Chapter Thirty Five - Ready To Go

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(Patrick's Point Of View)

Pete and I get woken up by a Brendon jumping ontop of us screaming like a kid hyper from candy. Wait he is a hyper kid hyper from candy, only without the candy, "It's the day! Today's the big day! Wake up sleepies!" I believe Dallon told him.

"Ah I'm up! I'm up!" I exclaim falling off the bed.

Pete just joins him and they both jump on the bed holding hands. How adorable. I take my phone off the nightstand next to the bed, takes a picture of them and Tweets it.

@PeteWentz and @BrendonUrie jumping on the bed. #Adorable

"What are you doing there Patrick?" Pete jumps off the bed and takes my phone, "Oh you didn't!"

"Oh I did," I grab my phone back, "Lets get ready."

"I already am."

"I wasn't talking to you Brendon. Plus is it really necessary to wear your band's shirt?"

"Yes." He glares at me.

I chuckle and with that I grab a gray suit from the closet and head for the shower.

After an hour, I walk out out of the bathroom to the living room fully ready and see Pete is already ready, "It took you long enough."

"Oh fuckes yes!" Brendon exclaims running out of the house.

"Why the hell is Brendon even here?" I ask Pete kissing him.

"He wants to come with us and yes Dallon told him."

"Figured. He seems way more excited than us two though."

"Yeah whatever. I ignore him at this point."

I laugh and lean in to kiss Pete again, but gets cut short by a Brendon chiming in, "Guys lets fucking go!" Pete flips him off and Brendon sticks his tongue at him walking back out. I laugh.

"What's so funny babe?"

"You two." I kiss him, "Come on lets go. Our son or daughter...and that kid in the car is waiting for us." I grab his hand and lead him out of the house.

After getting lost a thousand times, almost crashing and hitting old ladies, we finally get there. All three of us get out of the car at the same time, literally. We walk up to the door and walk into the place.

We walk up to the desk lady and she looks from her computer and asks, "How may I help you gentlemen today?"

"We were looking into an adoption today." I tell her.

"Here, sign this paperwork and from there we will get you worked out," she smiles handing me a clipboard with a packet.

"Thank you," I say smiling back walking away to the waiting room, sitting down.

"Well, I'm gunna grab a bite. Be back later." Brendon says leaving.

"Bye." Pete and I say at the same time.

"So, how exactly do you fill this out?" Pete asks putting his arm around my waist.

"How about just let me fill it out, except you putting your signiture?" I smile.

"Okay." He kisses my cheek.

It takes me ten minutes to complete the paperwork correctly. I get up from the chair, walks back to the desk and hands the clipboard back to the lady.

"Please wait until I put the information in the system. We will call you when we are ready." She smiles then turns her attention putting our informiation into the computer.

I walk back and sits back down next to Pete, "So, what now?" Pete asks.

"We have to wait awhile until they put the information in the system then, they'll call us back for the rest of it. I am so anxious. I wonder who will be the lucky one that we adopt?"

"Whoever it is has been waiting for this moment all there lives or at least ever since they were transfered here or whatever you call it." Pete puts an arms around me to comfort me and it does calm me down.

"Yeah, but I am just to excited."

"It'll be okay babe." He kisses me.

Pete and I wait in slience and in anxitety for about an hour before the lady calls both of us by our first and last name, "Patrick and Pete Stump? Please come up. We are ready to deliver your child." Wow, way to make it sound like they are a package and not a human being. That left a sour little flavor in my mouth. We went up hand and hand to the desk, "It will be a moment until they get down here. So, you two are a couple?" She flashes a smile.

"Yes we are ma'am." Pete answers smiling proudly, which makes me smile too.

"I'm against homosexuality, but you two are perfect for each other." My smile fades instantly.

"Uh, ma'am, that was offensive." I mention.

"All I said was you two are perfect."

"No you didn't. Before you said that, you said you are against homosexuality. I get you have the right to have your own opinion, I respect that, but you just don't say that to their face." I explain.

"Well, I'm sorry Stump. All because you are some singer in a boy band doesn't mean you have to be snotty." She scoffs having a seductive look in her eye.

"I'm snotty?" I ask.

"Yes you are. Oh look here she comes. You probably won't like her anyways." She gets up from her desk giving us a messed up look then walks over to the girl being dragged out here. What kind of place is this? Then I realize she is fighting them off and she's yelling at them.

