Chapter 52

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A/N: I'm not really sure how advance people minds are who are ready this story.  It may be to intimate for young readers so read at your own wish.

Noah's POV.

I awkwardly sat on my bed next to Carson as my heart was beating twice as fast. My palms started to sweat as my back hit the comfy mattress.

My face turned a into a darker shade of red as I thought that my innocence was soon to be replaced with some dirty pleasure. It felt right but so wrong. The two sides mixed very well.

"I didn't really think you were serious about this." I stated as my shirt was being buttoned down and my chest was exposed.

"Yeah well, I'm filled with surprises." He said as the corner of his mouth lifted up and his eyes gleamed with sudden mischievousness.

Truth be told, I wasn't filled with a lot of knowledge about this kind of stuff.

Man, my mom wouldn't be very happy if she knew that her son was getting it on while she was cooking dinner downstairs.

Maybe I should do a sudden recap all before I'm in this situation. It would give such a better understanding.


I bit my nails and held on to my books as I walked down the hallways of my high school. When Carson said he was going to take my virginity away, I began to worry.

I have to sing in front of him and if I don't do well then... know what will happen.

It's not even common sense come to think about it. I guess Carson was thinking about this for a while and finally he thought of something so he could do me.

We're meeting in the music room in five minutes to decide my fate. My voice feels all sore inside and my hands are shaking all over the place.

"Um, good luck." Rocky said next to me awkwardly. Of course I told him about this whole situation and all. After Carson, he's the person I'm most honest about to.

I kind of feel like such a loser  because I thought about telling my parents. If they got involved in my sex life then I am an official loser. I just can't help it though.

I mean I want to have sex and whatever but just of the thought of actually doing it makes me think. I do love Carsy (my nickname for Carson) so much already so would this even change anything. Would it be weird to talk to him?

"Oh, uh, thanks. I'm kind of scared though. I mean this is big." I said.

"It's just sex." Rocky said. The bluntness of his voice didn't make me feel any good. What did he mean by 'it's just sex'?

My feet stopped moving down the hall as I turned to look at Rocky. I took my nails out of my mouth and dropped my books. Without thinking, I gripped his grey shirt and stared him in his eyes.

"It's not 'just sex' it's a new chapter in life when your partner gets to see everything of you. It's like no more secrets are hidden. It's lust and love together. Until you have 'sex' with Jordan then I'll have you know that it's not 'just sex'."

Rocky rolled his eyes and laughed at me. He pried my hands off his shirt and bended down to pick up my books.

"Since when do you know what sex even is? Look Noah, this may be something big to you but it isn't big for me. Who knows anyways? You could be right once I maybe decide to do it with Jordan. And who even says that I may do it with him. So to me 'it's just sex'."

Rocky handed my books to me and then walked away. I guess he had a point. I should stop making big deals out of things. It's going to take a lot of me to stop, though.

I looked up at the clock and saw that it was time to go to the music room.

I opened the door with the music notes on it and saw Carson there sitting at the piano. He had an expressionless face as he watched me make my way over to him. I sat next to him on the black stool. We just sat there looking at the piano and occasionally glancing at each other.

I wasn't sure if he was going to say anything so I decided to talk first.

"So I'm going to sing now." I announced eyeing him at the corner of my eye. Carson nodded but didn't say anything.

What was up with him?

"But before I start I wanted you to know that I really love you. Just putting that out there." I had no idea why I was saying all this. Perhaps I was stalling...

"I really want to do it with you so I've been waiting for you to sing for the past five minutes. Sing." He was tapping his foot against the hard floor while he bit his lip.

"O-Okay." I opened my mouth to let out some lyrics. I honestly thought that I did good. I had to admit though, my voice was pretty cracky and I didn't hit all those notes, but hey, give me a break.

I stopped singing and stared at Carson. I had never seen Carson smile this big, ever.

"Looks like you and I will be having the time of our lives tonight.

Which brings us to the present.

"Yeah well, I'm filled with surprises." Carson said as the corner of his mouth lifted up and his eyes gleamed with sudden mischievousness.

I swallowed some spit in my mouth and my hands slowly reached down to the hem of his shirt.

My green eyes met with his blue ones as I pulled his navy blue shirt over his head. He then brought his lips to mine and sneaked his tongue inside my mouth. My breathing quicken as so did his lips.

My neck was soon wet and moist.

"Carson...I love you." I murmured softly against his ear.

"I love you too."

It was like my heart and the rest of my body stopped. I couldn't even hear myself even breathe as Carson's hands reached down to the zipper of my pants.

"I really don't want to make you do something you're not comfortable with." Carson told me. He seemed honest as he gave me direct eye contact.

I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

"I'm okay."

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