Chapter 23

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Noah's POV.

First things first, something was up. Something that I don't know about, but Carson does. At first I thought I was delusional, but as I kept on seeing the change in Carson's behavior I knew something had happened.

It was November 1st and it has only been exactly 2 weeks since Carson and I broke up, but two weeks was enough for a lot to change. Carson doesn't talk to me anymore. Like at all. We don't skip school anymore and we he doesn't even look at me. I shouldn't feel this hurt about it. I'm only 15 and up there are more fish in the sea. Yet, I can't help but feel betrayed.

Maybe it was something I did. Or maybe it was something his brother did or said. Whatever it is, it obviously ruined Carson and I.

What if he just doesn't like me. He probably got tired of me like Rocky did. I wonder why it's so hard to stay friends with me. I've been told that I'm a nice guy.

Maybe it was just the universe telling me it's time to be alone for awhile. Nah, screw that. I just had to talk to Carson. He was a reasonable guy and if something was bothering him he would sure tell me.

I walked into the locker room to find Carson talking to some of his friends. I saw him looks t me in the corner of his eye. I tried waving at him, but he didn't seem to notice. That, or he was just ignoring me.

I decided that I was going to confront him after gym.

I sat on the bench and got dress. After that I headed out and I was actually one of the first people out in the gymnasium. Usually I would take my time so I wouldn't have to be here longer.

When Carson came out of the locker room I couldn't help but stare. He was laughing, throwing his head back as he held on to his stomach. I wish could make him laugh like that. I guess I've been staring a little too long because one of his friends caught me looking. I think his name was Jordan or something like that.

Well Jordan nudged Carson and pointed at me. I immediately looked away embarrassed that I had been caught. As I turned away I could here laughter in the backround. They were probably laughing at me.

By the time gym was over, I realized that Carson actually really didn't like me. When I would walk by him he would glare at me and make comments. He was always the one who told me to ignore those comments. Now he was the one making them.

What did I do?!

About 5 minutes before the bell rang I finally got the courage to walk up to Carson who was sitting with his friends. They all looked up at me as if I was a disease. Okay now I wanted to go back and just accept that he didn't want anything to do with me. It's too late now.

"Hey Carson." I said quietly. I looked at his face while I played with my fingers. It was the first time in my life that I actually dare to give direct eye contact. Worse timing though.

"The loser is here." Jordan coughed into his forearm. My face immediately heated up.

"What are you doing here?" Carson spat at me as he looked at me with pure discuss. He scowled at me waiting for an answer when I went quiet

"What?" I didn't understand this sudden change in him. What happened in those 2 weeks?

"Does he have to speak dumb to you?!" The guy named Larry asked. The other guys laughed. I think they were all in the football team.

"Can I speak to you in private?" I asked Carson trying to ignore the people who don't matter in my life.

"Whatever you have to say, you can say it to my friends." Carson said in a monotone. I shoved my hands in my pocket and I suddenly became angry.

"Why are you being such a jerk?" I asked him with a hurt look on my face.

"Why do you have to be a freak?" He asked so cocky.

Don't let him get to you!

"What is wrong with you? I never did anything to you!" I cried. He rolled his eyes and looked back at his friends with a stupid smirk on his face.

"I think somebody is going to cry. You're such a sissy." He said mockingly. I tried to tune out the laughter and fingers pointed at me. I didn't want to stay here.

"I hate you!" I croaked out as I glared at him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Is that supposed to offend me? If so, then I gotta let you know that I don't care for you at all." He said with a small smile on his face.

I turned away and walked out of the room with my bag.

This was all stupid! People were stupid and that includes me. I was stupid for trusting him. I should've listen to Rocky about Carson. If I could go back I would've never talked to him.

I sat on the steps of the front of the school. Maybe I could just wait until school was over and leave. But it was really cold so I decided to head back inside. Only then did I realize that I was crying. I am a sissy after all.

"Are you okay?"

I turned around to a girl with pretty long brown hair and blue eyes.

"I'm okay." I answered. She smiled and walked over to me.

"It doesn't seem like it. You can tell me what's wrong. I'm a great listener." This reminded me when Carson asked me what was wrong and told me he was a great listener.

I didn't say anything as I stared at her.

"I'm Alexis, but you can call me Alex. I just moved here." She told me.

"Noah Jackson." I said as I reached my hand out to greet here. She shook my hand and waved it like crazy. I laughed as she hugged me tight. She seems like a nice person.

"Sorry, but it seemed like you needed a hug." She said.

"Thanks." Actually that hug just brightened up my day. I could tell that she was good company.

"So Noah Jackson, I would like to be your friend."

Every friend I made left me, but I didn't care as I gave her a hug. I now knew that hugging was our thing.

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