Chapter 14

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Noah's POV.

"Nobody told me we were going to a Theme Park." I said to my mom. She shrugged her shoulders like it wasn't a big deal. It was a big deal and I can't just let this go. If I was a normal person then I would have been fine with the surprise, but I'm not normal. I am so afraid of rollercoaster rides that I vowed myself never to go near one. I'm breaking my own promise.

I can't tell my family because that I'll just ruin their day and they would make fun of me to the end. Yeah, that's not happening.

We all went our separate ways. It was dad and mom, Ryder and Jonah, and Carson and I. Grandma didn't come because she said she didn't really like parks and she was tired. She also had work to finish. She was going to publish another book. It was going to be here 17th book.

"Where you wanna go?" Carson asked as he looked around. I shrugged my shoulders even though I wanted to say home.

"Um you can pick and I can just sit out or something." I suggested. He looked at me weirdly.

"Why do you want to sit out?" He asked.

"Because...I...have...a problem! Yes, a problem! And the doctor specifically told me no rides of any sort." I lied. Okay, so I wasn't the best liar.

"Or is it because you're scared of riding a rollercoaster."

"What? Are you crazy? I love rollercoaster rides, but you condition." I said. He smirked.

"Oh don't worry." He leaned into my ear. "I'll hold your hand the whole time." He whispered. I quickly took a step back distancing myself from him.

" confuse me." I said. He really did. First, he goes off and kisses me and then he says it doesn't mean anything. And he wants to hold my hand?

He took a step towards me and took a hold of my hands. I tried to pull away, but he has a firm grip.

"Oh and how do I confuse you?" He asked. Suddenly my breathing quicken as he asked me that question. Can someone please just tell me what is going on so I know where I stand in this.

He raised an eyebrow waiting for me to answer his question. I shrugged.

"You just... I don't know. We should go on a ride!" I said trying to change the subject. He sighed sadly as he let go of my hands, but he still had a smirk dangling from his lips.

Then I hair realized that I suggested on going on a ride. They say there's a first time for everything, right?! I can do this and face my fears. One ride won't ruin my life.

Wait, it actually can. People die on rollercoaster rides all of the time. What if this one time I could be the person dead or something. Something could go wrong or something. This is a life or death situation and I didn't want to be part of it.

"What about your condition?" He asked playfully. Suddenly I couldn't take it no more. I dropped down to my knees and folded hands. I looked up to Carson and gave him a frantic look.

"Okay, okay there was no condition, but please please please don't make me go on that death ride. There's so much I haven't done in my life that I need to fulfill. I will do anything just to not even be near it. Please Carson!" I begged. He crossed his arms and looked at me and smiled.

"Not today. We are going on so many rides." He said. He pulled my back up to my feet and walked over to one of the biggest rollercoaster ride here. I knew, I just knew I wasn't going to make it out alive.

Carson handed the guy our tickets and we took our seat on the death ride.

"Buckle up!" Carson said cheerfully. I didn't reply, I was too terrified of even saying anything. I didn't know if Carson was joking or not but I grabbed a hold of hand. I expected them to be rough, but surprisingly it was soft.

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