Chapter 43

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Carson's POV.

So finally on Christmas Eve Noah talked to me. He never really told me what's up, but we cleared things out. He wanted to be alone the day I asked him to meet me at my locker.

He told me he got in some trouble with couple of dudes but wouldn't tell me what had happened. It's like he doesn't even trust me anymore. Can't even give me a straight answer.

But he kind of made up for it by inviting me to have Christmas with his family. My mom is working on Christmas and my brother is at college. That means when my mom gets back from work late at night we'll have Christmas.

The Jacksons celebrate their Christmas in the morning though. Our families are so different.

So here I am in Noah's room and I don't really know what he's doing. He's in a weird position. He's out of his wheelchair and sitting on the floor. He's lifting up one of his leg with his hand and pulling it up and down. He switched his hand and did the same with his legless leg.

"What are you doing?" I asked Noah with a small smile on my face.

"Uh what do you think? I'm working out. Duh!" He said.

"Why?" Sometimes Noah is really weird. Like why was I ever interested in him?

Just kidding...

"So my body can stay fit. Carson sometimes you're so clueless."

Am I? Am I really?

"Can we go downstairs now? I want to open presents." I whined.

"But it's so much fun when it's only you and me."

"Yeah because seeing you fail to lift both legs in the air is so much fun." I said sarcastically. Noah giggled and reached out his hand to mind. He pulled me down and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you." I mumbled.

"I love you too." He said back to me.

"When are you going to come back to school?" I asked Noah. Noah's face dropped and shook his head.

"I'm not going back there. I'm doing school on my computer. Homeschool is pretty great. I get to sleep in and learn when I want to." He told me.

I wonder why this is the first time I'm hearing this. It's like he wasn't even planning on telling me anything. To me, it feels like the more I love him the less he trusts me.

"When we're you going to tell me this?" I asked him pushing him away from me. He had a hurt expression on his face.

That's so selfish of him. He has no right to be hurt right now. I'm the hurt, angry one. He doesn't tell me anything and I tell him everything. He has such a sudden change in his personality. He's not the same Noah Jackson anymore.

"Carson, I forgot to tell you. I've been caught in a lot of things lately. Sorry." He said sincerely.

"Yeah you forgot to mention to you're boyfriend that you were going to be homeschooled. I called you a million times and you didn't answer me. So you've been ignoring me."

"That's not true!" He cried.

"Oh but it is true. You haven't been telling be anything. It's like you don't even trust me. Noah you did some real damage here." I told him.

"Carson, it makes me uncomfortable telling you certain things. I can handle things on my own."

"Then I guess you don't need me here." I said angrily as I stood up.

"Carson, just wait. Can we not fight today? It's Christmas and I just want to be with you. I promise I'll tell you everything soon, but just stay." Noah said.

I sighed and sat down next to him.

"I don't want to fight too. I just want you to tell me the truth." I admitted.

"And I promised I will. Now can you help me back in my chair?"

"Why did get out of it anyway?" I asked while I lifted him up.

"It's not very comfortable sitting in a wheelchair all the time."

"But you're lucky to be in a wheelchair though."

"Yeah Carson cause having one leg is the best." He said sarcastically.

"No, I mean you don't have to walk or run. I know how much you hate running. " One day he went on a whole rant about he hates running. Nobody hates running as much as Noah does. Highly impossible. I'm serious, nobody even compares to how much Noah hates running.

I'm serious.

"It can be a good thing but I really wanted to drive. Now I hate myself for getting hit on purpose."

Noah's eyes widen and hr covered his mouth with his hands. Did Noah really say he jumped in front of the car on purpose. He ahd everybody worried. Why would he do this to me? I thought he was dead for sure! Honestly, he can be so selfish. Only thinking about himself.

"You did that on purpose? And here I was thinking that you just didn't look both ways. That was so selfish of you!" I scolded him.

"Carson, everything has been so hard at that time I just couldn't take it anymore. Please don't be mad." He said.

"How can I not be mad?! Do you know how much you worried me?! I thought you were dead! Dead, Noah! Just dead." I said angrily at him.

"I'm sorry." He said crying.

"No, Noah. You don't get to cry. Why would you possibly do that?! Sometimes I just can't stand you!" I shouted.

"Please, let me explain everything."

"No, I think I'm gonna go home now. You really disappointed me." I told him.

"Please don't go! Just let me explain. It's like I can't even be happy anymore. My brothers were so horrible to me. Carson, my family was falling apart. My life was falling apart. You know how I get bullied at school, but it was also taking place at home. But even worse. My parents left to New York. I was so angry at everyone. Something is wrong with me."

"Noah, I'll always be there for you." I suddenly felt bad for yelling at him. I don't know what Noah has gone through. His brothers can be pretty brutal and I've should've been there for him. If only Noah would just tell me what was going on with him.

"It's like I'm depressed all the time. You have to help me." He pleaded.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled up the sleeves of his shirt. This was exactly what I was afraid of. Scars all over his arms. Why would he do this?

"Don't ever hurt yourself again. Just promise me." I begged him.

"I promise."


Noah's POV.

I totally broke that promise.

Sorry, I haven't updated in a while. School is starting back up again and I have to prepare myself, and all that other stuff.

Anyways, vote comment and share.

Peace out!

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