Chapter Twenty Five - Where Will You Be Waking Up Tomorrow Morning?

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(Patrick's Point Of View)

I flutter my eyes open adjusting to the sun shining through the room. Wait, this isn't my room. Before I started to panic I find myself laying on top of Brendon. I lift my head off his chest and look up at him. He was already awake petting my hair.

"Good morning gorgeous!" Brendon exclaims in a feminine way smiling at me. Man, his smile...stop it Patrick! You just cheated on your husband! But...he's just so...

"Good morning." I finally say rolling off him out of bed and starts getting dressed. I take my phone out of my jeans before putting them on and sees no missed calls and no texts from Pete. It is 12:54 right now.

"So, are you just going to stand their with no pants on or...?" Brendon asks putting his pajama pants back on.

"Oops, sorry." I quickly put them on.

"Don't be. I actually kind if liked it." He laughs walking out of the room. Slapping my butt in the process. Am I the only one that regrets everything? I really messed up this time. Tears start forming in my eyes.

I walk into the living room and to my jacket putting it on.

"Your leaving already?" He laughs taking a sip from his coffee from Starbucks realizing he doesn't have anymore.

"Yes. I have to go home and change at least."

"I understand." Brendon says then sings, "I'm all out of coffee baby! I'd get another, but I'm to damn lazy." He throws it into the trash from where he is sitting and he made it.

"That was awesome."

"Yeah I know." He winks at me.

"Well, see you later."

"Bye." Brendon says smiling. I smile back and leaves his house.

(Brendon's Point Of View)

"That was awesome!" Patrick exclaims.

"Yeah I know." I wink at him.

"Well, see you later."

"Bye." I smile at him and he leaves.

Right when he leaves I break down in tears hard. I can't believe I fucking gave into him. I fucking cheated on Sarah, the love of my life. The damage has been done so, there is nothing I can do now.

What is the weirdest part of the whole experience is that I felt like we were...I don't even fucking know. I don't whether it is the guilt talking, passion and/or love, or nothing. Actually It felt like...Patrick and I were bonding. I just know the whole feeling was way stronger than when I do it with Sarah.

Am I in love with Patrick? I don't love him that is a silly thought self...or do I? I can't let Patrick interfere with Sarah and I, but I am going to have to tell her the truth.

(Patrick's Point Of View)

I get home and expected Pete to be home, but I know he wasn't. He would let me know if he was. I immediately get in the shower and scrub off the dried spilling-s of Brendon and I. Man I am so stupid! How can I be so holy smoking stupid? I just wasted everything with Pete. At this point I am sobbing my heart out sitting on the floor of the shower with my knees brought up to my chest. There is nothing I can do, the damage has been done.

After an hour of crying in cold water, I get out and get dressed. Since there is nothing for me to live for, I may as well kill myself now. No, that would just be selfish of me. Then again I was selfish by having sex with Brendon and the worst part is, I basically forced him to.

I walk out and jump onto the bed staring at the ceiling thinking of the whole thing. I don't really know what I felt. Is it the love? Passion? The guilt of knowing the casual affair? I really don't know. I do know I did feel bonding, becoming one. It was the same feeling I had the first time I did it with Pete, but much stronger.

Am I in love with Brendon? No, I am not! Don't even think that! Don't let Brendon get in the way for my love for Pete. I sigh at the thought. I have to tell Pete the truth regardless what the outcome is.

"Pete I am so sorry. I will never forgive myself for this." Tears escape my eyes.

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