Chapter 38

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Nico's POV.

Babysitting Percy's and Annabeth's children was challenging. I thought they were very disciplined kids. But all they do is fight with each other and they've been having bad attitudes.

Especially Noah. Ever since the dance he has been distant and quite rude. Honestly, I don't put up with kids like these.

I am too busy be be babying them. They're teenagers and they need to get their act together.

When I talked to Will about their behavior and stuff, Will had an idea.

Let's just say the boys didn't like it very much. They pretty much hated it. We forced them into sharing rooms. Well we switched it up. We put Noah and Asher in one and Ryder and Jonah in one. Problem solve.

They'll be best buddies in no time.

"I cannot do this anymore!" Noah came barging in the guest room looking as furious as ever.

"What?" I asked in my sleepy voice. It was about two in the morning and I was so tired. If I don't get my sleep then he'll breaks loose.

"Share a room! I cannot do this anymore. I will do anything to be by myself. Anything!" He shouted.

"Be quiet!" I yelled. "Noah, it's too early for this and I'm tired so ho back to sleep and shut the hell up!"

Will started to stir in his sleep. I didn't want to wake him up because once he's awake he is not going back to sleep.

"Ugh! You're like the worse uncle ever." He said angrily and shut the door close. I sighed and went back into my wonderful sleep.


Asher's POV.

"He won't let us separate." Noah said angrily as he climbed into his bed. I groaned and buried my face into my pillow.

"Why do they torture us?! I'm about to call mom." I said.

"And what? Tell her that we're having the worse time ever? That's not enough to make her and dad to come back. Be reasonable Asher." Noah said as he wrapped his head in a bandana.

I scoffed at him. "And do you suppose we should do?"

"Drive them away. Make them want to leave and then mom and dad have to come back. Just because we say things are bad doesn't mean our parents are going to believe us. We gotta let the adults do that for themselves." He said.

"Wow, first great idea you had in a long time." I said smirking. He glared at me and went off to turn the lights.

After a few minutes of silence until Noah started up a conversation. Jeez, all I wanted to do is sleep peacefully.

"I just don't understand." He said. Oh man, we're gonna have an emotional conversation again. Why can't he just sleep and not talk. It would do a lot of people a favor.

I sighed preparing for something to go down.

"What do you not understand? Math?" I said.

"I understand math perfectly, thank you very much. I just don't understand why we're fighting. We were fine before." He said.

This guy needs to learn how to shut up.

"Yeah we were, but that was before you started get special treatment." Noah groaned and shifted in his bed.

"What is me getting special treatment because I have cancer compared to you and your little brothers getting special treatment your whole life? That isn't fair. Mom and Dad are just very overprotective and while I am busy dying they're want to me to be happy while doing that." He said.

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