Chapter 1

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Noah's POV.

"Are you excited for your first day of highschool tomorrow? You're gonna be a freshman!" My mom said happily as she sat down next to me. I glanced at her and continued to text my friend.

She sighed and reached over to pry my phone out of my hands.


"I was talking to you. Now go clean your room, then you can have it back." She said sternly. I groaned really loud to get attention and marched my way up the stairs.

"You got to be kidding me!" I said as I made my way to my room.

"Dude, you need to stop getting in trouble." Asher said to me. Asher was one of my twin brothers. They were fraternal twins. It was Asher and Ryder. They were both 14 years old.

Asher was more serious one out of the two, but was still a trouble maker. He had black hair and green eyes like our dad. Back when we were in middle school together, everybody would pay attention to him and Ryder. Everybody loved them and of course I was in the shadows.

Ryder had black hair and grey eyes. He and Asher were about 1 inch shorter than me. Sometimes I feel that mom and dad favorite them a lot. Where do I stand.

And last, but not least there was Jonah. He was 13 years old. He had dark brown hair and grey eyes and liked to keep to himself a lot. He liked to stay in his room a lot and honestly he's smart. Coming out of his room would mean he would have to actually socialize with the family.

He was kind of like me. I usually stayed in my room most of the time, but unlike him I was forced out.

"Says you." I said. " Now get out of my room!" I yelled and pushed him out.


I sighed and started to tidy up my room a bit. That meant kicking clothes and other junk under my bed, and fixing my bed. I quickly made my way down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

"I cleaned my room!" I said. I looked around and looked at my dad.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"She went to work." He answered.

"Dad, what do you mean she went to work? She has my phone! What am I supposed to do with my life now?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and stood up.

"How about talking to people, it works." He said as he chuckled at the expression of my face.

I took sat down on one of the breakfast stools and banged my head on the table.

"Ugh!" I yelled. My dad laughed and made his way to the refrigerator. He took something out and handed it to me. It was my phone. My sweet, sweet phone. Oh how I missed my phone for that whole ten minutes.

"She hid it in the refrigerator so you wouldn't find it." He said with a small smirk. I thanked him and ran up to my room. On my way I bumped into somebody. Jonah.

"Hey buddy." I said as I ruffled his hair. He gave me a small smiled and walked into the bathroom.

I shut my door and jumped on my bed landing my face burried into my pillows.

I would never admit to anybody, but I was scared. Scared of going to a different school and not being to talk to my friends in all of my classes. Well I only had one friend. Rocky.

He's kind of a bad boy. He won't care for you unless you're somebody worthy to him. We met when we were 13. I was getting picked on by this really mean girl. Her name was Mackenzie Patterson.

She terrified everybody. Even the teachers!

So anyway, Rocky told her off in front of everyone and since then she stopped bugging me. Rocky and I had been best buddies since then.

I wouldn't ever say this to anybody, but I developing a small crush in him.

One that I can't contain.

So here is the first chapter of the Jackson's Household. I appreciate if you would share the series out to people.

This book is dedicated to all of my followers and people who voted and commented on most of my chapters in The New Girl.

Peace out!

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