Chapter 26

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Jonah's POV.

As soon as I got come from school I noticed that my parents were freaking out. But then again they always freaked out, so it didn't concern me at first, but something just told me nothing ordinary happened.

Asher and Ryder were panicking too. They never panic.


"What's going on?" I asked my dad as my mother ran to give me a hug.

"Noah's gone! He ran away!" My mother cried. She picked up a piece of paper and showed it to me. It was his run away note.

I then started to remember my mom telling the story when she was shut seven years old and ran away. Everybody is always saying that Noah and my mom were so alike. One thing they share alike is that they like to avoid the problem. And they were both attention seekers even if they didn't try longer attention.

I wasn't really worried about Noah leaving at all. I knew he would come back. Who would he go to for help.

Carson's house? They were best friends so he must know where he is. Lately Noah hasn't been hanging out with Carson. Or Rocky. I hadn't seen Rocky in ages. They might be fighting or something, though they had never fought.

I think Noah is a little selfish for putting stress on my mom. She's going to have babies soon and this is not helping her relax.

Why couldn't he just run away after she had the babies.

"We should contact the police." I suggested.

"We already did." Dad said.

Well I'm out of options.

"I hope he's okay." My mom said as she rubbed her temples.

"Mom, you need to relax. We'll find him, okay. Just go take a nap or so." I told her.

"Jonah's right, you need to rest." My dad said. Annabeth sighed and stood up. She walked into her room to sleep.

Okay we have one problem taken care of.

Now we just have to find my idiotic brother.


Noah's POV.

I am a very stupid person. I should have thought is a plan before I decided to run away. First of all, where do I go? I literally have no oje to turn to. Maybe that's the reason I left.

I don't even know why I left in the first place. Just because I was mad at Carson gave me no excuse to leave. I think it was that he said everyone abandons me and stuff.

It wasn't a lie, though.

I thought I would be happy just with my family, but my family isn't enough. What happens if their not there. Who would I turn to for help or something.

"Someone please help me." I murmured into my hands I sat on a random bench.

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see a woman. Not just any woman.

Carson's mom.

"Oh I'm just fine." I sqid politely as I stood up and tried to leave but she pulled me back down.

"I got a call from your mom. Your family is looking for you." She said.

"Yeah, I'm just heading home." I lied. She decided to sit down next to me and wrap her arm around my shoulder. I kind of felt uncomfortable. I never actually had a proper conversation with Carson's mother. I never even learned her name.

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