"I don't want another home! I don't want to leave!" The girl screams.

They losen their grip and put her down infront of us. The girl looks about sixteen. She has dark brown hair, fair skin, slim, has these big brown almond shaped eyes framed by long, curly and thick eyelashes. She has no makeup on. She is a pretty young lady.

I step forward to her letting go of Pete's hand and she looks at me fearful, "It's okay sweetie." I hold my hand out.

She hesitates, then embraces herself in a hug, I hug back. She says shaky in my ear, "Please don't abuse me like my other parents and this place." She sobs into my shoulder.

"It's okay sweetheart, Pete and I won't."

She lifts her head off my shoulder and looks into my eyes, "Wait, you're Patrick Stump. This isn't real, it can't be." A big smile forms across her face.

"Yes I am sweetheart. What is your name?" I ask.

"Wait, Peterick is real? Oh my God! Oh and my name is Anita." Her smile gets bigger.

"Yes, Peterick is real. Nice to meet you Anita. Come here Pete," I gesture towards him to come over and he does.

Anita runs out of my arms into his, "Whoa! Someone is excited!" Pete laughs.

"Of course! My new parents are my idols! I mean..." She lets go of Pete and stands back shyly.

"There's no need to be shy. We aren't mad, we are actually honered." Pete says walking to her and hugging her.

"Aw, group hug!" I exclaim hugging them both.

"So, how old are you?" Pete asks.

"I'm fifteen." She answers.

As if on cue Brendon walks into the place singing very loudly, "I chimed with a haven't you people every heard of closing a gooddamn door!" We stop hugging and we all, except Anita, look over at him and everyone is giving him weird looks as he walks over to us, "Take a picture it'll last longer!" He exclaims. Then under his breathe he says, "Fucking assholes." Brendon turns his attention towards us, "Who is this pretty girl?" He runs to her and picks her up in a tight hug. She gets a scared look on her face and we just chuckle.

"That's Anita. Our duaghter." Pete and I exclaim at the same time.

"I want her to answer." Brendon says still hanging onto her.

"I'm Anita, their daughter. What they just freaking said! Now let me go" Anita exclaims.

"Say please first."

"Puh-lease?" She gives him puppy eyes.

"Aw, how can I say no to that?" He sets her down and she runs behind us and hides, we laugh at her.

"What's so funny?" She asks confused.

"You're reaction to Brendon, that guy," I point to him, who is waving and smiling like a maniac, "picking you up and hugging you." I chuckle.

"Brendon? Like, Brendon Urie? From like, Panic! At The Disco?"

"He's like, not like, Brenodn Urie from like, Panic! At The Disco. Like, like." Pete says. Brendon and I laugh our heads off.

"It's not funny Dad, Pete!" She punches him.

"Like, ow!" Pete exclaims and that makes us laugh harder.

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes.

Brendon clears his throat from laughter, "Of course I'm like, Brendon Urie from like, Panic! At The Disco. Look at my like, shirt." He chuckles.

"I knew it!" Anita runs into him and tackles him in a hug. She took a liking to him fast.

"Whoa! Violation of space!" He exclaims.

"I'm not getting off of you Brendon." She laughs.

"Like, you are though." He stands up with her hanging onto him, "Well that didn't work."

"Told you." She sticks her tongue out at him and he returns it. She continues, "By the way you are like, one of my idols. You are so funny and cute. Especially your Vines. I mean, sorry."

Brendon laughs, "No need to be sorry. I'm happy that you take a liking to me. It's flattering." He smiles batting his eyelashes at her and she smiles looking away from him.

"Okay you two, we have to get home." Pete says.

"Wait, we are going home?" Anita asks confused letting go of Brendon droppig to her feet. His shirt all messed up and half exposing his stomach.

"Yes why?" Pete asks.

"Well, it's just...usually no one gets that far with me." Anita looks down sadly with one tear falling to the ground.

"It's okay sweetheart." I hug her, "Now how about going home?" I pull away grabbing her hand and Pete grabbing her other hand, she smiles.

"I call driving! America!" Brendon yells running out of the place.

Anita lets go of our hands running after Brendon, yelling and laughing at the same time, "Get back here!"

Pete and I exchange looks then run after them.

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