Chapter 31

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Noah's POV.

It's finally Saturday morning and I should be able to sleep in and not worrying about anything. But no, I have to go on the stupid family run we do every year.

It's supposed to bring us together or something like that but all can think about is the running. Let's get one thing straight.

I hate running. I don't have strong legs and I could fall. While I suck at it, everybody else is like fast and furious. I feel like I always get the bad genes.

My mom is a good runner, although she never did track. She would have been better.

"Everybody be downstairs in 15 minutes!" My dad yelled. I sat up from my bed and groaned. I'm already tired thinking about running.

I ruffled my hair and sat there for about a minute before I grabbed my phone. I had a text message from Carson saying 'good morning' to me. I smiled widely as I buried my face into my hands. I feel like a lovesick chick.

I got ready and got dressed. I made sure to take my time because I knew I was going to be very exhausted in half an hour or so. Stupid, stupid, stupid running.

I made my way down the stairs and went straight into the car. It turns out that everyone was already there waiting for me.

"Took you long enough." Jonah said as he glared at me. He was really into this fresh air crap and likes to get things done. I just don't see this as fun.

Are we going to have ice cream after this or something? No? Okay, then this isn't going to be fun at all. And I'm really hungry come to think of it.

"Yeah well I'm not very fond of running." I mumbled angrily.

I didn't understand why were taking a car when we were going out for a run. We could've just ran there and back, but hey, I'm not complaining.

I decided to text Carson if he would like to come over later in today. It hasn't been a day since school on Friday and I missed him already.

I think I made a really good choice picking Carson. He's been extra sweet to me lately. I guess it may be because he doesn't want to lose me again.

In ten minutes we were here and everybody was eager to get some exercise. They were an athletic family. Key word: they.

"Everybody ready for some friendly competition?!" My mom asked cheerfully. It's funny because if she's in a competition she isn't friendly at all. I can tell that she's ready to beat everyone and get the prize. The prize of beating everyone.

I already knew I was going to lose. There was no surprise there.

Even before we started my breathing started to increase. I felt like I couldn't breathe and I had to catch every breath of air. I tried to shake it off as we started to line up.

"Can I sit out, I don't feel good?" I asked. I say this every year but this time I actually don't feel good.

Man, you lie every year and nobody will believe you.

"Nice try Noah but no." My dad said.

"It's not that bad, Noah. Stop being overdramatic." Ryder said. I glared at him as we all stressed. I whined as I put my hands on my knees panting hard now.

"This time I'm telling the truth! It's kind of hard to breathe now." I told them.

"Don't be a buzz kill." Asher grumbled. They continued to ignore me as we began behind the line. I kind of do like competitions but if they involve movement then I'm out.

Okay I really don't feel good, I thought as we raced across the field. I was actually in fourth place and not last for the first time. It didn't last long as my breathing increase and everybody passed me. My legs wanted to give up on me but I knew that wasn't the problem. My lungs felt like bursting.

My lungs started to close up as I fell to the ground. I didn't pass out but I was gasping for air and I couldn't say anything. My eyes blurred all around. I felt somebody picking me up and next thing i knew I was in the car.

I wasn't allergic to anything so I didn't know what was happening.

Wait! Was I going to die?!

I didn't have time to think as we arrived in the hospital before I blacked out.


Asher's POV.

I honestly don't know what happened. One moment we were running the next my dad was picking up a Noah who was gasping for air. First I thought he was being overdramatic but then I saw the look on his face.

His face was filled with so much pain and suffering. He was a healthy dude so maybe he was just very out of breath. For a second I thought about giving him mouth to mouth, but then that would just be so weird.

"Is he going to be okay?" Jonah asked me. His grey eyes staring into my green ones. I scratched the back of head and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe?" I said. I wasn't going to lie and tell him Noah was going to be alright when I had no clue. All I could do was hope for the best.

I was Noah's first younger brother and we have a pretty nice bond. If something bad happened to him I don't know what I'd do. I wouldn't know how to feel or act. He was our older brother and whether he liked it or not, we looked up to him the most.

We've been in the waiting for a long time and I was very hungry. I wanted to get out of here. This place is so depressing to me.

"Can't they just tell us what's wrong with him?!" Ryder asked angrily. I glared at him. He needs to be patient like the rest of us. We wanted to know too but we can't do anything about.

"Are you the Jacksons?" A doctor asked coming towards us. We all stood up and followed him into a room. Noah was laying on the bed and he was awake but barely.

"Hey, aren't you that doctor from when I had a car accident. Dr. Jack?" My mother asked.

"Wait, Annabeth Chase right?" Dr. Jack said. Mom nodded and shook his hand.

"I remember all names of my patients." He said.

Wait when was my mom in a car accident.

"I remember you." My dad said with a knowing smile.

"I especially remembered you guys because that was the day your mother shot herself." Dr. Jack said sadly. Annabeth kept her her head down. I couldn't tell if she was sad or she was guilty.

"Not to be rude but my brother!" Ryder said impatiently. It's weird how Ryder didn't give a damn about Noah and now he's all worked up.

"Right, should I sugar code or you want me to just tell you straight up?" Dr. Jack asked.

"Straight up." We all said in unison.

"Noah has a tumor and he may have a 95% chance of having lung cancer."

Okay, we need a ship name for Carson and Noah so you guys can decide amongst yourselves in the comment section. Don't forget to vote, comment and please share thus story to others.

Peace out!

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