We will make you then!" Andy exclaims.

"Okay, okay!" I sigh and unbuckle my belt, unbutton and unzip my pants, "Are you guys sure?"

"Just get with it Stump! Hehe, Stump." Pete giggles, "Besides, it's not like you haven't already done it before or do it all the time."

"Hey! I never have self-pleasured."

"Then how do you explain me catching you two days ago?"

"I wasn't even doing that! I was readjusting my underwear!"

"Call it what you want." He winks at me.

I roll my eyes and slide my pants down just enough that my member is exposed. I put my hand around myself and thrusts my wrist slowly.

"And you have to do it until climax." Dallon adds in.

"Aw! You're flaccid! There's no fun in it now!" Pete whines pouting.

"Isn't it hotter if we watch him gradually get erected?" Joe asks laughing.

"Good point." Pete says.

"As Patrick is jacking off, Joe, truth or dare?" Andy asks him.


"I dare you to uh, eat dog poop."

"Okay!" He runs outside and comes back inside with a chunk of dog poop, he eats it, "Delicious!" Everyone just stares at him in disbelief.

At this point, I feel myself grow in my hand and I don't want to. "E-ew! T-that's d-discusting-g!" I stutter trying to hold back moans.

With that, I just block out everything else, well tries to, and I just let the sighs and moans come out. I don't care. I slide my left hand under my shirt up my stomach and chest, which my stomach and chest are now exposed, leaving my hand over my left nipple. My breathing getting heavier, moans louder with every thrust going faster. Subconciously I start thrusting my hips against my hand. This feels way better than I thought possible.

"Holy smokes!" I exclaim moaning releasing myself all over me. I snap back into reality when I feel something that was not my hand go around me, which causes me to moan loudly, I open my eyes, "Brendon! What the hell are you doing!"

"Uh, doing my dare, your hubby dared me to do this." I look at Pete who is smirking. I am so confused.

"Oh, wel-" He sticks me down his throat and I moan even louder this time. Before I know it, I release myself again, Brendon swallows every bit of it and he licks all of the other remains off my stomach and chest. Eventually sticking his tongue in my mouth. We makeout for about a minute before he pulls away. I just sit there confused. What the hell just happened? I pull my pants back up and fixes my shirt.

"Damn that was hot," Pete says looking at me seductively. I just look at him confused, "What? Can't I watch my husband and one of my best friends makeout?"

"Well, considering...What?" Okay someone definitely possessed Pete, I mean seriously.

"I don't know." He shrugs.


"So..." Andy says breaking the awkwardness between Pete and I.

"We should head back and get on the tour buses. It's not like we had to be on the road already or anything." Dallon mentions.

"Good idea, but I kind of need to take a shower first." I say as I leave the room.

"We will be in the tour busses by the time you get out and we will take care of Mona!" Joe exclaims.

I go into the room, takes my devil horns off and puts them on the dresser. Grabs my pajamas and head for the shower. I get in cleaning off the makeup, I get out and get dressed, walking out of the bathroom and I walk out the house that everyone already deserted from. I get on the tour bus finding everyone sitting in the front longue playing video games being quiet. I'm assuming Mona is in bed.

"Hello guys!" I whsiper exclaiming.

"Oh hey Patrick!" Joe says still looking at the screen.

"Well, I'm going to bed. Sleepiness just hit me." I head for my bunk, "Goodnight guys."

"Night!" They all exclaim.

I get into my bunk and litterally fall asleep right when my head comes into contact with the pillow. Man, tonight was awesome, but weird at the same time.

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