Chapter 53

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Noah's POV.

"Did you all sleep well? Had a good night?" My mother asked the next morning. Her question felt directed towards me. She was eyeing me and gave my dad a weird glance.

It's like she knew something I didn't know.

Wait! She couldn't have known that Carson and I had sex yesterday night. I made sure we weren't making a lot of noise. It would be horrible if she knew. Most likely awkward. I wouldn't be able to face her.

"Yeah." My brothers and I said simultaneously.

Yeah, I definitely had a good night.

I looked down at my food as my face turned red. I couldn't help but think about all the things I did with Carson yesterday night. The way he made sure I wasn't hurting so much and took his time was sweet.

After that one time I want to do it again, but I know that one is good enough. Especially for me being fifteen and being sixteen.

My hand reached in for my ring on my finger. Ugh! I really cannot take my mind off of Carson. It was just so...amazing!

"Asher, Ryder, Jonah, why don't you head to school early and let Noah, and your mother and I speak for a minute." My dad said.

My heart immediately dropped. A million things were running through my mind. My head was pounding and I felt sick to my stomach.

"If he's in trouble, and I please stay?" Asher asked.

"Yeah, me too." Ryder added himself in. I glared at the double trouble. Oh how I wished that I could just beat them to the pulp.

"Get out of here." My dad shooed them all off.

Now I was alone with my parents. Am I going to die?

"Actually, I have to get to school early. I have a big test."

"Oh a test?" My mother asked.

"And stuff."

"I'll drive you to school today." My dad said.

"Um, okay. Am I in trouble?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Son, we allow you to date okay."

Here it comes.

"But you are too young to You're only a freshman and you have many years ahead of you." Percy said. I had to take the hard way out and lie. I don't want my parents thinking that I am even having sex.

"I-I'm not having s-sex. What made you think that I'm h-having sex?" By this time my whole face was red. I felt like seeing my pants at the moment. I hate getting in trouble by my parents.

"Noah, do not lie to us." Annabeth said sternly. I avoided her scary grey eyes as I feared that she would make me tell the truth.

And besides, my mom always told me that when in doubt lie. I'm just doing what she says.

"I'm not!" I yelled getting angry at them. I don't like to be accused of something I did do.

"Don't raise your voice at us." My mom scolded me.

"Listen to your mother." Why do all parents have to back each other up when it comes to their children?

"I'm not having sex! I did not have sex! And even if I did have sex, it wouldn't matter because everyone does it. Not just me." I didn't know at the time why I was so upset. But maybe it's because it's none of their business and I can do what I want.

"Well you are not everyone, you're our son and until you're old enough to make your own decisions then I suggest you tell the damn truth." My dad said angrily.

I groaned and through my head back.

"I don't care! Just leave me alone!" I yelled. I started to wheel my wheelchair away from then, but they had to be jerks and pull me back.

Stupid wheels.

"We're not done talking to you!" My mother yelled.

"Well I'm done listening. I have to go to school, so why don't you just f**k up!"

Everything went quiet and intense from then on.

"You've been misbehaving lately and I just won't tolerate that. You are too young and that is that. And you just proven to me that you're even to young to date." Mom said. Her voice was calm but her eyes were furious. That's the worst kind of angry.

"I'm not breaking up with Carson. I love him!"

"You brought this on yourself." Percy said.

"No! You can't stop me! I love him! I love him!" I was on the verge of tears. We will not break up for the third time. I refuse to go through that heartbreak again.

Carson is my everything. I can't lose him.

"Get in the car, you're going to be late." He said. I glared at my mother. Ugh! She makes me so mad!

"I'm not breaking up with Carson." I announce loudly.

"Until you get your act together then you are." Annabeth told me.

"No!" I yelled.

"Noah, you're sounding like a baby."

"Well I'm Carson's baby.

Tears rolled down my face as I propped my elbows on my knees and covered my face.

I cried even more when my dad let out a laugh.

"Stop laughing! It's not funny!" I cried.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's not funny." Dad said but I could hear him snickering.

"Percy, stop laughing!" My mother said in her own fit of giggles.

"You guys are so mean!" I rolled my wheelchair outside the house.

I hate my parents.

They're always so serious about everything or they make a joke about everything. There's no in between. I don't even know why people love my parents or even why they have so much friends. They are cruel and unreasonable.

"We're sorry, honey." My mom said coming outside. I turned my wheelchair away from her. She was not sorry at all.

"Yeah right." I said sarcastically.

"We apologized, now it's your turn." She said. I turned my wheelchair towards her and glared at her.

"For what? You guys were the ones who were being mean to me."

"For misbehaving and lying about you and Carson. Oh and also for cursing."

"Oh come on! Name one person who's from New York that doesn't curse!"

I do make a point.

"That's besides the point. What happened to the nice Noah. I don't like the mean Noah. I know you're going through a lot this year but please don't take out your anger in people. Why don't you just smash things or something like other boys your age."

"I'm not like other boys. I'm Noah." I said.

"Then start acting like Noah. I love okay."

I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

"I love you too." I told her.

"And I'm sorry for having sex." I said blushing while I looked down my hands.

"Okay, I'm gonna drive you to school. I don't want your dad to be late for work." She said.

"Do I have to go to school? I don't want it to be awkward between Carson and I." I pleaded.

"Okay, but don't let the others know. They'd just be mad and jealous." She said.

I'm really glad that my mom allowed me to stay home from school today. I would just feel embarrassed looking at Carson. I mean he did see everything.


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