Chapter 10

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Carson's POV.

"You left so early." I pointed out to Noah as he organized books in his locker. He turned to look at me and shrugged.

"Yeah, stuff just... happened so I had to leave." He said sadly, but bitter. I patted his shoulder feeling sorry for him.

"You wanna tell me? I'm a great listener." I told him. He shook his head. Well better luck for next time. I honestly wanted to know what was wrong with him.

"I best not. It's a little personal. Not that I won't ever tell you, but just not now." He explained. I nodded and then the bell rang. I waved goodbye to him and headed off to science. It was actually my favorite subject.

I took a seat in the back of the classroom with some of my friends. They were pretty cool and very popular. I'm not one to turn out like them, but I'm very well liked.

"Hey dude." Jordan greeted me. I tried to pretend that I wasn't listening because he was annoying. Sure I hanged out with him, but that's because I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. People can get hurt if you tell them that you don't like them.

He waved his hand in front of my face. Now I actually have to talk to him.

"Oh hey, Jordan." I greeted back. He smiled at me. Even his smile was annoying.

"Carson guess what. The guys and I are going to play a prank on that freaky kid after school today. What's his name? Oh yeah, Noah! It's going to be dope! Are you in?" I felt uneasy about this. The guys didn't know I hanged out with Noah. And if they did I would never here the end of it. It's like befriending him is killing your own social life.

Not to be mean, but that's the way life is. But don't worry, I would never abandon him for a group of idiots like the ones I hang out with.

"Nah man. Not feeling it today. You should give the kid a break." I said. Jordan scrunched his eyebrows and so did Larry and Oliver. They were sitting with us, but didn't like to talk as much as we do. They were still idiots and so called bullies.

"What do you mean? The guy is gay!" Oliver whisper yelled. Larry nodded.

"What if he starts staring at the guys in gym class. He shouldn't even be allowed to change with us." Larry included.

"But he's still a human being. Cut the guy some slack." I said.

"Why are you defending him?" That was a great question. I usually would have just kept my mouth shut. After these three and a half weeks of school I think I can actually call Noah my best friend.

"Because he didn't do anything to you, so why...harass him? You weren't bothering him before." I said. Jordan rolled his eyes.

"I guess you weren't listening. He. Is. A. Freak. He doesn't belong." Jordan said.

"Whatever dude, just don't include me in the prank." I said. I sighed and didn't talk the rest of the class. I couldn't help but think that I had to warn Noah about the prank. I knew these guys since elementary and they aren't very nice.


Ryder's POV.

"Dude, you actually said yes?!" I asked in disbelief. Asher nodded proudly. I can't believe he actually has a girlfriend.

"Yeah I did. At first I thought it was going to be horrible because she's annoying, but it turns out that it's quite fun. Especially when she gets jealous when I'm talking to other girls." He said.

"Maybe I should try it out. I mean you make it sound so easy. How hard can it be?" I asked. Asher shook his head.

"Trust me on this one, you do not want this. It's too much commitment. You would break on your first day." He told me.

I was pretty sure that it couldn't be that hard. I'm going to prove to Asher that I can commit to having girlfriend.

"You wanna bet on it?" I asked while smirking. Asher shrugged.

"I don't know why you want to bet on something that you know you're gonna loose on, but okay. 50 bucks I say you won't keep her longer than a month." He betted. I shook his hand.



Noah's POV.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked Carson worriedly. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't really know, but just please be careful." He said.

It was currently the last class of the day and Carson was telling me that I was going to be humiliated by his friends. I wished he would have told me earlier so I can leave early. There was 2 minutes left of the class and I so nervous.

"Can you walk home with me?" I asked. Carson looked like he wanted to say yes, but he shook his head. Well that hurt.

"They'll think something is up if I'm seen next to you." He told me.

"All I'm hearing is that you're embarrassed to be seen talking or even sitting next to me by your friends." I said. He rolled his eyes and laughed a little.

"I can't believe you said that Noah. I would never be embarrassed of you or anything. I'm a loyal person."

"If that's so, then introduce me to them." I said. Carson's eyes widened. He didn't say anything so I turned away.

Then the dreaded bell rang. I looked over to Carson and he looked at me then walked away. I feel like this is a whole other Rocky situation. I'm just wondering if I'm ever gonna find someone who's fine to be seen with me.

I made my way out into the hallway waiting for something to happen. I made my way over to my locker and when I open it confetti came out.

That wasn't so bad. I didn't know what the whole big deal was about.

I grabbed my stuff and then that's when it happened. I pulled a string out of my locker and looked up? That's when gooey green and brown stuff fell down onto my hair and clothes.

People walked by taking pictures. At least some of them gave me sympathetic looks, but that wasn't making me feel better.

My caught with Carson's blue eyes and he was laughing. I wanted to punch something so badly. All of this was happening because of that person who stold my journal.

I now made it my mission to find the person who stold my journal and make them pay.

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Peace out!

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