Chapter Thirty Eight - Homecoming

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(Pete's Point Of View)

Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Mine and Patrick's little angel comes home tonight! I hope Brendon is treating her right. As far as I know everyone is coming over. As far as the rest of Panic!, our families, and so on. I'm so nervous I don't know what to do with myself for the time being. I have a few ideas of what to do, but that will be to childish. Yes I know the whole event, party thing is a little corny, but come on, if you don't already know! Patrick and I are super corny!

"Pete! Stop! It hurts!" Patrick exclaims.

"I almost got it!"

"Get it out!"

"Why are you suddenly scared? You haven't acted like this since the first time we did it. Now just suck it up!"

"But...Pete it hurts!"

"Just relax!"

"It's kind of hard to..."

"Stop shaking for crying out loud!"

"I can't stop! My instincts and/or reflexes are doing it not me. Therefore, I can't control it."

"You and your facts. Okay, I think I got it!" I pull out the little splinter stuck in Patrick's hand.

"Ow!" Patrick squeals, "Thanks babe." He kisses me.

"Your welcome." I smile and throws the splinter away, "Now can we get ready?"

"Yes." Patrick gets up from the dining table and goes to the room.

It takes us basically all day to get ready. One hour to spare before the party. Damn Patrick looks fucking adorable as ever. His tux (yes he is actually wearing a tux, he gets formal with everything), the Fedora on his get my point. I however am not that formal. I'm just wearing a black button up shirt with black skinnies on. My thoughts end by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shout and three men walk in. One being Dallon, the other Spencer and can't be, Ryan is the third. My eyes must be decieving me.

"That wasn't very formal Pete." Dallon teases.

"Oh sorry. I didn't realize I had to invite my guests inside like you don't know me. You aren't my fucking parents after all."

"Oh sorry." He mocks.

"So, where is she again?" Ryan asks sitting down.

"With Brendon remember?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot sorry." He looks away.

"It's okay?" there's another knock on the door and by the sound of it, it's my parents. So, I get up and foramlly open the door to find both Patrick's and my parents.

"How is my faggot son and son-in-law?" Patrick's mom asks walking in. My gut wrenches at the word.

"I can't believe you would put your family to shame like this Peter." My dad spits at me.

Well thanks for the warm welcomings. I look over at the guys and they have a look of both shock and sympathy. I can tell this is going to be a long, long night.

(Brendon's Point Of View)

"You ready Anita!" I ask her shouting from the other room looking in the mirror fixing my tie.

"Almost!" She shouts back, "Now I am, but I still don't get the reason," She walks out of her room into mine, "for wearing this stupid dress. I mean I'm just going," She trails off a bit, "you look amazing uncle...I mean...I'm gunna go now." Anita leaves in a hurry. I just smile at it. Well that was a little awkward, but adorable because she still has that fan girl inside.

I take one more glance in the mirror combing my hair, winks at myself then leaves the room, "Okay lets go!" I half-sing holding out the "o" in go.

"Okay, but this dress is pointless. Besides why are you all dressed up? I'm just going home." Anita sighs.

"Or is it just you going home?" I smile winking at her, "Lets just go, your dads are waiting." I open the door and wait for her to walk out first. She gives me the weirdest look before doing so. With that we leave for the part-ay of some sort!

We get there and we walk up to the door, Anita opens the door and everyone yells, "Welcome home!" She stumbles over from shock, but I catch her before she fully falls down.

"So, this is what you were talking about?" Anita looks up at me.

"Yes sweety." I hug her tightly and kisses her forehead then lets her go, "Now lets find your dads." I walk away, but she pulls me back and hugs me.

"Thanks for this awesome weekend and for everything." Anita says hiding her crying.

"Your welcome."

She lets go of me and walks away then runs to Ryan exclaiming "Ryan!" Wait Ryan? I have to see this...after Anita is done saying hi.

I walk into the kitchen and pours myself some punch when a familiar voice says my name, "Brendon!"

I turn to them, "Ryan? It's been so long," We hug, "How did you find this out?" I chuckle.

"Dallon told me."

"What the fuck have you been up to lately?"

"You know, usual."

"Same, same."

We just stand there in awkward sience before Patrick walks in, thank God, but Ryan just leaves giving the dirtiest look at Patrick, damn dude. I don't think he noticed though, "Hey Brendon! You wouldn't believe who I ran into the other day!"

"I probably will believe it." I take a sip of the punch.

"I ran into Sarah..."

I do a spit take laughing, "Seriously?"

"Yeah I saw her know we need to speak private." He grabs my arm and leads me into the hallway away from everyone, "Pete took me to a strip club for our Anniversary, don't ask, I don't even know why myself," Patrick explains to me what happened during the strip club and masks being inolved, I don't know, "She's a stripper Brendon!"

I laugh loudly, "Oh wow! Why?"

"She claims that she feels worthless now ever since know."

"Well..." I trail off starting to feel guilt, "that sucks for her then." I half-joke.

"I guess so," Patrick laughs.

"I feel guilty now, but that's the past." I sigh.

"Yes it is."

(Anita's Point Of View)

"Ryan!" I exclaim running to him and Dallon. Why am I running to him? Why is he even here? Oh well.

"You must be Anita!" Ryan exclaims back at me smiling.

I slow down to just a walk, "Yeah, I am." I smile putting my hand out for him to shake.

"Oh come here." He hugs me.

"Aw," Dallon says hugging both of us.

"I...can't...breathe..." I barley manage.

"Oh sorry." Both Dallon and Ryan say at the same time letting go of me in their tight grip.

"Well, bye. Nice netting you guys." For some odd reason I kiss both of their cheeks before walking away into the dining room.

"Hey Dad!" I exclaim hugging Pete.

"Hey pumpkin!" He hugs back kissing my forehead, "Have you seen Patrick?"

"No, I haven't. Sorry."

"It's okay. I was just wondering." He smiles at me.

I smile back and open my mouth to say something, but get cut off by an old man saying, "You must be my son's daughter." At this Pete gives me a weird look and walks away, I turn to face the old man.

"Yes I am."

"I am Patrick's dad by the way."

"Nice to meet you Mr.Stump. I'm Anita." I put my hand out so he can shake it, but doesn't. So, I awkwardly put my hand back down.

"I know who you are. I would've swore Patrick would've gone with a son because his is the biggest faggot ever."

"Hey! Don't you fucking dare speak of my Dad that way!" I yell.

"Don't talk to me that way you girl!" He spits at me getting in my face.

"You don't treat your son that way! He doesn't deserve a worthless piece of trash dad like you! All because he has a sexual orientation that you don't approve of doesn't make him a bad person! Patrick is three times the person than you'll ever fucking be!" I scream.

With that I walk away. How can you get away with disrespecting your child like that regardless of who they are!

I walk into a room so I can be away from everyone, I see something I wish I should have never seen, maybe I is kind of it's not Anita! My eyes widen at the sight and is frozen in my tracks, "D-Dad? U-Uncle Br-Brendon?"

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